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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. :7) I had to give my special smile, because I know how that can be, and it is the little things that pile up, that are mischevious, wickedness. But the Lord moves around the irritations, which are really trying to get you to be angry and stay angry, instead of having joy.

  2. Listen, Satan comes at us like an angel of light. If the enemy can make his utterly evil ways look good, how hard is it for them to give an illusion of alien encounters. Listen, in the last days, saints are going to be falling away. Listen, people are going to hear strange doctrine, strange stories. Listen, I am not asking you to believe ignorantly. I am not asking you to believe me ignorantly. I am asking you to believe the truth. The truth is that the Lord would not leave such a huge area of uncertainty for the enemy to play with our minds. The key word is-playing with our minds! Listen, Satan comes at us like an angel of light. This ending of the age, the enemy is setting people up for the great deception, because he doesn't want people to believe in a rapture and a resurrection. Listen, once we are raptured, people will be looking for their loved ones. There will be all kinds of hypotheses. Then those in church who have not been raptured because of their unbelief, their false conversion will know what happened, and people will be saved in the tribulation. Listen, all these things are the beginnings of deceptions. Listen, look at Ezekiel's wheel in the middle of a wheel. Listen. There is a deception being played out. Watch out for manipulation. This is witchcraft and it leaves the door open for familiar spirits who will be what you want to see. LISTEN TO WHAT THE SPIRIT HAS TO SAY TO THE CHURCHS.

  3. Hey all! I have been doing my spiritual warfare thing with the praises of the Lord as a weapon, and also praying in my secret language. (My baby nephew dances to it when he hears me do this, and he begins to praise! LOL). I am released by faith to tell this portion right now.

    Well, through the years, I have dreamed of this person who is of Ishmaelite descent. He is wearing dark wrap-around shades, and dark blue jeans, and nice dark brown shoes. He has a thick sweater that is banded in the colors beginning from the lightest blue at the top, to the very darkest blue at the bottom. The colors take dramatic darking from one level to the next. There are only about four bands of color, and the sweater is a turtleneck. He has dark hair, low-cut, so that I can see his ears. He is very fine. OMG, so fine. It is ridiculous. Really. He drives this huyndai or honda, and it is a four-door, older model car. Like those cars people race?

    He has been observing me for a long time. Each time I see this dude, he is in a dream. He always wears the same thing, drives the same car, and is following me to injure me.

    The first time I dreamed that I was being watched, a person who I think was an angel of the Lord, or even a representation of Christ was lying in bed with me, and showed me mounted cameras in the spirit. To confirm it, he showed me almost getting in a wreck that morning. IRL that day was my birthday. So when I woke up, everything happened with the almost wreck exactly as he showed me in the dream.

    Then I kept dreaming about this dude who was stalking me to my door, and when I was using the word against him, he opened up his coat, and there was a bible inside it. He was laughing. Maybe the next week, IRL and in waking world, we (my foster child and I) saw this spirit which was dressed in black, was completely black, with silk shirt and pants, and italian leather shoes, and was looking all good, and we could see the detail of him even though the blackness should have defied contours. He was trying the doorknobs, and if they turned, he would go in. We quickly went back into our homes and began to pray and intercede.

    The next dream that I had of this dude was in 2006, and he was in that car. He was following me as I drove my car, and I mean, he was following me everywhere. IRL, someone started flattening my tires, and when I would come home all kinds of things would be going on.

    I dreamed again of this dude, and this time, my family and I were on this train with flatbed cars and we were all standing, sitting, laying down on the train, and it was moving away from him. That was also in 2006.

    Now, last night, I dreamed of him again. I never realized he was so tall and thick before this dream. First, he was with my sister in a relationship, and then she didn't seem to see that he was all on me from the back. I never would face him. He was trying to engage me sexually. I was on my knees, maybe praying...no, it was more protective physically. Then he was with my mom, like in a relationship. She had on a skirt with high heels and she was seated demurely on a couch. Again he got on me from the back, with all our clothes on. I was like, what is going on-she doesn't mind that he is doing this? I was fighting not to give in to the sensation of warmth, and wanting that contact. I knew something was not right, and it was making me physically ill.

    Now, when I woke up, I was lying all crazy in bed, limbs all akimbo. I didn't know I was that flexible. I haven't slept that wild since I was a child.

    Now, I am searching out something. The black spirit was going in homes where people who were committing adultery and fornication lived. My foster daughter was married and faithful. I was single and faithful. However, her husband was practicing voodoo, and was doing things like putting chicken feet and blood at my door, and there would be black ash on my door. At that point, the Lord gave me a revelation to reveal to him and I told him what he was doing, what he researched about the python spirit, and the pit that he was digging for me. I prophesied to him that the Lord was going to knock that spirit out of the atmosphere, out of the tops of the trees and the weapon that he formed would come back on him. God has amazed me again and again. That night, a tornado came through Dallas, and didn't hit anything but a tall tree behind my apartment. It fell sideways and went through their bedroom window. He repented and came to Christ. Then I dreamed of a fiery attack that was huge, with tree trunk blocks of fiery wood, missiles, arrows, coals, everything being thrown at me for a long period of time, but I was all the time in a big pool of clear water and I could breathe in it. The attack was so bad that I got cut off from everyone else. I couldn't see the end. IRL, I was already going through on my job, because this lady who was practising lesbianism was telling lies on me that I hated people who practised homosexuality. So I was being greatly persecuted there. So then during that time, I dreamed that there was a clock on the stage and it said, it is time. Later that night, after work, IRL, I went to church and there was a clock on the stage, and Pastor said, it is time. Then I started crying and couldn't be consoled. Then this is when I really began being under a great trial and I have not yet come out.

    But I wanted to know this. Because I only see in part, so this has been a great puzzle. Since fornication and adultery are abominations, could this man be a demonic spirit that has been going through our generations? And it has to die in my generation in me? Because it told me it was going to kill me, that God cannot use me, that He will not deliver me. I ain't scared, though. To live is Christ-to die is gain. Because after this time of persecution, after I pass the test, the Lord is supposed to bring me out, like I am being birthed. Like I am in a tight place and I will be pushed and pulled, and delivered through water and blood. That is the picture that the Lord just showed me. Because I am supposed to marry and there will grow a ministry for people who need a place to stay, and it will be there in the bible belt when Vladimir attacks us when my son is 16. This is a lot of information, I know. But ever since I told my dream ten years ago, there has not been a time, when a person has not said things like, God cannot use you. Or all kinds of crazy stuff, out of the blue. What do you think???

    Let God be true and every man a liar. Jesus is Lord, our living God. The only way, the truth and the light of the world. If the Lord tells you to prophesy, or has illuminated you in some way about this situation, speak, men and women of God.

  4. Lord we ask that you protect Ree according to psalms 91, and protect against these youths, even as you protected Elisha. Lord, go before your people and may your enemies be scattered. Let Ree be your light as she resists her own will and humbles herself to your will-if at all possible we ask for redemption of these youth, but if not protect her as you protected Elisha. Cause confusion in their midst as you did for Jehoshaphat. Lord, we praise you and magnify your mighty name because of your greatness, and because of your wonderous works that you are performing. In Jesus' name, we ask it all.

  5. well, actually,
    God is able to fulfill all of Revelations prophecies at the blink of an eye, and Jesus could return. But the Lord reveals portions to us, taking us from glory to glory. There are several things that the Lord promised me that haven't come to pass. There are a lot of biblical things that have not come to pass. One crucial thing, is that the man of sin has not been revealed. The reason why I say this is because it is written in the word, and the word is line upon line and precept upon precept. In other words, every line is strengthened, confirmed, and proved true by the next line. So, it is not what we would consider the end, unless we are referring to the end of the Dispensation of Grace, and going into the Millenial Reign of Christ. So, there is no end to anything, because we are all eternal beings. It is just a matter of where each person is going to spend their next life. For some, honour and glory with the KING, and for others, eternal darkness and everlasting shame. Some people will be feeling really jacked up. I encourage those that I discipline to live today to the fullest, but be mindful that if your "fullness" does not match Christ's fullness...finish the statement any way that you like. The word of God is made very clear through the Holy Spirit, but we have to take time to fellowship with Him and the word, to get wisdom and understanding.

  6. Amen, Kitty, we stand by what we say. I know what I saw about Russia. They are already gearing up to be ferocious bears. I was talking to my christian counselor friend, and he suggested that I was a little stressed out, but after they attacked their own soviet Georgia, he got quiet on me. Hey, the word of the Lord that he shares with his prophets will never fall to the grounds. I am telling you, Russia is going to be doing some bombing, including the US. I told you, I saw it with my own eyes. I had more gray hair and a sixteen year old son. I have no children right now.

  7. O my God, thank you, Lord!!!!Ahhh! Praise the Lord. Thank you, MBStudent. You gave me so much to shout about. Thank you. I used to dream about two bulls chasing me all the time. They would be between me and my purpose, or a goal that I would have. Wow!!This is so much information. Thank you, MB! You have been a great blessing to me today! I forgot about this post, and I needed a little encouragement! Praise the Lord.
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