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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. For every man who partakes only of the milk (knowing the word of God but not walking the word of God) is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a baby. But soid food (doing the word of God) belongs to those who are of full age, that is, who by reason of use (doing) have their senses excercised to discern both good and evil. Hebrew 5 11-12

    Amen, Linda. This is something that the Spirit presses on me daily. Do it, do it, do it, even when you don't want to, even when it is not easy, even when it feels like it is going to pop a vein in you. Do it. I am still lousy at it, but better than last year. LOL, sometimes, I ask the Lord to show me my progress, but when it is measured against Him, seeing my imperfections in His mirror, I say, ok, never mind. LOl.

  2. Usually, I have to be laid out asleep, to get a message, and sometimes, I can hear Him talking in my Spirit as a thought that I know I wasn't thinking. He will speak to me in verses like that, or say something and tie it to scripture. Especially if I haven't done what He said. He will give me a quick scripture, and highlight something I was supposed to do, and then nudge my mind. Or, I can be reading scripture and it will pop out at me, like that whole passage was written just for me at the time that I was reading it. LOL. I love my Daddy, Abba Father.

  3. Amen. Sometimes, and especially when I am in a testing period, I don't hear the Lord the way I normally would. Especially if He is teaching me a new "language". You know, speaking to me in a way that I am not accustomed to. It can be frustrating if I let fear be a factor. But if I just trust in the Lord, I have so much more peace, knowing that no matter what is going on, it will not separate me from God's sweet, covering love. Then, when the dreams come to pass, I can be like, "yeah, You told me that." Often I have dreams that reveal things about me, and simultaneously, I will have dreams and visions about other people, places and events. When I was young in the Lord, I did a lot of baby demands, and He was always indulgent, but as I grow older in the Lord, I noticed that my steps in the Lord have gone through the toddler stage, where I learned yes and no and consequences, and language of my father. Then I went through the child stage of inquisitiveness and wanting to know more about life according to the spirit. I went through the teenage years, and the young adult years. I don't know what chapter of life I am in right now, but I will be able to reflect on it later. I do know that I am believing the Lord to fight the biggest fight of my life for me, and deliver me like Jehoshaphat.

  4. Yes, I agree. That is why I have posted this information under dreams to be interpreted as well. The only agenda that I have is a kingdom agenda. I really asked the Lord if I should say anything about this, and then I didn't hear a know, or a restraint in the Spirit. This came to my attention last year, and I just kept researching, and it is ridiculous how many articles from credible sources, published in credible newspapers were there at my disposal. I was like, "Oh my Lord". So, I made up my mind that I would not be afraid. I would speak when the Lord said speak, and say what the Lord says say, and do right as far as it be possible for me to do. So, if it makes me sound special, that is just the price to pay. It is not too high.

  5. I thought about not writing this post. Some people won't respond to it. Some people will think that I have gone of the deep end. I know it. Before you read further, pray about what I am going to say, and then go and investigate what I am saying. Especially those that live in Texas, Vermont, NJ, California, Florida... I worked for a bank that has higher ups that have some things going on, that I knew I was not going to be able to be a part of. I thought I would elevate in that company, but when I got to be an officer, I overheard them talking about my walk with Christ. Not a problem for me, the Lord takes care of His children. But you have to realize as I saw for myself that this bank is taking over alot of banks and you will see more and more of that type of thing as the enemies of Christ push for a monetary system that has one universal type of denomination. There is already a eurodollar. What most people don't realize is that there has already been a push for an amero-dollar. It sounds funny and weird. But sadly, many christians are going to be caught up because they would rather ignore these things than to steel themselves up in the word to pray about these things, and to not be afraid of these changes. The money system has everything to do with the anti-christ, because he wants to have control over everything, thus imitating the Lord who has made all things-the earth is the Lord's and also the fullness of it. We will see many things.

    One of the things that I have seen is Christians hounded until they have gone to the psych wards. There was an article written by Peter Kerr, formerly of the NY Times in 1991 about this chain of psychiatric hospitals from Psychiatric Solutions. PIA. They have had lawsuit after lawsuit. I found newspaper articles about them every other year. Those lawsuits involve the forcible institutionalization of individuals who did not need it just to get their insurance money. The company was paying headhunters to find people with insurance, then the doctors would write out a diagnosis suitable to submit to the courts to have people admitted involuntarily. (There was a company called NME that was doing this as well.) When the insurance money ran out for the year, the people were released. Their intake of patients is 22% higher than their nearest competitors. This year, though, there is a shareholder lawsuit. They also worked with soldiers and experimentation, and other things that the people of the US seem to be largely unaware of. I noticed that if people are not affected by this, they are much more likely to ignore it. The problem is this - if this is happening every year to many people, eventually it will affect your household or friendships. Or church. Think about it. How much credibility do you think a person has after having been admitted by a doctor with a PhD?...I did stop to think that this is a weapon that the enemy may have been deploying to take away the credibility of some of the saints with the world. Googled Karen Wetmore of Rutland, Vermont. She sued an institution for this very thing, and got over 5 million dollars. The CIA paid the head of the institute, a Dr. Hyde, (how appropriate) to do tests on his patients with LSD. His partner was the first person believed to bring it into the united states. There is some evil out there, and we need to be aware of it. Life is more than just 8 -12 hour work days, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and trying to get a little piece of the pie. The enemy plans on making us the pie. That is why we need to be aware of the times, and know that there is an enemy who has many traps and snares, and spiders (people with no moral conscience) to carry the agenda out. Let your conscience dictate to you whether you desire to share this article and research what I have shared with you by faith. The research is fairly easy. You will run into the articles, the scandals, and the investigative literature quite rapidly.

    I know that everyone is not going to reply to this post, and I would prefer not. But I would like you to close your eyes and pretend that you are that person who is having a normal ordinary day, and you go in to see your therapist. They get through the therapy session, and everything is fine. But there is one more thing they would like you to do, which is commit yourself voluntarily. If you don't they will do it involuntarily. They don't do this because you have indicated that you would harm yourself or another person. They do it because they think that they can help you if you stay a couple of days. You are horrified to see that they are going to forcibly take you in, so you just go ahead and walk in, no words spoken. There doesn't seem to be a point of reason with these particular people. You get inside and many people have just had the same thing happen to them. Lawyers are pressing the court on your behalf to get you out. The doctors submit an assessment to the courts, which is falsified, all for the sole purpose of defrauding the insurance company. They have made a diagnosis fit your situation in order to do this. You are not sure what you are going to do. You try to be calm, because being calm is better than getting excited. The doctors don't do an assessment. They tell you when you are getting out, and to just be "patient". You spend your time, really doing nothing. The time-frame coincides with just the amount of insurance per day you are covered. When the insured amount of days is up, therapy is ceased and you are let out. Your credibility is damaged, and now you are suffering from a stigma. You talk to the department. They apologize for the mistake, but no one can rectify the paperwork, now. The departments of the hospital all do different things. You speak to a patient representative, and they promise to follow up. But it never happens.

    Now open your eyes. Really open them, and think about passing this post on.

  6. I thought about not writing this post. Some people won't respond to it. I know it. Some people will think that I have gone of the deep end. I know it. Before you read further, pray about what I am going to say, and then go and investigate what I am saying. Especially those that live in Texas, Vermont, NJ, California, Florida... I worked for a bank that has higher ups that have some things going on, that I knew I was not going to be able to be a part of. I thought I would elevate in that company, but when I got to be an officer, I overheard them talking about my walk with Christ. Not a problem for me, the Lord takes care of His children. But you have to realize as I saw for myself that this bank is taking over alot of banks and you will see more and more of that type of thing as the enemies of Christ push for a monetary system that has one universal type of denomination. There is already a eurodollar. What most people don't realize is that there has already been a push for an amero-dollar. It sounds funny and weird. But sadly, many christians are going to be caught up because they would rather ignore these things than to steel themselves up in the word to pray about these things, and to not be afraid of these changes. The money system has everything to do with the anti-christ, because he wants to have control over everything, thus imitating the Lord who has made all things-the earth is the Lord's and also the fullness of it. We will see many things.

    One of the things that I have seen is Christians hounded until they have gone to the psych wards. There was an article written by John Kerr, formerly of the NY Times in 1991 about this chain of psychiatric hospitals from Psychiatric Solutions. PIA. They have had lawsuit after lawsuit. I found newspaper articles about them every other year. Those lawsuits involve the forcible institutionalization of individuals who did not need it just to get their insurance money. The company was paying headhunters to find people with insurance, then the doctors would write out a diagnosis suitable to submit to the courts to have people admitted involuntarily. (There was a company called NME that was doing this as well.) When the insurance money ran out for the year, the people were released. Their intake of patients is 22% higher than their nearest competitors. This year, though, there is a shareholder lawsuit. They also worked with soldiers and experimentation, and other things that the people of the US seem to be largely unaware of. I noticed that if people are not affected by this, they are much more likely to ignore it. The problem is this - if this is happening every year to many people, eventually it will affect your household or friendships. Or church. Think about it. How much credibility do you think a person has after having been admitted by a doctor with a PhD?...I did stop to think that this is a weapon that the enemy may have been deploying to take away the credibility of some of the saints with the world. Googled Karen Wetmore of Rutland, Vermont. She sued an institution for this very thing, and got over 5 million dollars. The CIA paid the head of the institute, a Dr. Hyde, (how appropriate) to do tests on his patients with LSD. His partner was the first person believed to bring it into the united states. There is some evil out there, and we need to be aware of it. Life is more than just 8 -12 hour work days, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and trying to get a let piece of the pie. The enemy plans on making us the pie. That is why we need to be aware of the times, and know that there is an enemy who has many traps and snares, and spiders (people with no moral conscience) to carry the agenda out. Let your conscience dictate to you whether you desire to share this article and research what I have shared with you by faith.

  7. I am going to talk about the dead young man in a minute, but I have to start from the beginning. I was in this classroom of about 8 people, men and women, and we were all good at one or two things. We were in this classroom to make us the best. It was really hard, the lessons that we had to do, and I was very frustrated and cried alot. Then the dream went into a part where I was walking outside on black pavement. I passed a mattress on my left, and there was this high yellow black young man in a white sleeveless t-shirt and beige dickie shorts and white socks lying on this mattress, which was really a pile of trash. He had a low hair cut. At first, I thought he was just sleeping, and I thought maybe he'd passed out from being high or drunk, but as I looked back, I saw this beige tape over his mouth. I haven't seen that type of tape in years. I think it is box tape for when you move. Not the paper kind, but the plastic, slick kind. I wanted to call the police, but I had no phone. I looked to my right and there were houses, but no cars in the carport. One house had a car, but it was broken down. No one was there. Ahead of me, in the cul-de-sac, was this house, and I was hesistant to go there, because I could not see the door, it was hidden from view. It was so real. I can still see his closed eyes. His skin was still fresh-looking. Then I woke up and prayed for this boy's life.

  8. I am so glad that we can encourage each other and work out our conflicts with each other, without doing things the way the world does them. I, for one, am tired of conflict, as I have experienced a great deal of it in my walk, but all of it has worked for my benefit. This will too.

  9. You, know-ever since I posted this, this has stopped. Just like that. I understand what the Pavlova was. It was really Pavlov. And I am going to say this. Because this is what I received from it. This is how I understand it. This is about letting the enemy train your reactions and your responses. There is a response that the Lord wants us to have, and that is faith in Him, no matter what else you are told, and no matter what it looks like. Go with the knowledge that the Lord has given you. That way the enemy will not be able to deceive you.

  10. Dove-Solutions wrote:
    That my friend in the Lord showing you that what you think is innocent or harmless has another side. Hope that helps.

    Love in Jesus,


    Girl, I am trying to really figure out what this could me. I know that you are right. A mask under a mask is never a good thing. When I thought about it. The first guy looked like my ex-fiancee--only older. It was only when I thought about it really hard, and went back and looked at a memory picture. That person looked like him, only older. I was reminiscing about this guy. God already told me before in 2001 that he was not for me, because he was not passionate about the Lord, and it was a wedge between us. So I walked away, because his mom called me a witch, because I would tell them things and then it would occur. They didn't believe in the Holy Ghost. So, to her, I was a witch. How nice. What do you think, Dove? I know that I am fishing...because I really want to know what's up...then the Lord had me reading about Joseph again. I read that about once a month, since the Lord gave me this vision. So I am puddling around fishing for answers from Him.
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