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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. That is a beautiful testimony, d123. For the longest, I would not post on this subject, because I have a tumor. However, I am believing the Lord to remove it all the way. Two people gave me a word of knowledge pertaining to the tumor. I was at the Mardel's book store getting a new bible, when the first person gave it to me. I was shaking, because I had just found out about it. I forgot my wallet at work, and I was on empty in my car tank. I told the cashier why I was rattled, I don't know why, and the lady behind me, prayed for me, paid for my bible, gave me gas money, and then said that my tumor was enclosed. So then I went home-I had a women's meeting the next day, and we all prayed about it, and then my friend SS said, It's enclosed. Then I visited my specialist, and then went to get my MRI. After the doctor had time to view it, he said the same thing. It was enclosed. I believe that it will be removed. When I go for an exam, I keep looking to see when it will be gone. So praise the Lord, and thank God for you.

  2. Ahhh, how terrible, but maybe he cannot go with you to the level that the Lord is taking you to, dreamy. I consider Hebrews 26At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." 27The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
    28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably wth reverence and awe, 29for our "God is a consuming fire.", that he was shaken out of your life. I am not trying to take these scriptures out of context, but we live in a world that is clearly being shaken and is truly having birth pangs. As hard as times are, we all need a little money, but it is more profitable for you to forgive him and release him of the debt. Watch how it comes back to you.

  3. Amen, yes, thank you Jesus! You are so faithful. Yes, I have been sick from various diseases since I was saved 14 years ago, also going through all types of financial distress and issues that were external, but also needing to be healed in my heart. God is making me strong for the work. I thank Him so much. Because not only has He healed me, He has made me whole.

  4. This may be a dream about your ministry within a larger ministry, and when I say your ministry, I mean family is a ministry as well. It may be that this larger ministry is taking your ministry somewhere. Moving trucks are temporary, only rentals, unless you just happen to own the truck. But it seems that there will be a decision time when you decide to leave the ministry. Be careful not to go before time from the larger ministry, because it may cause some issues like feelings of hurt and let down, and discourage you before you can even take off. See, you were in control of when to release the parking break. No one else. So instead of that being a burden to you, if you will be patient and wait until it is time to leave. That way you will be whole and able to do what you have been called to do.

  5. I also wanted to say the RX to me means the word of God, and that you are applying it in wisdom, you have not a lot of meaningless words , but you use a few words that when they are said, they are impactful, and healing to the soul, quietly and pleasantly spoken, and understanding of what it takes for a person who is growing in the word to keep the word, and struggle to keep the word while going after the harvest. Just my thoughts.

  6. Oh, I forgot to add something that I had in my first post. That the dream is a warning to go on the offensive, so that you won't be caught unawares and have to end up coming suddenly on the defensive. The enemy is trying to find a way around the covenant relationship and who you are in Jesus' righteous, to get at you.

  7. I am praying psalm 91 over you, and posting it. I know that you know it, USEME.

    I pray that this is not an actual physical attack, and we bind and cancel the works of the enemy, we call down the fire of heaven to burn up the works, the fruit, the seed, the trees, and the roots of the enemy and cancel his plans to kill, steal, and destroy anything in your life that has been given to you by God. This man makes me think of a higher principality that is attempting to disable and destroy you, violently and with intent to kill. You may be praying against the works of the enemy and of course then you are prevailing. Diane -I know you know this- means divine. That you are praying for divine interference from the activity of the enemy. We know that the enemy uses all types of warfare against us, and not only physical, but spiritual warfare, and the more able you are to handle the task, the greater the enemy that comes against you. The enemy looks for the an opening, a way to open the door to you. The enemy does not attack, unless you are a threat to his kingdom. I was just speaking to my mom the other day about how the enemy does try the door to see if he can get in. Just my thoughts, but pray about what I said, and if there is anything that the Spirit gives you to renounce and destroy in your life, like an object, or thought pattern, or habit...only you would know, but certainly, once the Lord shows you the attack in the dream, I believe that effectual, fervent prayer protects you from the attack and that the Lord will bring you through.

    Psalm 91

    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]
    2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust."
    3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
    4 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    5 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
    7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
    8 You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.
    9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
    even the LORD, who is my refuge-
    10 then no harm will befall you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
    12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
    14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
    15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
    16 With long life will I satisfy him
    and show him my salvation."

  8. I dreamt that I was lying on an operating table and I had all these
    sores and rottenness all over my body. I was rotten and bloated and
    stinking. I was sitting cross-legged on the floor watching my body,
    and a hand that was very large came down and lifted me out and sat me
    on the floor. So I was sitting on the floor and then I was sat on the
    floor. Then I turned and saw myself sitting by a bed. There was a
    clock that was digital and it said 9:40. I had on a sweater and I was
    just watching my future husband sleep. He was snoring, and lying on
    his right side. A voice said, I am going to wake him up at 10:00. I
    said, "no, don't wake him up, he is tired." I was concerned. The
    voice said, that I did not understand, but that He had to wake him up
    at 10:00. End of dream.

  9. This dream must really be important, because I have been struggling to
    remember it for a week, and the only time I can is when I am about to
    fall asleep. If I get up to get something to write with, I forget it.
    So, now, I remember everything and am trying to post it as quickly as
    I dreamed of a young boy, maybe about 11 or 12, riding his bicycle down
    the block. The bike is red. The boy has on wirerim glasses. He is
    passing up all these houses that are joined together like apartments,
    but they are not. Rows and rows of them in town. Maybe brownstones? I
    don't know if he was upstate or what. The day was overcast, and about
    to become night. He stopped at this one house and pushed his bike up
    the stairs. It is a doctor's office, but it is just closing for the
    night. He is friends with the doctor's little girl. The doctor says hi
    to him, and then he goes to make sure that everything is shut off for
    the night. The little has been letting this little boy sleep there at
    night-he is really tired right then and looks longingly at the
    overstuffed chair by the door. The windows had this yellowish curtains
    that had a rod at the top and bottom, also on the door. The paint on
    the door is reddish orange, and the trim is the same color. There is
    this really fancy wallpaper, kind of like goldtone decor on it. The
    furniture is cherrywood, and the cloth is like very comfortable and
    warm, and it has the reddish color worked in with some warm yellows and
    oranges and dark green lines. I could see throw pillows. It is a very
    stylish doctor's office. I don't see the equipment, but I know he is a
    doctor because he has a stethoscope around his neck, an old-fashioned
    light attached to his forehead, and he has a pad and pin in his long
    white doctor's coat. The little girl tells him to go ahead and hide in
    the closet, and wait for them to leave, which he does. Ok, the story
    changes, with him waiting on them to leave, and then they do, and there
    is just some warm light coming from a couple of lamps on opposite sides
    of the room. It is quiet, and he can hear a clock ticking. IRL, I hate
    those, and I use digitals. He comes out of the closet and sits down.
    Then he looks down the hall, and there are all these doors. I thought
    they were patient exam rooms, but they are actually classroom doors.
    There are a smattering of children in that classroom. My cousin JL is
    there, and me too. We are waiting for class to be started, it feels
    like it is almost time to leave, and that this class is just a nod to
    the intstitution of learning, like we are not coming back. Like how
    you feel when it is about to be summer break, or when you graduate. A
    feeling of finality. yeah, that's the word. We were finished, and the
    class attendance was now just a formality. That's why there were not a
    lot of students there. That's the whole dream. It was very hard to

  10. I dreamed that I was standing watching a stage. It was gi-normous. Very smooth like glass, like it was all made of one piece. There were rows and rows and rows of white horses on the stage and they all had dainty pink hooves. They were fleshy, not hard like horses that I am used to seeing. They were all pointing the same way and doing the same thing. Then a hand bigger than the stage came into my view, and even though I tried to look up and see where that hand was coming from, my view seemed to be obstructed, and so this is all I could see. A hand that came out of the light, and it was pointing. It was a right hand, with a finger just pointing. Then it tapped the stage and the hores all tapped in unison on the stage, just the daintiest dance you ever want to see. I had on this sweater that had all different colors of red stripes in it. IRL, I actually owned this sweater. As the horses moved I was jumping up and down, just excited. Then they went back to their start position. The hand did something else and they responded again with another type of dance, like a march. I could see myself with other people and we were spread out like when water runs down an uneven hill, just some of everywhere. Then the scene shot to some lions that were running down the hill at us and they were roaring and they were all types of ages. When I thought they were going to come up on us, I started to scream and some others did too. But all of a sudden, they fell over a cliff's edge that was hidden in the long grass. They began to twist and tumble over the rocks that were down below. It was a steep slope. We all began to cheer and jump up and down as we saw them dying in their fall. I made this lassoeing motion with my right arm. Then I saw a jail cell and my ex-in jail. IRL, after this dream, he did go to jail. Then I woke up.

  11. Hey, all. Happy Furrreyeday! Every once in a while, a dream comes back to me, when I least expect it. It will be as fresh as if I had dreamed it within hours, when I might have dreamed it a couple of years ago. Like this dream.

    I dreamed that I was in this big kitchen. I entered from the left, through a door, I don't remember it swinging open, or me opening it. When I came in a couple of steps. Oh, yeah, I was viewing all this like I was looking at a movie, so I saw myself come in at the left side. My uncle and his three sons were on the right side, standing in a tight group, like defensive, between a big, long countertop and a big L-shaped island. There was all modern appliances. Silver in color. The kitchen was beautiful and full of light, but there was food everywhere. It was all destroyed, and torn up. Bread loaves were just torn and strewn about like when someone pops a feather pillow and it goes everywhere, except a whole of pillows at once. And there was meat and all kinds of sauces and liquid everywhere. They made the mess. I was very nervous and apprehensive and afraid to go further into the kitchen and confront them, because they looked dark and dangerous. Dangerous. That was the end of my dream.

  12. HMMM. Maybe a platform Ministry. Dreamy, ponds do hold fish don't they? God has many ways for us to fish in the natural, and in the spiritual. This may be God's own unique way for you to be a fisher of men, immortalservant. You, know, like, you have a gift that draws people to you, and that gift allows you to uniquely minister to people through the exercise of that gift.

  13. Yes, what an awesome vision. And I can believe that people in your church would not believe you. Some people in my church thought I was a witch and a jezebel spirit, rather than believe that the information had come from the Lord. One woman tried to lay hands on me and cast out a demon, which I didn't have. She frightened me. I was an outcast ever since. All this happened in conjunction with Hurricane Katrina. There is something wrong when we don't know the works of the Spirit in contrast to the works of the enemy.
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