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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. i cant wait 4 mi Dee dolls come out from mattell, essenshell 4 evey household,,
  2. boss u sure know how 2 make mi day,,
  3. i hav werst memory ,,howeva ,,i know wen i post mi hyrographiks,, ,,wiv high end larfs incorprated,, im inclined 2 remeba,, ,,esply if thers boss teasein involved,, D diplomat international,
  4. um i had 3 grt posts on this topik, thers a gap in tha dates
  5. only owin knows how he wood look, jus not on mi watch,, ,, um she dont look 2 sisterly 2 me,, mnore like ,,, ,,um beggings not kool debsta plse refrain from such activity,, this camp D,,as u wer ,,debsta,, gen D,, wiv 5 stars,,
  6. all i can do is put mi hands 2getha debsta, i think the pushups look the most grueling ,, gen D ,,brings order whers thers kaos,
  7. folks this may not be pretty,, debstas econs r highly trained elite units,, 4 owen,
  8. yes but love seeing othas [ ],,joining in ,,
  9. hmmm busy doin wat??u kno owing wer ur treasure is,,ther ur heart will be also,, ,, busy i can accept,, but is i hav2 dispatch debster mp 2 sort u out ,, D
  10. yes i dont hav 2 spare patrols 2 keep lookin 4 u , expect spankin anytime soon, frm tha
  11. ,,,open doors 4 sisda that cant be shut, give her peace as only u can ,, ,,,,D
  12. ,,, soo many ppl r ,, so i lavish miself here an otha places, 2 bring wer i kan,, tha joy of D can be a strength,,, that comes frm
  13. S,, i think u will hav otha oppatunities ,, dont give up, go hard, i love riteing 2,, editer D
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