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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ohh mi,,, its easy 2 get drained these days, ther r many needy ppl,, seems like most ppl r faceing crisis of sum kind, u need sum special 'me time'. dont 4get the real werld stuff like rest, ,, good food ,, an very important fun ,,, an ,,,, ,,, an good frends supportg u, ,,,,,,,,,, D ,,,, life coach
  2. i was in city,, piking uppa kitten,, ,,it was soooo cute,, an i it imediatly, ,,, i held it in mi arms ,, it was about 2-3 months old, an kood walk ok, ,, i put it on the footpath,, an we walked abit,,it had really confidence an walked tuff then in the crowd i lost it, ,, i freakd, ,, i looked up an dwn streets,, an finerly found ,, watta releif,, so i carried it,, then as i walked dwn the street,,i looked ova 2 a shop,, an in front of it lieing against the wall wasa leoperd,, it wasa ther all the time ,, ppl wer totaly comfortable wiv it,, it had been ther 4 a long time ,,it saw an smelt the kitten ,,an kitten saw it ,, kittys body went ridgidwiv fear,, ,, i was concerned, 4 safety ,, the leoperd kood eat kitty in one bite, ,, i headed 2 the city zoo, ,, i walked thru traffik, ,, it was a moderate desenct,, the leoperd was stalking us, ,, i got 2 zoo, but still not safe,, i saw leoperd saunter in2 zoo along wiv otha ppl,, ,,they didnt even notice it,, ,, i shouted out 2 guards 2 help,, they wer like um ok,, ,, i ended up in lion enclosure,, near a high viewing platform,, ,, i shoutd the guards 2 get me an out,, they wer still goin..'' um ok be ther ina minute then i saw the leoperd leap 2wards us,, drm ended,, i woke up feeling much afraid,, ,, i dont hava kitty, irl,,so i wonda wat it represents,,
  3. well it sure sounds like one 2 me,, was all ears wen u said it,, read numbas 30;2,, ,,while lordy dont expect u 2 fix urself, im sure ther is an aspect of ur participation in this event, 4 drastik results chekout judges 11;30-35,
  4. vows can also mean like doing wat i said i will do,, it dont hav2 be 2 the lord ,,,but just in everyday life,,
  5. grt news, um im not sure how gurls group goes,, but heres wat i Dee wood do,,, u can modify as needed,, um select a suitable time around ur family responsibilitys, perhaps 7;30 pm ,, u kood study a portion of scrip an then yall kood ,, ,,, maybe start off small, 6-8 ppls,,, in a group settg u always get quiet ppl.. who may need encourageing, an conversly some ,, strong personalities,, ,,so as u as boss u need 2 regulate things,, a good idea is 2 stik 2 a time limit say 2hours including ,,time, or as suits the group, u will hava wondaful time im sure, ,,afta all joyce meyer started in a home group, ,, ,,,,,,,, apostle D,,,,
  6. :lol!:um yes id love sum cake,, D,,,,,,,,,,,, ohh um ,, swtys..
  7. 2 debrahh,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, D ,,loves birfday cake,,
  8. hi D,,, i kno ur feeling ,,, life is hard 4 many ppl,, but kno this that tha says in jer 29;11 that god has a future an a hope 4 u,, realise ur on the planet 4 a reason,, ,, is ther sumone close u can tyalk 2 ,,if ur feeling condemed kno that its a tactik of the enemy,, 2 try an take u out, ,, but u wer predestined 4 good thangs, kno that ppl here care 4 u ,, ,,,,,, D,,,
  9. C ona roll ,,,daannng gurrrrlllllllllllll,, ,,u preaching again, ,,,,,,,, D,, i got tikets 2 the next show,,
  10. j,,, um mi observation of the culture of the day was very patriarchial, ,, plus the genealologies r prefaced by the man , the story shows abraham as the central figure, ,,um as much as id like2,, i cant really say why lordy did it that way, ,,,,,,, Deebraham,,,
  11. um funny how sara blamed abraham 4 her actions,, ,,um sara didnt hav the encounta abraham had, so was really kinda tagging behind, ,,,,,,,, D,, way out,,
  12. :happydance:yes ther r examples of a second chance ,,, is sooo full of grace, 2wards us,
  13. um i havnt read the chapta yet im jus ona roll, ,, um i havent herd wat i said either,, it jus kinda appeared in mi head as i was ,,,,, u kno how i roll ,,
  14. yep,, an a great arab nation is the result so the ''werd '' was super-nateral,,,we hav a nu testiment version,, ''an the same spirit that raised frm tha dead,,shall quiken our mortal bodys'',.,, ,,can i hava in da house 2nite,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,, D,, um books cds at tha bak ,,,
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