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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. i wasa jus about 2 type the same thing,,im sure he;ed take a very dim view of u doin that,, ,,hmm im wonderin if he was keen 4 otha woman 2 come ova but it wasnt convieniant,,
  2. um kood he be in a no contact situation?? um im assumin he left in good spirits,,
  3. ok,,,um im lookin fer ma ,,,i put here sumwher,,
  4. i jus been 2 a conf,,ther was limited seating,,i got ushered in2 tha pastas section,, um is it a sign?? i do wonda,, B/D
  5. dreamster


    wat else can i say,,
  6. dreamster


    id thort u been in detention 4 about 6months,, D
  7. i see ur prayin in tungs is goin wondafuly well,i love that,, B/D
  8. well young jedi i did refer 2 ur werd at the end,, besides u got ,,,um i dont think i got ''lost in translation''.. D
  9. looks like u dunna course in D language 101,, i guess i kood give u a A grade 4 that,,sucha promising student,, ,,grt use econs,,i commend thee sistha,, D,,um good wrd 2 btw,,,
  10. im floored wivout him but some times i hear his voice,, B/D
  11. sure but we;re spirit beings,,that hava soul an live ina body,,id 4 get about bein human its onli 4 a short time that we r,,ptl...i wood think of gods gifts 4 all men like scrooge Mcducks money bin,,an id jump rite in and bath in them like he did wiv his money,, ,,um bible exhorts us 2 desire ernistly spiritual gifts,, ,,,u hav been learned bishop Dee,,
  12. grt werds,,u shood ritea book,,
  13. ohh nu profile boss, nice not so chilly, ,,um yep N im wiv u on this one,,i kno that paralyzin feelin,eekk ,,but goin frm to.. D
  14. D at ur service,,shood i takea memo?? cant guarentee how it wood turn out,,im sure it wood be colorful,, D
  15. a capital reply,LMI.. u need 2 go thru mi gramma skool again??
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