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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I was in a bathroom and my aunt had just used to bathroom and came out and human feces was in toilet ( sorry i no it nasty) but I used the bathroom and I asked her for a towel and she said that here use this one . I belong to someone(she called his name but I don't remember) he is a guy so its ok. Then I looked at it and it was dirty and I woke up

    The thing that came to my mind was about righteousness. I agree with the first portion of interpretation by Sandra P, and I believe that the last portion of your dream is basically along the same line of trying to grow in righteousness. I pasted Isaiah 64 - for a scriptural reference. I would have posted earlier, but the baby has been very active. LOL!
    Isaiah 64

    1 Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
    that the mountains would tremble before you!
    2 As when fire sets twigs ablaze
    and causes water to boil,
    come down to make your name known to your enemies
    and cause the nations to quake before you!
    3 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect,
    you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
    4 Since ancient times no one has heard,
    no ear has perceived,
    no eye has seen any God besides you,
    who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
    5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
    who remember your ways.
    But when we continued to sin against them,
    you were angry.
    How then can we be saved?
    6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;

    Isaiah 65 has quite an encouraging word as well, and pertains to those who want to follow the Lord's ways and how He will rescue them and reward them. But these are just my

  2. This is my take on the second question...wherever stars are mentioned in the bible, they are in reference to angels. I just believe that stars are physical representations of angels. ie,

    1. Judges 5:20
      From the heavens the stars fought, from their courses they fought against Sisera.
    2. Revelation 1:20
      The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
    3. Revelation 12:4
      His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.

    Princessdelia, that question was just so interesting. Let us know what you think about my reply.

  3. AMen, USemeLord, and Connie. Monique. The thing is, you really do have friends around you, but they are trying to make you paranoid-you cannot let yourself go there. Now is the time to consecrate yourself to the Lord. Use wisdom. Don't let yourself be paranoid. I mean, yes, these things are happening to you, but look at it this way. No one is trying to kill you. You are not profitable if you are dead. Now are you? Everything that is being done is to train you to be paranoid about the normal everyday sights and sounds. Look to the hills. keep praying. Anoint your house with oil. Continue to plead the blood of Jesus over you and your household. Request forgiveness for your enemies. Ask the Lord to surround you with His heavenly host. This is only a test, Monique, and one that you can pass. But you have to commit your will to not looking left or right at any distractions, and drama, but only at the Lord. Ask the Lord to make you hear only what you need to hear and not hear the enemy. Again, remember, the goal is to keep bothering you until you are tired, and fragile. And dear, there is nothing magic about what they are doing when they follow you. It's called GPS, and anybody can buy one of those listening devices for 19.95 and be listening to your conversation. I think about it like this. People are silly. They will sell their souls for a bucket of chicken, like Esau, but then turn and try to get a blessing from God, and with many tears, and still fail to get it, because of the evil in their unchanging hearts. They may be looking at you. So what? You were made to be looked at. To be a testimony. You don't have to react to this drama. Tune it out. You don't even have to talk about it to anybody else who is not listening. When people ask you how you are doing--"fine, praise the Lord." You will be fine, Monique. Continue to seek the Lord, and get rest, and ignore those sights and sounds that you know are trying to get your attention, reprogram you so that you react with fear instead of faith. This is not your battle, but it is your victory.

  4. No, monique. you have to understand how satan works, through people, and through spirits. do not be afraid. the Lord is with you. Keep on going. The people are called headhunters. This is a business to them. It isn't personal. they are paid to do things to make you come into the paranoid state. It is all repetitive conditioning, like the project that was done on pavlovb's dogs. For instance, someone whistling very loudly every time you enter a store. the things that they do run almost parallel to gitmo. So, once I understood that, I was able to research further and get the connection between the PSA agency and the Pavlov institute. They of course, are conected with EAP, insurance, and a major Texas University. Don't think that this is hidden. So what happens if no one really needed their major services? If after fasting and prayer, we began to cast out satan's demons? call a spade a spade. we fast for ourselves, but not to set the captives free. Dom you think that anyon can suppress truth? No! That's why no crime goes unsolved, "everyone's sin finds them out." it is only a matter of a combination of time, season, faith and works (preparedness). David didn't get the opportunity to kill Goliath until he first got great practice on a lion and a bear. He grabbed the lion by his beard and stripped his throat. Then, he got anointed by Samuel. Then he got his opportunity while obeying his father and serving his brothers by binging them nourishment. (Other people who hated on David and wished that they had his courage and anointing, and the reward. They didn't qualify for the battle. David did. People who go through unbelievable adversity are only qualifying for the real battle, because
    God is then asssuring them of the victory. And now I am laughing, because the Lord will vindicate you. He takes care of His kids. As long as you are His child, be courageous. He will not let you be ashamed in front of His enemies.

  5. that is totally messed up. Oh, you better believe, that the enemy is intent on shutting down any mention of Jesus' name, because he knows his time is short and he is not going to want to share anymore power than is absolutely within his ability to circumvent.

  6. Whoooh, Amen, and AMen again. You know, we live in the country, country, and lately, early in the morning, there has been knocking at the door, with no one there. I will always say, in whose name do you come? If you have not come in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you are not welcome, go to the dry places. It has happened occasionally, so much so that my nephews were frightened at one time, but I explained who was doing that and that he wanted them to get a spirit of fear. The reason I am mentioning this is that the enemy cannot come into our lives unauthorized. He has to have a doorway in and halloween is just another doorway, with all that it symbolizes.

  7. That is because you, being so sweet, Virtuous, you don't imagine bad things, . You are just not a plotter by nature, are you, boo? Stuff just keeps coming to my attention, and I can't help but wondering if that is what all those soldier dreams that I have been having was about praying about a lot of things I am seeing come to my attention IRL. And dreamy, there are already some banking institutions that I know for a truth that the higher up in management you go, you end up having a bar code to access some levels of the business buildings. That's why I emphasized that I could not go any further up in my latter.
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