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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Yes, let's pray, because it is the Lord who raises up and deposes kings. It is also in God's hands to turn the kings heart like a tributary. The Lord is able to use him in any way that He pleases. So we pray for those in authority, that we may have peace in our time. I pray that they all are moved by the spirit of the Lord, and the spiritual laws that this country was built on. Hear ye oh Israel, the Lord, our Lord, He is one God. There is no other. In Jesus' name, I ask it all.

  2. When I left to do research, the first thing that happened to me is Psalm 22, and I found a breakdown of it online called Psalm 22: Bulls and Lions and Dogs Oh My. The excerpt that I am pasting, had me running around the house praising the Lord, because it describes what I have been dreaming. I don't know if you read some of my other posts this week. I had one about a dog, one about a lion, and now I have one about a bull.

    The enemies are all around. They are called "strong bulls of Bashan." The plain of Bashan was an area about 1500' above the Jordan and a few miles to the East. It was known for its rich fields and ideal conditions for raising bulls. When the prophet Amos wanted to criticize the people of Israel for their luxury, he called their women "cows of Bashan" (4:1)--well-fed, fat animals. They surround the Psalmist. Then the image changes, as if the bulls are slowly transmuted into lions. In our age of film animation, we can almost see the bulls becoming lions as we go from v. 12 to v. 13. And then the Psalmist's pain is coupled with humiliation as the "dogs" are all around him (v. 16). The presence of dogs is frequently mentioned in the OT as the final sign of humiliation--the dogs will lap up the blood of a dead person. The dogs surround the Psalmist because they are, like vultures, waiting for him to expire so they can eagerly drink his blood and eat his flesh. Humiliation has been his experience and humiliation looks like it will be his destiny.

    At this point in the Psalm, then, it is pain that is winning. Hands down. No real contest. Memory tried to raise its head and lodge a protest, but the protest was weak indeed. With the onslaught of all kinds of terrifying realities in front of the Psalmist, not least of which is his physical discomfort, he is at the mercy of the pain in his life and the animals which are symbolized by that pain.

    II. Calling For Deliverance (vv. 19-24)

    The lectionary readings for today only take us, at most, to v. 24. By the time we get to v. 24 we have a Psalmist who still knows how to cry to God, but the tone of the Psalmist's cry has changed. Now there is a bit of confidence that has returned to his voice. It is as if he has given evil and anguish its full range to roam in his life in 12-18 and now he can truly let the sun of God's mercy and power shine in. "I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you" (v. 22). That is, the Psalmist is practicing preemptive joy or preemptive praise. Deliverance has not yet occurred but he is anticipating it. In fact, he is anticipating it so strongly that the story of the deliverance can already be put in the past tense (v. 24).

    Isn't that enough to make you shout?! It was enough for me, especially because we have to praise in faith until what the Lord prophecies to us comes to pass, and all through affliction. When I saw this posting, I went left, then right, then back again! So now I need to rest for a minute, but I wanted to post this, because I have gotten sleepy with the sheer strength of the praise.

  3. Good evening, ya'll. I pray that everyone is fine and that the Lord's angels are watching over you.

    Listen, I had this dream that I went outside with my mother and we were in the pasture behind our house. IRL, there is a herd of cows behind our house, I don't know if there are bulls. My mom was looking at all of the cows and patting them. I was just staring, not that this is stranger, but I was looking at this cow that was standing in between me and my mother. It was looking right at me. It was a red bull. I thought that it might try to charge me, so I was thinking how I could kill it, if it did that. I didn't want to spook my mother, so I was quietly observing. I was thinking, "I will kill you, bull if you make the right move." I mean, he was standing right in between us.

    When I woke up, I thought of the bulls of bashan, but I have to figure out what that means. I will post it later after I have researched Bashan.

    The dream went into ANOTHER TRAVEL TRIP INTO TEXAS, where my brother had this pretty white truck-IRL, he doesn't like white vehicles. This is the brother who was struggling to deal with salvation. So I get his keys, and promise to gas it up when I bring it back. IRL, he is in another state about 12-14 hours away, so I wouldn't borrow his truck to go to Texas, I'm pretty sure, but also, I had a dream about my sister moving to Texas, and that came to pass, and at the same time, I saw him get further away emotionally and sink into some water, which I knew was a people. That happened. Back to the dream. So I am in his truck, and it breaks down! So I call my mom to see what I can do, and she says help is on the way. I look up, and it is about three police cars. I got very nervous, but I told myself to calm down, because I haven't done anything wrong. I am mentally rehearsing where my license, registration and insurance are. I am thinking, I have to bring my brother back his truck, because I am responsible for it and he needs it. The police approached me and asked me if I was the person who needed help. I was really wondering where the tow truck was. I know I was in a place which I was not familiar and not on a major highway. I saw gravel. I saw a wooden house with no paint, and it had a porch and steps up to the porch, and I saw short trees here and there. It was sunny. Then I woke up.

    Hey, I am really concerned about both dreams. Please Please Help me interp.

  4. Most people who are Christians want to be used by the Lord for His glory...to a certain degree. 30 degrees. 60 degrees. 90 degrees. A certain degree. When the sword of the word splits their relationships, that may be to a certain degree. When being faithful affects opportunities to gain wealth, that may be a certain degree for someone. When being persecuted for the Word's sake causes people to be ostricized, 'buked, and scorned, that may be someone's certain degree.

    What if the spirit of the Lord led you into the wilderness to be tempted by satan? Would you follow? What if the Lord wants you to be the voice crying in the wilderness, "Make straight paths for the Lord", would you be that one who ate locusts and honey, and appeared strange and different before men? Would tie a belt around your waist for a period of days and bury it, dig it back up again and use it in a sermon? How about refusing to bow before an idol and being tossed in the fire? How about now? Or a lion's den? What if He wants you to spread the gospel while you are being pursued by enemies to that seek your life, because they knew you were the righteous King, and you didn't know when you were ascending to the throne...in one, seven, or thirteen years, maybe...? To what degree would you follow the spirit of the living God?

    See, most of us WOULD follow God to a certain degree...but what if He let us be shut up in prison for the word's sake, and we literally have to lose our heads? To what degree would you follow Jesus? Would you give up your house? Lose a friend? What about a car? What if you had to walk for a time? What if you lost your job as part of that certain degree-there are those the enemy will use to take a believer's income, thinking that is enough to make that person "curse God and die". What about your child, or your spouse? What if the Lord really DOES expect us to carry our cross? To what degree do you say, "I can go this far and no farther." ?
    I used to have a certain degree. I am interested to see that the number keeps getting higher and higher as I go through each trial, and am restored after each affliction by a loving, caring, Father God. For each dream deferred, the Lord has given me a better dream.
    We live in the most deceptively peaceful time of that the church has seen in America. It is like we are being lullabied by the house, the car, the nice job, and the finer things in life. Things most of the world does not have. We have also had the privilege of not being the persecuted side of the family. We are blessed. But I say wake up, oh, sleeper. Act as if everyday is the day of the Lord's return. Then He won't find us sleeping, and we will have no reason to be shamed.
    To the man that is enduring hard trials right now, this is a blessing, because it will strengthen your faith for the hours that we know are coming upon this earth. It will toughen you against the things that the enemy will use against you to get you to quit the assignment that God has for you. Even though my personal belief is that the church will be caught up in the rapture, I still know and see that many are experiencing the birth pangs, as the enemy of our souls is striving to push forth an agenda that eliminates any mention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    The best present that I could ever hope for is mine now. Everyone in my family has salvation. I could go home now, if I weren't so dissatisfied because of the preponderance of people stuck luck Abraham's ram in the highways and hedges.

    Some of us have street ministries. Did the Lord call you to go minister to the prostitute, the addict, the dealer, the runaway, the homeless, those who admittedly need a doctor? Then go. Go in the morning, go in the evening, go in the midnight hours. Go when the Spirit gives you an unction to GO! Love those who are unlovely. One of the most unlovely people in the new testament was one of Jesus' greatest and most devoted followers. Mary Magdalene. Don't let people judge you or call your good evil. To the pure all things are pure, and to those who have a dirty conscience, all things are corrupt. It is time for us to go out to get all the lost sheep, all the wild olive branchs that are waiting to be grafted in, because this is also part of our spiritual act of worship.

    So I ask you again, what is your certain degree?

  5. Amen, that is a good word! That is a good word! So true. We are concerned about being politically correct, but we better come with it, and be biblically correct. The Lord has been talking to me about character alot, and the thought came to me that so many christians compromise on the black and white of truth, because they have compromise in their life and don't wish to expose their own darkness to the light. They have no character. They have worldly sorrow, but not godly sorrow, which leads a person to repent and change their thinking to line it up with the word. They like to relegate the ten commandments to the old testament, conveniently forgetting that Jesus did not abolish the law, but rather fulfilled it. Thank you, Jesus. So that we could be made the righteousness of God. The Holy Spirit is supposed to keep us, and teach us all things, and bring back to our rememberance what christ has said. When I see many Christians who go to church, but act like they don't know right from wrong, and have no conviction about the things they do, that makes them suspect to me. Not judging as God judges for eternal ramifications, but I am judging pertaining to their fruits. They have destroyed their own witness to the world. They refuse to repent of their sins, and tell the truth of what they are doing. But God says He is His own witness. Not everybody that think they are going to heaven are.

  6. Amen, thank you, Kitty. I have been doing a lot of spiritual warfare, and backing some folk and spirits up. I know that I have the victory. The Lord is not going to allow His word to be suppressed, but it doesn't mean that I didn't have to suffer for a long season. I am out here in the highways and hedges, and bringing in souls to Christ. The enemy better back off, because I am a desperate woman, praying desperate, fiery, believing, faithfilled prayers.

  7. Dear Rachel07, it sounds like your brother has a spirit of wrath, which is a murderous spirit. This is more than just normal anger. It has gone over into bitterness and wrath. You need to do spiritual warfare to bind that spirit and break it off of him, but the enemy has legal ground to be in your brother if he is not saved by the blood of Christ. Because whatever you bind on earth, the Lord has bound in heaven, this will free him from this spirit of wrath. But I would pray to release the Holy spirit in its place, because whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. I would pray for his eyes and ears to be open to the spirit of God so that he can hear and see and understand God's grace and be reconciled to Christ. Unforgiveness is causing your brother's distruction. Have you forgiven him for trespassing against you? People go through all kinds of difficult situations when the enemy begins to attack them - through relatives, friends, finances, health. The reality is that Jesus has overcome the world and all the problems that we encounter, but we still have to encounter them. If your brother is of the world, you are going to have natural enmity, but he can be drawn out of the world as you pray for ministers of the gospel to be drawn to him and he to them, men that he would respect, that he would listen to, and that would expound on the gospel to him in a way that he will hear and understand, and get a right picture of himself as he is now and as God desires to mould him.

  8. My goodness, amen, thank you, Kitty! Yes, it did seem as if the dog was going to kill and eat the kitten, and he did seem like he was going to the tent area. Wow! I have been interceding and bombarding heaven with prayer, doing spiritual warfare, praise warfare, to break strongholds in my family and to bring us into great stewardship by the inheritance that we have in christ!

  9. It took me a while to remember this dream, even though I dreamt it last night. I dreamed that we were looking for some bad guys, and we had some families in a witness protection program. We hid one family in a van, but left a man there to surveil and protect them while the slept during the night. The father opened a big window, but I made him close it, because I didn't want the bad guys to have easy access to entry of the van, in case something happened. In a building, there were several apartments or offices that had people hiding. They were supposed to be having a party, and had a cake. We got them out of the building and hunted down the bad guys. I took my gun out of my holster, and was crouching and walking behind the other agents. I was excited that something might "jump" off. IRL, I don't like anything begins with danger and excitement. In the end, none of the families had to testify, and the people went to jail.

  10. Thank you, Kitty. I will pray about the interpretation. I always pray this prayer over myself, my family, and the universal church.
    You know the Lord is protecting you during these crazy times and against principalities and spirits of darkness. Even when a problem or issue arises the Lord will ALWAYS give you an exit strategy.
    Definitely true. Amen, praise the Lord, and to Him be all the glory.

  11. I dreamed that I looked outside of my window, and the neighbors cows
    had gotten out. They were all over the yard of the adjacent
    property, but not on our property. There were lions out there among
    them, and they were lying on the ground with their heads up, watching
    my window. I thought to myself, why aren't they watching the cattle,
    why are they watching my window. In fact, their backs were to the
    cattle, and the cattle obviously weren't afraid of them. I thought to
    myself, I am scared, but I have to go outside, because I have things
    to do. I thought, these lions are not going to stop me. They couldn't
    have been real lions because they weren't the right color. They
    looked like the color of burnt orange. They looked like females,
    which worried me, because I know that females hunt.
    This was a very short dream.

  12. Dreamed that I was sitting around the house with my mother and other relatives, and we had this white kitten that we were playing with. There was this huge dog that came running out of nowhere and picked up a kitten, and started trotting away with it. In the dream I had on a skirt, which is rare, unless I am dressed up for a special occasion. I didn't have on shoes at all. We seemed to be sitting on logs in front of tents at some point in this dream. It would switch from outside to inside a house to back outside. So I jumped up from my log and began to run after the dog in my bare feet. My niece was running with me. It was a very short sprint. We caught up with the dog at a simple brown tent, and he was beige. I took the kitten out of his mouth and cuddled it to me. Then we noticed that up the hill to our right was this camp fire site, but it had dead animal heads and feet around it, like maybe this person was hunting these things and eating them. I could smell the stench slightly. I thought that this person could even be a hunter. The chase had taken us up a small ditch, that reminded me of a ravine with a little water in it. I know we ran west, because I could see clouds in the distance, and the sun was directly ahead of us. It wasn't morning, so I know we were facing west. So we went back to the house, which was east. A police officer in a police officer event t-shirt had stopped by the house to ask us about anything unusual, or have we seen anybody around that was out of the ordinary. I was so glad that he was there! I began to tell him what we found on the hill. That's the end of the dream.

    Now, ya'll know I like to sit on my dreams to see what the Lord will say to me. So I have waited about 3 days, praying about it... I still don't know what it means. Having said that, I wanted to relate to you, that I watched two movies this weekend, back to back last night. I have never watched either of them, even though they are old. The first one was 'The difference between cats and dogs.' The dog in my dream was the same type of dog as the dog on the movie. That is the first thing I noticed. Maybe just coincidence. Don't know. The second movie was about "The Wedding Planner". This sounds so stupid, I know, but I noticed that they were sitting outdoors on a log in the same kind of way that we were in my dream, with lots of other things going on around us. Stupid, I know.

    But what do you think?

  13. Maybe you can ask the Lord for some clarity as to whether this sifting time is over with. He gives us wisdom and words of knowledge when we ask of Him for these things. Honestly, I don't think we're meant to brace ourselves for trials. Our jobs are not to strive, worry, or be paranoid, our jobs are to leave our lives in the hands of the Most High at all times.

    If we don't walk through our trials with peace, then we might pass the course, but our grade probably won't be an A+. Either way, no matter what grade we get, God is merciful and gives peace graciously and genourously. God bless you and I truly believe that you have entered into a season of peace (maybe even a lifetime of peace....like job).....don't expect any more doom and gloom, because we get what we conceive in our minds. Expect God to show up to avenge you. Every day when you wake up, get into a routine of saying to God, "This is the day that You made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Thank you for showing up in my day. Let your will be done! Thank you for avenging me! Thank you for your goodness and for giving me peace throughout the entire day! Thank you for releasing my inheritance! Holy Spirit come and rest on me today. I love you. Amen."

    I don't believe it! This is exactly what I say from the time I get up in the morning, and go outside and start talking to Him. Wow!!!I have chills running up and down. How dramatic, but true! Thanks, Christa. Now I know which it is. It is the second one. Confirmation. Amen, Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you as an oracle of God. How quickly the Lord answers.

  14. Lord, I ask for your angels to watch of Kimie, and protect her according to Psalm 91, and oh Lord, I ask that you go before her and be her protection by day, and scatter your enemies in front of you, and come back to encamp with her by night, oh, Lord, through the same angels oh Lord.

    We know that the enemy devises strategies of attack to confuse us and trap us and destroy us, but Lord, show Kimie the traps and strategies so that she can cancel them with your word. I plead the blood of Jesus over her and the plans you have for her. We know the enemy is trying to take down the saints before the purposes that you have set up for them can take place. It's not about us, it is about your glory from it all.

    Kimie, continue to pray and praise, because praise is our weapon of warfare. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Keep trusting, keep believing, no matter what picture the enemy tries to represent to you.

  15. Hi, babygirl. I would urge you to start doing warfare prayers for your cousin now. I had a similar dream about my cousin 3 days after he accepted Christ, and it came to pass. I saw the spirit that jumped him too. I told my mom and uncle, and about five hours later, they called me back and told me that he got killed because he was changing a lady's tire in the rain and someone ran over him. So pray fervently for him and I am starting my prayers right now.

  16. Praise the Lord! I thank you, God. You are truly merciful, compassionate, slow to anger showing kindness to 1000 generations to those that love you, Lord.

    You know what, Christa? LTWJ? Last night, I went and prayed about the first interpretation, and just told the Lord the truth, that I hope that this season is over-I mean, I have been going through since I was 23, when I got filled with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and signs and wonders followed me. After that, it seemed like everyone cast me out their midst, and I could not go anywhere without atleast one person there to persecute me. It did not matter if it was on the job, the church, or my family, or acquaintances. And I am not just talking about a little insult or just talking about me. I am talking about really crazy, demonic stuff. It has been a real fight. One night, someone close to me was like, you always have a conflict wherever you go. You are going to have to learn to get along with people. And it was at a point when I was already so broken, that I asked the Lord just to take me home, because I thought I could not bear anymore pain, and especially not from this person. I just didn't think there was anything more that could hurt me. It was like she didn't see that I was being hunted down like a dog and I was literally at the end of my rope. I just hung my head and cried. After she left my room and shut the door, I cried out to the Lord and reminded Him of His promises to His children, and specific promises to me, and said, I believe you, Lord. I trust you. I know that you will recompense me, if I continue to forgive and let you handle the situation. The Lord gave me Jeremiah 23:19 "See, the storm of the LORD
    will burst out in wrath,
    a whirlwind swirling down
    on the heads of the wicked." I took it and wrote it down in big letters, and then put it in my car window, for a sign. That next week, the region where I lived in got hit with so much tornadic activity in one 24 hour period, that I knew that it was His confirmation, and not a coincidence. Everything up and down the highway got flattened, and several known gang member and drug dealer houses got flattened, but everybody else's houses were fine.

    After I thought about all that, I thought about how the Lord told me that everyone has a cup to drink and I needed to drink mine. How I cried then, because I didn't want to suffer. Then I thought about how I was pushing for this to be over two years ago, and a girl cashier from New Orleans, who I met in Texas while shoe shopping, told me that it wasn't over, it was going to intensify, and that I needed to continue to look at God and praise Him. I rebuked her sharply, because I was tired, and didn't want to hear that. But then I went back the next day, and she was already gone to Houston. The day she talked to me was her last day at that store. So I prayed about it, and said, "Lord, your word is good. Blessed be your name." It happened just like the girl told me too. Won't go into detail.

    Now, I don't want to go through anymore storms, but I won't buck the Lord's will, and if it turns out that your first interpretation is true--well, blessed be the name of the Lord, His word is good and life-giving. I cannot afford to have my ears tickled, and try to take the easy way out. I will wait upon the Lord and His will will be my will. I refuse to quit, and will wait on my reward.

    Thank you, Christa, LovetoworshipJesus.

  17. I'm sorry, I don't have anything on the Tyler Perry cheating guy. Take care, God bless, and I hope that helped you some.
    Thanks for answering, Christa. I had to laugh at that last part when I reviewed it. But yes, thank you for helping me with this interpretation. I pray that the sifting is over, because I truly cannot take another step. I just got sifted like wheat. My body got sick, my money got funny, my honey stopped being sweet, and I have been unemployed for a year, unjustly terminated, could not collect unemployment, because they said I quit -! Plus, I had been getting stalked for a long period of time. Whew! Talk about fire. My sister's ex-husband stalked her and tried to do a murder-suicide, my niece had a baby out of wedlock, and you know what-? Too many other things! I pray not to get resifted, because I don't think that I could take it this soon since I am just now getting a breather. I have had total peace for probably a week. I just cannot go back into that madness. You know, God has been so good to me. I know that He gave me strength, healed my body, gave me a job, Kept a roof over my head, gave me a beautiful great nephew, kept me close to my family, and the blessings side is much longer than the tribulations side. But I know that I have really gone through some tribulation, so I hope this dream means that I am coming out. Even though I don't smell like smoke, I feel wrecked up.

    You have totally given me a new perspective, though. I was in panic mode, like, no more abuse, LORD, pleassssse.....

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