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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ohhh ur sooo wonderfulll,,, D
  2. yep..he seems 2 be on a roll at the moment,, :cute: :cute: :cute:
  3. i got more work,,as one job ends anutha opens,, :cute: :cute: :cute: be encouraged ppl..
  4. hmmm yes S2 u make some sad but true points,,, :uhoh: there is also the possability that the person ur waiting 4 has the choice 2 not be ur partner even thouh they r gods choice 4 u,,ther is still this free will aspect that god doesnt violate,,i wood hate 2 see someone wait 4 years 4 someone ,only 2 have them go a different path,and the person waiting is devestated,,,it wood be earth shattering,, im devided on this issue,,i think it happens 2 a small number of ppl,,not an absolute,,i mean look at how many devorces ther r in christian marriage,,up2 50% split.. i kno u cant blame god 4 that,,im just saying,,well thats my worf,, D
  5. :cute: i had just finished my last contract wiv nothing in sight work wise,,there r alotta outta wrk ppl where i live,,then i met this couple in2 cafe ,,talked,,and now i hava $10,000. contract,, :crazy: :crazy: yes he can ppl..be encouraged :cute: :cute: :cute:
  6. ohh lordy lurdy u sooo :funtease: me.. :thankyou:
  7. thats amazin,,i'll keepa nose out 4 that,,i was thinkin more bbq.... t u lurdy
  8. yeah joycebaby,,, :cute: :cute: um lurdy wat does love smell like??? :crazy: :snicker: :
  9. um there maywell be generational stuff that needs dealing 2,,uve had enuff junk 2 deal wiv already,,that tells me there kood be historical issues,,give it somethought,, um dove sololutions is experiancved in this area,,pm her 4 any questions u may hav,, D
  10. my weakness is that i look at my weaknesses an not at my strengths so i feel :babymonkey: instead of ,,,but im doin betta,,,t u 2 my faithful encourageing frends...
  11. ohh lordy sweety,,if i do that ,,u mite have 2 take up an offering sweety,, :crazy: :thankyou: :thankyou: [ cash,cheques,creditcards r welkome]....
  12. god cannot abbandon u,, ur his treasure,,,he will start and complete the work in u ,,,christ in u tha hope of glory,,, u will make it tru,, D
  13. um uve done very well blossom,,and i think ur site name is quite appropriate 4 u..as the lord does his deep work in ur life u will blossom..im sad ur pasta wasnt able 2 help u ,,,a lotta pastas arnt equipped 4 this type of ministry, um ur on the upward path,,,be patiant wiv urself,,love urself and 4giveurself,,,jesus has paid the price 4 every thing we hav done past ,present an future,, hes not freakin out even if his body does,, :eek: :eek: ther is more grace than u will ever need ok.swerety,, only by grace can we enter,,only by grace can we stand,, hope this helps a little wer here 4 u '' all 4 one'' D
  14. um u need 2 pray tru ur house anoint windows entrys wiv oil,,have a prayer partner,,play some anointed musik..ask god 2 fill the house wiv his glory,,um i ve had jezzebel attacks,,watch 4 deppression,fear,unbeleif,,suicidel thoughts,,leathergy,,dispear u need support ok.. hope this helps u.. :seespeakhear: D
  15. um definately a spiritual problem,,i wood say the outta twn woman has a spirit that is active in connecting wiv possable partners,,ive heard of that kinda thang happening ina group of ppl,,the same spirits atract,,,there isa soul tie of some kind,,pray 2 bind the strong man,, D hope this helps,,,
  16. maybe theres still a future 4 u both,,wood u give him a second chance???he was a somethang b4 he became an ex rite???'' D
  17. :cute: :cute: :cute: thats great news sweety,,good 4 u,,,wat is the job ur doin???
  18. um this case mite not be true,but im certain this has already happened in a family 2 some degree,,somewhere
  19. hmmm sounds almost intentional wat shes done b4 ur probation,, am i rite???D
  20. um ,,this is the comedy site,,??? rite???
  21. hey litebulb ,,u wanna borrow ma razor huny???
  22. thank u sweety that means sooo much 2 me,, :cute: :cute: may the lord bless u an keep u ,,in all his ways,, [or most of them] :roflx: :roflx: :roflx: ,,i dont feel like i need prayer??? :snicker: :
  23. um if i kept quiet im worried that the stones may have 2 do it.. ohhh lordy ,she made me say...it.. :roflx:
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