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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ,,i kno i was lost but now im found,,,, um i got 4 u,,that shood bring u bak
  2. yes i Am the auther of it, ,,i hav ur name in econs ,,,,,,, ; ,,,,,,, ,, ma pikcha of me = ,,an mi own econ ..D,,
  3. i dont kno tha on this but its 2 stop pfishers D
  4. not all health issues frm demonik attack,,i like uyr medicene .. great therapy ,, D
  5. i sent outta seach party 4 youuuu,,, D
  6. kerep away from feesh an cheeps sweety, D
  7. rejoicin wiv u,, ,,ur cup runth ova,,
  8. jus read the old testiment god communicated 2 his prophets via drms,, 4 the nation of 3 million ppl, i wood be cautious,, only 2 say that god can use otha methods of talkin 2 us,, but dont throw drms out,, yo feel me, D
  9. my puta ,,dont show those options ugh,,
  10. ohh i only hava few emocons in mi pm dept ,, uigh how do i get tha same as on the site??
  11. um huni i shrunk the [kids]/screen,,, an like conni said it was ittybitty,, so ive restored it i will jus suffer it,, UNPTL,,, fer checkin on me,, boss,
  12. careful now,, the buffets hav taken many captives,, D..
  13. jusss reeecceeive ma anoointin rite ther sistha, , ther it is,, take it now connie ,, beeeeeeee filled,,,
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