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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. its mas in the land of D U,,, jus wanna all, ur D,,,steadfast,,imoveable in the lord...
  2. um wer ur treasure is ther ur heart will be also,, i really think the amout is imaterial, sum ppl give 90% of ther income, ,, i jus feel wen ppl r compelled 2 give its wrong,, i agree wiv ,,let all our doing be dun froma cheerful heart ,,, D
  3. i dont kno a single beleaver who hasnt sined afta being saved , so by ur applikation of scripture ther remains no more sacrifice 4 those ppl, therfore heaven will be empty, titheing became law in the old testiment,, if ur gonna live that way u hav2 obey all of it, so ur obliged 2 do all the other offerings aswell, ,,its funny how u only here ppl preach on thighing ,, wen u ask about anutha old testiment area they say ohh we dont need 2 do that ,,its old testiment,, im not against thighing, but i dont see it as an absolute in the new testiment,, more that ppl gave according 2 ther means,,
  4. ohh my heres a little jesus rite here, ,,,
  5. u cant argue wiv sistaC ,,she got it goin on,, D
  6. i wonda how small i can shrink him i know he lives in mi heart so hes gotta be fairly teeny weeny,, ohh my D
  7. ,well id be gone by now,,ther r serious issues ther m/j, but up 2 u swty,
  8. of korse,, we wer created 4 his good pleasure, not 2 look like this ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, D
  9. bible says wer 2 lend not borrow,, boy thers nuthing like a money topik 2 get things goin
  10. yes lurdy i was thinkin of that show wen i postd,, ohh im releaved now
  11. now ur talkin boss ur on ok im jus adjustin mi throne here,,
  12. i didnt take outta christmas,, i jus hate typeing so i shrunk him, in2 xmas, it wood be illogikal 4 me asa beleaver 2 remove the one ,, i beleave in, ya;ll kno i rite short hand, this has been a ova sumthang very minor, ..i hope im klear on this,
  13. hmmm um ok, well i wood jus askthe lord wat u shood give,,dont be manipulated or guilt driven 2 give thats jus plain carnel flesh,, let peace be ur umpire in ALLTHANGS ,, D
  14. i kno ,,i kno, i love doin stand up ,, esply wiva captive awdiance,
  15. m/j ive been wher u r rite now had tha same message werd 4 werd,, even werse,, i had 2 leave that ch,, becos of control an legalism,, i kno churchs hav become money hungry monsters 2 maintain all manner of things,, i suggest if ur not comfy/happy wher u r ,, u shood consider moveing, ,,D
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