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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. yes, very scary indeed. I think of Psalms 91 for some reason when I read that.
    Psalm 91

    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]
    2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust."
    3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
    4 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    5 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
    7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
    8 You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.
    9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
    even the LORD, who is my refuge-
    10 then no harm will befall you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
    12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
    14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
    15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
    16 With long life will I satisfy him
    and show him my salvation."

    Even so, I pray it is as such with your father!!!In Jesus.

  2. Yes, I agree with you guys. This puts me in mind of Jesus, with the miracles of the fish and the loaves, and of how, through the miracle he was teaching the disciples that the Lord is able to take little and make much, that Jesus has control over the natural. That by Him, for Him and through Him were all things made, so He is in control over it all. That seeing Him work miracles and wonders in our lives should strengthen our faith in the fact that He can do all things. If He says, feed the people, He will give you what you need to feed the people, multiplying what you already have in your hand. If He says get into the boat and go to the other side, He is going to make sure that you make it to the other side. He did all that so that they would believe and know on more than head knowledge that He was the Christ. To know that His word is true and will not fail. Nothing can stop you. Are you a watchman? You stated that you were standing on a line. Was it a measuring line?

  3. 153 is the number of fish that Peter caught in his net after Jesus appeared to them post-resurrection. Remember, they were on the beach? This was the point where Jesus is restoring Peter. Every saint experiences restoration on a regular basis, but this restoration is one we can be acquainted with when we feel that we have failed God, or betrayed the Lord. This was the restoration that Peter needed. The number 3, is the three denials, which caused Peter's need for restoration, versus the three affirmations, which was Jesus' consigning him to headship of the church and back to his apostleship role. Refocusing Peter on what he really was - a fisher of men. I probably did talk myself back out of my explanation, but hey, I tried to clarify! LOL.

  4. Oh, thank you for the interpretation, MBStudent! I just got into the book of Ruth, last night before I went to bed, and also read the end of Samson - the reason I was reading about Samson is because of my hair, my covering, because of the angels. I cut it, and I don't want to say this, but I will, a lot of things have happened since then. I mean, my hair was down my back. I broke my vow, and suffered for it. Hear that everyone,\? Pay your vows.


    In my dream, I was standing at my desk and a fellow worker asked me how things were going. I was like, it is well, but I could use some more money. I only make about 900.00 every pay period. When I worked in small business, I was making about 1500.00. I feel the difference. I would love to go back. The lady asked me, why don't you? I had my hair done in a curly down look. I had on a stylish pearl-buttoned shirt that buttoned up the neck for a nice school Marm look. I had on a long skirt and boots. Anyway, I said that as soon as there was another good opening, I was going back to the small business unit. Then the dream shifted to someone in the bank who was also working there. They had a gun, and was trying to subtily rob the bank. I was in a sheriff's deputy uniform, complete with the gun, the heavy winter coat and hat, and the uniform, and the stars on my shoulder and a badge on my torso. I took the gun from her. Then a man tried to take my gun, but it was an old glock, and it did not have any bullets. I had one gun in my holster, but I also had a .357 in another holster. I was with several other officers, my sisters and brothers, and we were working together to keep the peace. I went outside, and there was my horse. Really weird. It was cold too. I felt cold in the dream, like when you go outside when it is frozen. My nose was cold. Real strange. I spent the rest of the dream disarming bad guys without firing a shot, or actually having to aim the gun.

  6. 153 X 3, it reminds me of how peter denied Jesus three times, and fell. Thereby, Satan really did sift him (him being seed from the plant of christ). Peter went back to what was familiar to him, his old life. He thought that he could no longer be used for the Lord, since he denied the Lord, and then misused his name (he cursed, said he did not know the man). Jesus had him let down his nets, as he had done previously. Previously, Peter said, "Lord, depart from me, I am a sinful man." because of his unbelief that the Lord was able to do and know all things (but failure). This time, when Peter put down the nets and drew up all those fish, there was a restoration that was about to take place. God was still working miracles to get his attention and focus on Christ, and what he was really called to do - go back and be a fisher of men. Then Jesus asks him if he loved him, because if you loved me, you will feed my lambs (the smallest and most vulnerable, the ones you don't mind taking care of), take care of my sheep (the ones you may not want to deal with, because they go astray and need more guidance), feed my sheep (the ones who come with nothing, but have a need that I have equipped you to fulfill). I thought it interesting to note that after Jesus had risen, he appeared many times, in obviously different faces not recognizable as the Christ, but because He walked as He always has, working miracles, being faithful and communing with Father, that spirit that is Christ makes Him recognizable. Because of the things that He does and says that are uniquely Jesus. Is God calling you to do these things as well, Nelda?

  7. LOL, amen, amen. this is why we need to seek a multitude of counsel, because I couldn't see to understand this dream. Really, this does reflect many things that have occurred this past year. I know that God is taking care of me. I desire to do the work of a missionary, of an evangelist. The devil keeps trying to trap me, but I feel doors opening up. I just have to be patient and prayerful.

  8. I came on to post my thoughts that this was about God's revealing Himself to you, and about your anointing, and someone else saying, that ain't real, you ain't real, but when I got here, you all were already saying it. Alright, now ladies!!!Praise the Lord. It is equivalent to the statement that God can't and isn't using you. But the laugh is on them, because the Lord will be your vindicator.

  9. I just woke up. I went into a very deep sleep. This is the second dream this week that I have had that the scene plays itself out twice. I will try to bring clarity to the dream as I post.

    I dreamt that my mother was driving this huge SUV. It was dark gray with tinted windows, and sort of reminds me of a Hummer3, but not one. It was very lifted off of the ground by its girth and large tractioned tires. She drove right up to my friends' house to pick me and my nephew up. I told him to get in, and then I opened the back door to the vehicle by unlatching this handle that was about as long as my forearm. It was like a security latch. It couldn't be used unless it was disengaged by magnetic lock. The front of my mom's vehicle had a wench on the front of it. I have never seen that before IRL. This was a vehicle that mom could literally turn on its front wheels without needed a lot of space for the vehicle. A very compressed circular turn. I was getting something from my friends and they were unwilling to let me go, even to the point of trying to take my wallet so that I would stay. I took it away, and got in the vehicle. One girl was trying to hold onto me and hug me, but I felt everything they were trying to do was for an alterior motive. That one girl was trying to entice me, but I was freaked out. She was very pretty, and I thought she had a man. She tried to kiss me, and make body contact. She grabbed me hard, and I pushed her away so that she fell. I was very surprised. I yelled, "get off me!" IRL, I probably would have done that. Then I went back through this whole scenario. IRL, I have never had a girl try to pursue me so much. I have had them express interest, but ewww! Not my thang. Not my thang. When I woke up, I felt sick and sickened, like drained.

  10. Wow!!!Ok?! What am I supposed to think about that? I had an impression of a man in a white suit with a shock of hair that was gray, with a ring on his finger that had a gem, and he had a carved cane in his left hand. He had a flower in his lapel and a kerchief in his breast pocket, and he had on an light amber colored shirt, at any rate, a funny-colored yellow, and a tie. This is the image that I had of him up there. I am truly puzzled, now! I have to research him more. I forgot to mention, he had glasses on. So I edited.
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