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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. hmm only ur quick repentance, saved u D fav tv progm is law an order,,
  2. ok 40 pushups private owin D
  3. ok u got winners on the ,,thankin the lord ,,not hideing ther faith,,
  4. i watched ama supercross last nite, jus orsome dirt bikes 2 of the winning riders achnowledge in a very strong way, ,, an they r true role models,, im so impressed cos thats a real image sport
  5. yes ,,lets agree 4 each otha swty,
  6. sure thang,, D ,,'' now if u hav ur bibles 2nite,turn wiv me 2,,,,,, ,,''
  7. i get u, ,,ther r probly 100s of fears that rule us every day,, ,,like fear of being rejected cos ur bein urself,, speakin ur mind,, ,,dressin diffrnt,, ,talkin diff, ,doin activitys or hobbys that r unique, , not conforming 2 otha ppls ideas /values,, ,,they get like this; i jus described me,,
  8. i havva creative mind, , even beautiful,, yes carry on,, O.. D
  9. D i accept ur ''i o u '',, owin,, now owing 2 ur fortunate circumstances of joining up 4 D talk 101,,u r 4eva in mi debt,, ,,ohh try not run b4 u can walk, ,,,ten hutt,. ok as u wer ,, ,,, gen D shapeing tmrws werld 2day,,
  10. i kood do wiv summa that V,, D,,
  11. glug glug glug ,,i cant hear u cos im sinkin, ,,i can see ur mouth movein ,, but wen ur undawata its awkward,2 see how blessed i am miss prince, but im sure ur rite, ,,,,,,,, D,,rollin mi eyes 2,, at u
  12. umm ,,ptl i guess,, u gotta love that compassion,, ,,i havnt 4gotton lordys past ,,but im weary of this battle,, ,,im jus sayin,
  13. owin,,im sure its the s of sistas ,,an urself helping me, D at home in this yoga position wiv remote,,
  14. D ,, yes of course,, that is the way of the D... ,,as u wer,,
  15. sure,, ,,braggin is one of mi best giftgs,, next 2 blabbin,,ask mi sistas,,
  16. lique,, hope i got the spellin rite, ,, D,, majored in english
  17. yes owin, thats true,, jus tryin 2 get mi allowance frm Dad can be hard at tmes, ,,,um i figured mi title shood get 2 the point, ,,,,,,, 4ur s,, gen D
  18. by fingatips on edge of cliff, im tryin not 2 look dwn, ,,,,,,,,, lurds,
  19. ,,mi small job cancelled,, ,,im outta cash an food now,tha bank is , at me ,,,, D goin down in his boat, ,,dont kno wat 2 do now,,
  20. you;ll be fine swty,, jus do,, it is well,, bishop D,,
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