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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. behold the D 101 talkers,,,, ,, as ur principle ,D ,im soo proud,, PH D,,,,,,
  2. yes well this guy waz in the morgue,, ,,, D talkin serious, ,,,,,,,,, ok thats ova,, D bak 2 normal now,, ,, now wer waz i,, ,,,,oh yes wakein owin up,
  3. well i know a guy who died,,, i seen the scars, went 2 hell ,,,an jesus spoke 2 him an drew him out ,,took him 2 heaven then sent him bak 2 erf,, ,, D got frends in high places,,,
  4. grt news, D in fred flinstones ka,,
  5. well i kno ppl who hav strong personalitys, they r ppl who lead ,pioneer, who r tuff ,, but they dont control.or manipulate or opress, they do wat ther supoosed 2 do,,u dont feel bad around them cos ther not climbing ova u 2 get sumwer, ,,tru leaders inspire,, ,,conversely ppl ive knowen irl wer i live wiv jeze spirit often hav rejection issues,, want u asa pawn in ther lives,, opress u,, manipulate an control in any area,, i hadda bad pasta, nearly destroyed mi life, it was the werst,, this is a very breif reply swty,
  6. its grt news,, but seenin doves baby D preskool werds ,,is priceless, D ,,4 all ur learning requirements,,
  7. ok asa ''rule ''put ur best ''foot'' 4ward,,..dont be a ''square'', ,increase ur ''circle'' of frends,, ,,an watch all ur movys in 3D,,,, gen D takin the lead,,
  8. D ,,excellant,, smithers excellant,, gen D filling in 4 mr burns re the simpsons,,
  9. gen D goes thru hell but dont stop ther
  10. i think ur out on a tangent here, ,,dont want u gettg outta shape on this one,, genD always in stayin in shape,,
  11. sumtmes i get ther, ,, as u wer ,, D
  12. im jus sayin he has the keys 2 death an hell,hades means the realm of the dead,,i dont think this is the lake of fire,, but in the end if has the keys ,,he can go ther,, ??afta all he runs the universe,
  13. i think u can confuse personality types wiv this spirit,, i dont think it comes in differeent sizes, i kno ppll who r unda its influence and othas who r free of it,,
  14. orsome posts grt ,,,, um i was thinkin takeing the keys of death an hell, ,,, D doin theologikal reserch,,
  15. ur enemies had2 flee from u boss,,
  16. ,,, D assistant lawyer 2 the boss,
  17. boss it was mi d shirt an mi they had 2 surrenda,, D fightg in the trenches wiv tha boss, ,,,
  18. ,,um dont 4get mi copyrite,, a D shirt,,,
  19. i;ll do one 4 u now boss ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, D designer clothing,,
  20. we got ur bak boss perhaps u kood print that out an put it out 4 the dude 2 see it,, and im not prayin in tungs,,
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