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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. AMen, I shall stand in the gap for you, but buyer beware, one of the ways that the Lord develops patience in us is through trials. But patience produces perseverance, and once you have gone through the situations that make you practice patience, you will be complete, not lacking any thing that you need while in service to the Lord.

  2. Ouch, butterfly! The Lord corrected me real well about ice cream. Such a small thing, but it was about how I got the ice cream, through cunning. I was a baby christian. The Lord immediately corrected me while I was driving. The Lord chastised me and told me about myself. I started to cry. I still remember, it was chocolate. I didn't want it after that, but He was like, 'naw, go on and eat it, now...But remember I am able to see to your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Oh-best believe, my feelings were hurt, but I felt His love over the chastisement.

  3. Yes, me too. There was a special occasion song that the Lord sang to me only once, about how much He loved me and would take care of me. It was in a dream, it was dark and warm and felt really good, like I was being nestled tightly. It was a time when I was very afraid, and needed comforting, because I was a baby christian, just really starting to understand the word, had lost my job, got rid of the fiance, had totaled my car, was being evicted, and my mind was like a wild bird caught inside of a house.

  4. I have the same understanding about the situation as you do, Linda. Your Pastor is a man, however, and perhaps he was not able to receive on that particular day about this truth because of other concerns. He may have thought you were trying to chastise him. And been offended. If you did what the Lord led you to do, and said what the Lord would have you say, then be at peace. BTW, I love the article, and I don't plan on taking part of what is coming on the earth for satan and his unbelievers.

  5. No, but the fact that God is calling him makes me think that the Lord is getting His attention, and waking Him up. Calling someone makes me think about communicating with that person, or having them do something that is so specific that when I think about how I will get it down, my mind says "so and so" good at doing this. I will call them to do it. LOL.

  6. Hmmm...You know what? That reminds me of circumstances, situations, tests and trials that occur in the life of the believer, in this case, your sister, as they walk the pathway that the Lord has ordered for them. She may be getting counsel from someone and that may be good Godly counsel, but are not the instructions that are for her, and so that won't work for her. Maybe she needs her own rhema word.

  7. I have been dreaming a lot, but the Lord told me not to put a couple up, I don't know why. However, I think I can post this one.

    I was listening to my headset, which IRL, has really big ear pieces, and a very long cord. It was plugged into this light silvery gray tape deck, the size was portable. Someone was beside me, and I turned to look at who it was. It was Brother E. He asked to share my headset. I didn't want to, but since I had forgiven him the offense he did me, I let him share the set with me. But I stretched out my cord, from the little piece of plastic that held the line together, because I did not want him too near me. We were standing in front of this bus. There were a couple of other people around me, but I didn't really look at them. The bus was gray too. We climbed up the stairs, and then I looked at the third row of seats, and they were gray too. Not dark gray, just gray. I knew I wanted to sit in the third seat. I was going to suggest that to E. Then I looked at the driver's seat, and wondered who would be driving. I began to have this thrill of excitement in the pit of my stomach, because I knew that we were going on a journey that I had never gone on before.

  8. Thank you, Ladies. To God be the glory. Something came across my spirit this morning to add to this post. Psychiatric Solutions owns a company called EAP, the Employee Assistance Program. It is part of the employee healthcare programs, that many major corporations have contracted with for mental health issues, life issues, etc., for their employees. If any of you or your spouses have this at your jobs, you are at risk for this topic. All of their doctors want to stay in this network, because it basically has a dominion over healthcare. Also, please note that banking and insurance is interchangeable. But I feel that if I am going to fight Goliath, I will be prepared to take down his family, and I will be declaring the Word of the Lord all the time I am running toward the battle.

    I wrote this topic, because the Lord was calling me Esther, and saying to me that if I did not step out and say something, then deliverance for people who are going through this would come from another place, but I would not get my deliverance. I would rather be scared and in the Lord's will, than offer sacrifice to the Lord, while feeling safe about traveling a less oppositional path. I felt that since I am in the Covenant with the Lord, then He would take care of me and give me the victory. I have to many examples of that in the lives of others and myself to be afraid.

  9. No, I shared that with LOLA and LTWJ, but I know that we will see many things, and I try to prepare my siblings, nieces and nephews and cousins that really may not have the understanding of the times. My little brother is awesome. He was a Christian before I was, and I will be eternally grateful to him for strengthening me until I could walk by myself.

  10. As I woke up this morning and for the last few mornings, I have had this unbelievable feeling of praise and worship. I keep hearing, My departure is at hand, but I think it is in terms of the trials that I am in right now. Connie, I think that I shared with you the vision that the Lord gave me to have this huge shelter ready and I saw myself with my son and my brother in law, with a cooking spoon in my hand looking up at the sky as bombed streaked to California. It appeared to be about 20 years off or less. Who can tell the times, but the Lord. For a couple of seconds, I couldn't do anything but lift my hands in praise just now, because the Lord knows the end from the beginning. I don't have to understand it all. I am just thrilled to be near Him. I don't get over that feeling of awe and gratitude, even when I feel like ninh ninh ninh grumbling.
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