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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. lord i ask 4 a hedge of protection around these ones, and peace that supasses all understandg for m,, no more a natral worrier: but a natural warrior:soldier:;:
  2. ok,,can get some assistance /support ,,a pray partner?
  3. u shud bind the strongman over ur mom thats using her 2 effect u, bind jezebel, witchcraft ,control ,manipulation, anger, all these spirits in the name of jesus,
  4. can perceive the out come if u leave ur mom as she is,, i think you know wat u must do but are hesitateing, ur mom needs help and support ,,it kud be 2 stressful for ur dad recovering,
  5. hi r/m,,,i hate typeg:type:,,,so i abrev werds an spell kinda funni as u may hav seen, ..so :welcome:to the site,, ,,,,
  6. grt scrips ther martin:bible:wen we walk thru fires, we be not burned walk thru waters not drowned, weeping endures 4 a nite but joy comes in the morning, we will reap if we faint not,, i identfy totaly wiv ur situation:hairraising:m/ldy,,our thorts an prays go out 2 u,
  7. i remembere that post,, it can be that your gift makes room for you, that church missed an oppertunity to experiance your goodness, but ther loss is someone elses gain ,,
  8. is ready at all times, ''a ever present help in a time of truble,, '' ,,, is ther a christian free call number you can call rite now ,,its best you speak with a person one on one,
  9. u decree ,,speak out verbaly, ,i put on the helmet of salvation,, etc,, go thru the list, then seek out a paster for adtional prayer an counciling, ,,if you are on any medication continuee 2 take it,
  10. the 2 red bulls caffine will increase ur heart rate, the scrpture says 2 pull down strongholds, bind the voices that seek to exalt themselves ,,take every thort captive, in the name of jesus, ,put on the full armour of god re ephesions, 6;10,
  11. im wiv the big C ,on this one,, if all he got 2 moan about is tone of voice ,,he needs 2 tuffin up, be a contributer notta minus, he dont appreciate his surroundings etc, its all about respect, if u cant do that fundermental then 4get about ministry ,,, ,,times r tuff, u need participants not anchors, i wud be haveing a confrontational meetg wiv him,, being soft around him isnt doin him no favours, ,,
  12. hi exo, ,,i sure relate 2 wat ur experianceing an feeling,, and i can understand your wanting 2 leave,, to be blunt, ive had way more frendlyness wiv my non beleava frends ,,i can only summise that you kud be the cattalyst for change ther,,i know about the ''in group ''thing,, ther must be a reason for this major issue,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, d,,,
  13. no not really, but it was soooooo unlikely, ive hadda lotta dissapointments so i guess it was hard 4 me 2 beleave it, but
  14. be4 easter i was blabbin wiv mia here,, an she hadda small vision of sumome blessing me an takeing me out 4 lunch, ,,i thort thers no chance of that happening ,,anyhoo, nxt day a frend txted me an said he'd like 2 visit an take me out 2 lunch an so we did, ,,, boss
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