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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. um not that i kno of, i guess its a point of knowing wer an wer not 2 go,
  2. i went 2 sum ppls house bout 2months ago, they wer in2 dodgey stuff, well,early this week i drmt i was being prayed 4 by ppl in anutha city, who i didnt kno, this spirit came off me, id been put 2 sleep ,,am woke as it left me, ,,so be weary sisda ,,u cant lock yrself away, ,,but u can choose who u hang out wiv, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, d,,innna werld of his own,,
  3. hmmmm id say yes an no,, if u opened a window for it 2 cum on u its possable, but if u r prayed up ,,full armouered etc id say no,, and i get wat u mean
  4. yes,, me 2,, ...ohh,, a mirrior,, im apprehended, ,,i may be sumtime,
  5. i hear u sisda ,,i think of balaam who wasa prophet, but went off the path due 2 muni etc, i wud ask lordy only wer u shud give, ,,i think if he said [the tv guy] give 2 sumone else id be more convinced, it may be the lord, ,,,be careful
  6. :lol!:that means fulla energy, not litaral senyoureta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now wer was i,,,
  7. k, i declare an decree the lords goodness an favour ova u, that u;ll be blessed goin in, blessed coming out, ,, that blessings will overtake u, pressed dwn, ovaflowing, ,,and a increase of ur anointin ,,that wen u ,,werds will flow likea river,, an that the same holy ghost that that rose from the dead will quikken ur mortal body, so u;ll be fulla beans
  8. hmmmmmm,,,i think if ur able jus stop wateva your doin, a realise its a wave of emotion overwelming you, ,,,gather your thorts,breathe, know your worlds not ending, ther must sum trigger that causes this, is low esteem an issue 4 u,?
  9. yep the widow who had debt an her sons wer 2 be sold ,experianced supanatral supply
  10. i faced a very stressful situation recently an was tormented by fear ,,then a old song by evie i herd on comforted me the line ''an he will turn ur sorrow in2 joy, '' an thats wat happened an fear gotta severe boot up the #$%@# ,,,,,,,,,,,, d storys,, tellem 2 ur kids
  11. hi havacook,, as the queen of england wud say ..''keep calm an carry on'',, the lord has seen the end frm the beginning, and our self doubts fears/worrys of our inadiquacys wont phase him,, remeba his plans 4 us r 4 gud not evil ,,,,,,,,,,,, d in the plan rite now
  12. wings ,,,,,,,,,,sumtimes it can be the first werd in a verse,
  13. remeba spoke 2 ballem thru his donkey ,,if it wittnesses 2 u then u shud be all ears
  14. well i wud say its doin the things ur called/anointed 2 do ,,but not trying 2 make sumthing come 2 pass in ur own strength /efferts, werby creating a ishmail, ,,,its very easy 2 become impatiant wiv the ,,esply wen his time frame dont match ours we can end up lookin like ,,,waitg 4 him 2 act ,,haveing a werd 2 stand on thats personal to u will sustain u,,rememba ther werd of the lord tryed joeseph, ,,,,,,,,anyhoo d,,,ah yes i;ll hold
  15. a long time ago,, wen i was a lill dee in the faith, i hadda aunt that i didnt know at all well cos during mi youth an yrs onwerd she lived in anotha country, ,,a very independant woman, resiliant an proud, ,, howeva in the fulness of time she grew old ,,an moved bak ,,an came 2 live wiv mi mom,, ,,my aunt was not in good health ,, eventualy she hadda number of strokes,, ,, an kud no longa move or talk, ,, her time 2 leave this place had come,, i went 2 visit 4 one last time, ,,we wernt close at all , but i knew i had one chance 2 speak about wiv ,, i got beside the bed, i held her hand,, i whispered in her if 2 squeeze mi hand if she kud undastand , me,,she did,, i asked if she wanted 2 receive as her saviour, an receive unto himself , well she squeezed mi hand ratha titely ,,i saw a few tears fall frm the corner of her eye,,i knew that she wud soon be safe wiv the lord,, i realised mi fear of sayin sumthing was nuthing 2 the joy that wud be on her face as that nite she passed away, ,,,,,i kinda feel its the most important thing ive dun in mi whole life, sumdays, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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