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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I dreamt that I was friends with two djs. A man and a woman. They would do radio announcements, and then I would sometimes come through. I thought, I would like to be on the air. I would pass through and say hi. There was also a man getting in shape, and getting really huge muscles ( know who this is, my friends new husband) and was really running and getting in shape. I saw him running along a white fence line. And he was running along the fence line all the time. Next part of the dream, I was talking to a man about an apartment, and it was very nice-looking and spacious. He told me that I could buy it for 14, 000.00 dollars. It costed 85,000.00. I was very excited. I went to the two djs and was thinking about how I could get 14000.00 in two months' time, when I knew I didn't have a fraction of that. But I was confident that I was getting the money somehow.

  2. Wow, thanks Halo and Love's Child for interpreting my dream for me. Great teamwork. I know in part and see in part, and you guys have revealed things that I could not see for myself. And I was sitting here, praying that I was taking the right way in the dream, because I could not see that far ahead. But also that in the second part of the dream, that must mean that I got some petty stuff that the Lord is covering. LOL. The little fires were so small, but I also know that it is the little foxes that spoil the vine, know what I mean? In my season of trial, there are a lot of things that were strongholding me, that have been forced to free me, and I know that God wants to be my only stronghold. I thank God for what is happening to my soul in the trial.

    Also, I wanted to say that Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty passed yesterday. I am not in his area, I think it is OK, USA, and I am in LA, USa, but he preached a sermon that I saw today about a man in california who had a shop in the times where there was not a fire department equipped like we have today. There was a fire that wiped out everything around the shop, but the man kept saying, "My shop will be spared, my shop will be spared." When everyone got back in town, they found that the man's shop was spared. So, then, my mouth was already open while I was listening to the sermon this morning. Then he began to talk about abundance, and how God blesses His children in the midst of disaster, and makes them prosper in hard times and times of famine. I knew right then that this dream and that sermon was inter-related, and that the Lord was answering a question that I had about my prosperity dream. I wonder how many other people had this revelation, because I know it wasn't just unique to me.

    Halo, Love's Child, when you have time, perhaps you could like at my space shuttle dream. I posted it twice, and I know it is going to come to pass, but I would like you to advise me as the Lord shows you. I know that Mia had a dream also about the shuttle, and that made me repost mine at that time.

    I was too thankful and praising to be freaked out by it.

  3. I dreamt that I was at this stadium type of building. It was huge. I probably saw one wall in the place. People were exiting the building, but not through a door. Whatever we were there for, we were done. We all had on windbreakers too. They were going over the side of the stage, but the stage was made of rock. It was all one piece, not smooth, and continous. Very huge. I felt like an action figure up there. Very exposed. I was afraid to fall over, like they were doing. The incline was really steep, but I had to go down. My ex-friend was with me. IRL, she doesn't even like me as a person anymore. She thought I was trying to be all Jesusy and judgy because she dates married men and does a lot of stuff. IRL, she thought because I did not do this, that I was condemning her. When I never said anything to her about these things. I am a prayer, not a hater. Anyway, back to the dream, she was in front of me, and I was thinking of how I could get down without falling off like everybody else. I thought real hard, and looked over the edge. When I did, I saw the stairs. An usher kind of person in a yellow wind jacket was leaning on the rails. I pulled on her sleeve to show her that the line was long, but that everyone was just not taking the stairs that were right beside them. It had an ornate heavy iron railing all the way down the stairs, so, even though they were steep, almost like a vertical drop, we couldn't fall. But she didn't want to, wouldn't listen, I let go and began to descend. I was the only one on the stairs. There were people who were directing everybody, but no one stopped me from taking the stairs. Whew. I couldn't take having to do that drop thing, LOL>

    Next part of the dream, I was with my baby, and I had on all-white, like a toga, with a golden belt. I was reclining on an all-white bed. I looked outside my window and someone had set all of the outside on fire. I was thinking, will this set my house on fire, but it didn't. Then, little fires started catching all around my bedroom, I don't know how this got there, but they were pieces of straw. That sounds ridiculous, I know. Like little handfuls of hay. They would catch on fire. Just as quickly, my brother, whose name is Michael, would blow on them, and put them out. There was no smoke to it, just the orangeness of the flame. It was weird. The end.

  4. LOL, you still somethin' else, JJP! Naw, time out for being shy now. We have to just tell the truth in love. When I look at what is ahppening in the world and I cross-reference this with the Word of God, I say "Uh oh". Well, maybe 2 decades from now, we will all be sitting in the New Jerusalem. One thing is for sure, I want to exercise all my gifts, say all that I am supposed to say, pull anybody that I can from the fire, and make sure that I walk until the end is come. Whatever happens, let me not miss my spot because I got caught up in the material things, which are really immaterial, when it is viewed in a side by side comparison to eternal richss.

  5. Are you both Christians, and is sleeping together something that you do in real life? If so, other people are always going to be in bed with you. If you will accept my counsel, and I am only going to reiteraterate with the Word warns against, I would be happy to tell you my thoughts on the matter. Wherever there is a relationship between a man and a woman that has illicit activity, then enemy has free reign to come in, because this is his territory. "Sin crouching at the door, waiting to be your master." Also, sex is a reward meant for the marriage bed. I have heard people say that even after they got married, if they had sex with their spouses before marriage, there were trust issues, and jealousy. Still, the strongest bond should come not from the physical level of intimacy, but spiritual intimacy. We can build emotional intimacy off of things that someone does which pleases us, but spiritual intimacy is what will build a lasting relationship.

    Quite possibly, as you are drawing closer to God, your spirit is disassociating you from your taste for this particular activity. After all, the spirit and the flesh are a constant war with each other, and our choices come from "either" "or", and not a combination of both. Eventually one must be predominate over the other. It depends on with one you are willing to nurture for growth.

    So, since you were praying about this man to the Lord, perhaps your dream is self-explanatory. The Lord never leaves us in the dark about His perfect will, especially when it involves our desire to please Him-when it is clear we want to hear what He has to say about a subject.

    Maybe this is the Lord telling you that this relationship is not serious to the man. For my own personal theory, a man of God is a leader in the home, if not in the community, and should be able to steer anyone who follows him in the right direction. He should want to be honourable towards you and treat you as a sister, or if he is dating you with the eventual intent to marry you, he should have a desire to keep your reputation clean before God and man.

    Please pray about my input, and welcome to the forum.

  6. Ya'll, good evening, dreamers and interpreters. I had a dream about Sugar Ray Leonard. What I dreamed is that we were sitting on the second row of church pews to the right of the church. People were trying to boss me around, but Sugar Ray wouldn't let them. He was sitting there in some royal blue velvet jogging suit and tennis shoes. I have never seen a suit like that. I was in cream colored pants, brown boots, cream colored sweater coat and light cream turtleneck shirt. At first, I was sitting on the outside of the bench, and could barely sit comfortabley. But then, Sugar Ray stood up and scooched me over, put his hands in his pockets and sat down at the aisle seat. He encouraged me to lean my head on his shoulder and rest because I was really tired. I put my hands in my pockets too. There was a man at the podium directing activities, and Sugar Ray wouldn't even allow this person to try to abuse me with words. After a while I closed my eyes and rested. What could this mean? I know nothing about Sugar Ray Leonard except that he was a boxer in real life.

  7. AMen, thank you for the testimony, Love. That only seems decent and in order. If everything begins with the Lord's house, then that is an example that we minister to our own house and then spread outward. Paul did it with the Jews, and when he was done, he went to the Gentiles. The diaspora of the book of Acts was also based on this principle, and we do this according to Matthew 28:19. I know so many people who go to others outside of their own household. God is really blessing you, Kimie. The revelation of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy, and you have that honor to be called a friend of God, who will give you His secrets.

  8. Oh, Lord, may you receive all the glory through Kimie, Lord. You are so awesome. May she receive the territory everywhere her feet step with the gospel, Lord. Lord we know that you delight in the prosperity of your child, and we look forward to all the ways you are going to prosper her.

  9. Hey, ladies!!!Christa, have you reported your keys as stolen by your ex-husband, or atleast stolen? I believe that most insurance companies will re-key your vehicle for free if an unknown person(s) has keyed entry to your vehicle. Carefully note my phrasing here. If you don't know for sure that your husband has your keys, but they are not in your possession, you can get your car re-keyed, and may even be able to get a rental as well.
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