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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Emergency help- I am concerned-She cut my HAIR!
    I dreamt that I had on strong tennis shoes and I was at first walking back and forth in a hallway, because I had just come through a doorway. The door was wooden, and the walls were brick. Then there was an open space in the hallway, with no walls, but the floors were still brick. My sisters were in the dream as well. There was a desk there and I walked back out. I went in a different direction and I was suddenly talking to my new supervisor. She had several applications on her desk, and I could see my application. I could read everything on it, verbatim! The story behind that is I did my application over the phone, I don't fill it out, but I know what the page looked like. Next thing I knew, she had cut my hair up to the nape of my neck. I was horrified. But the cut was clean and it looked good. I fainted I was so horrified, then I cried. My sisters tried to reassure me that it looked good. I looked in the mirror. I knew it looked good, but I still cried. I was saying, you cut my glory! Then I apologized for being hysterical, that I always react to my hair getting cut this way. In real life, it would have been equivalent to cutting about 8 inches from the back for it to be at my neck. I was thinking in the dream that it would all grow back and that it needed a good trim anyway. Also in the dream was this guy who played on the Tyler Perry's movie, Daddy's little girls. He was the cheating husband who dated the lawyer that fell in love with the hardworking tough luck father. He was sitting on a wall watching me and eating dark chocolate, (actually, he was smoking and smoking what was my favorite cigarette. after this dream, i quit smoking. forget that!) it was between his thumb and index finger. He had on a white button-up shirt and its sleeves were rolled to his elbows.

  2. Strong wind blew me very the side of overpass
    I dreamt that I was driving on my way to work on 635 N towards irving, texas. I was in this big van or suv, it was beige almost gold in color. Again, I had on a beige turtleneck, this time a thick sweater, slacks, and boots. IT was raining fiercely. I heard a voice talking, just talking while I was driving. It was saying that if I was wondering why I would be late because of traffic, or because I couldn't find my keys, it would be because the Lord was preventing me from having an accident, maybe even running into a school bus. Then a strong wind blew me over the side of the highway so that my passenger side tires were hanging over the drop on the interchange near coit road. I got out, because I couldn't drive any farther, and I was thinking about calling a wrecker truck when a bus full of smiling children and a smiling bus driver in a blue jogging suit windbreaker with ribbed wrist cuffs that alternated blue and white, and he had on a checkered blue and white button-up shirt and a blue baseball cap. He pulled right behind me on the other side of the divide. The children all rushed to the front to see out of the front windows of the bus. The bus was like a charter bus, like a greyhound bus. I knew that he was going to offer me a ride. Which would be strange in real life, to offer a stranger a ride with a busload of children.

  3. Stayed in condo and travelled
    Dreamt that my family travelled to a place in Texas and stayed with relatives. We brought our own pillows and bedding, and a tv. We spent the night there. Her apartment was upstairs downstairs condo-like. It had a privacy fence on the back that was painted beige, but was really rickety. I had on a white sleeveless t-shirt, which I don't like IRL. We woke up and were eating donuts and donut holes. My niece and I went downstairs and out the privacy fence to throw away our travel trash. I fussed at my niece for wanting to go farther up the road. We went back into the house, and I noted that someone was smoking weed. I hurriedly got my niece in the house. We went through a sliding glass door. There was a beige 4 door car outside too. It was the same car that I saw in another dream of wilt chamberlain. IRL, since I was not working, my car got repoed, but someone brought me a car the next day, that was an older model beige car. PRaise good for miracles big and small! Back to the dream. We went upstairs and packed our things, and prepared to drive back home.

  4. I agree with what Christa just said
    I believe there is some rare epidemic that started happening in your town 3 years ago and it's getting ready to come knock on your door. I'm thinking it's physical and it has something to do with the skin and discoloration. I thought for a moment that the terms "River Blindness" may mean that there's an epidemic in your neighborhood where people are metaphorically blind to God's truth, but it's too early to tell that. However, it's closer to home now and is a bigger threat than it was before. It was in the town, but it's now a really large threat to those in your home (large man at your window). It has not entered your home however.

    Now is the time not to worry, but to start the covering.....pleading the blood of Jesus over your house and those in it...putting the "blood of the Lamb" over your doorposts so that the threat will pass by your household.....asking the Holy Spirit to come. Threats can be big and scary, but our God can stop the hand of anything evil that tries to enter into our temples. I'll be praying for you guys. God bless you.

    , I saw your post yesterday, but I declined to answer before I had meditated on it. When I thought of leopards, I thought "a religious system that is rising up out of the children of men"

    Revelation 13:2
    [ The Beast out of the Sea ] And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

    Daniel 7:6
    "After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.

    Jeremiah 5:6
    Therefore a lion from the forest will attack them, a wolf from the desert will ravage them, a leopard will lie in wait near their towns to tear to pieces any who venture out, for their rebellion is great and their backslidings many.

  5. My page kept timing out, but hopefully this posted. Anyway this is my dream, and I just had it. I dreamt I was watching a prophetic show, and actually was before I fell asleep. In the dream, I go to check my website, which is a site where I am just straight prophesying, which is what I often do. This is all in the dream. The only people who should be on there are those that I have added. I notice that several people have added themselves without my knowledge, and I am wondering how. I am going to delete them, but when I read their profiles, I find that I have prophesied to them. I even see a username of 19%and51 plus a name, which I thought, that is my future boaz' name. I have prophesied to him, too. Then the dream shifts slightly to where I am lying on my couch, looking at the prophetic show, and there is a young woman, relaxing against me. I have parted her hair in three equal sections from one side of the head to the other. The second section, I have rubber banded, and twisted into three twisted braids, not the three strand plait, the two strand twist. I have been prophesying to her about her vision that the Lord gave her. At that moment, she wasn't doing what she wanted. she was a security guard, and in college. I was encouraging her. At my right hand was my step-son in a chair. My husband wanted the remote, and he had his shirt off. We were all older, because the girl was in her twenties, and I could see the age on his face. The girl is my friend's child IRL, who is only a toddler right now. But the first dude I prophesied to is someone I never saw before. When I woke up, just now, I went to my social network account, which is not my site, just a place to say "hi" and my friend-girl IRL had posted a picture of her husband and his brother. The dude in the dream was the brother IRL. I have NEVER seen him before, so I thought, I had better post that dream! What do you think this means?

  6. Dreamed about my pastor and his wife. I was butlering them, to an extent. I got their coffee and breakfast. I set out their clothes, tidied the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, while they were getting dressed. Pastor finished putting on his tie, and left. Mrs. was still putting on her clothes. I remember she had on a pink grapefruit colored suit with a ruffled collar white shirt. Exquisite. Then she slipped on her heels, smiled goodbye and exited by the front door. I remember thinking that she had to be at work by 8:00 AM. The carpet was beige, and there was cream furniture. I knew I was going to be there when they got back. Is this an armor bearer dream, because I live in a different state. Also this brought back a dream I had a long time ago about working for my Pastor in an office setting. Then it got me to really thinking about that Zig Ziglar dream in a new light.

  7. Amen, I totally agree with you. The enemy does not have the authority to engage us in conversation or anything else. I have had to cast out, rebuke, bind, pull up, root out and tear down that madness before. Once, when I was on a long fast, a girl came to me to be healed of drug addiction. I cast the thing out, and then went to sleep. While I was sleeping, it tried to jump on me, and I felt a strong heat, but to both our surprise, it bounced off. Then it fled, because I was shouting the name of Jesus, and casting it away.

  8. Tithing, yeah! God gives us the power to get wealth. Abraham tithed first to Melchizedek, of whom it is said that Jesus Christ is forever after the order of Melchizedek, whose lineage cannot be traced. Melchizedek was the King of Salem (Peace). So groovy. Tithing was before the law, and it is done in the new testament. It is a protection for us, where the Lord promised to hold back the devourer from stealing, killing and destroying what the Lord has given us, if we would tithe. But I am also excited about offering, because the offering is a seed that God promises to multiply back to us. Groovy, and glorious. So happy to do it.

  9. Funny that you should mention that. I once dreamed of a Pastor A and his wife having to take care of those that were not of their particular local flock, and that grew, and it really seemed that it extended into their home, their hospitality was so great, but then he started coming under heavy attack, so that it did seem that some things that had launched out in the ministry started reversing. I am from LA, but this Pastor A is in NC, and I was wondering if this is the same one...But I will certainly fast and pray with you about it.

  10. Amen... also I feel that if we respond correctly, this gives that other person to reflect on themselves, this gives them a chance to have a softer heart and repent, or they may harden their heart and justify themselves, but God is able to use that light in you in those who need Him, are seeking Him, or are seeking and don't know what it is they are looking for.
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