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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. One of the things about ministry is that ministry is about servanthood. You don't have to like people, but you do have to love them, and did it like you love yourself, in order to be able to effectively serve them. Humbling oneself before the mighty hand of God means more than just letting God take care of your problems. It means yielding to His will for your life. It means letting His word shape and transform you into the image of His Son, who asked people to pray with Him, but obviously spent more time than anyone else in privacy with His Father. It means being gentle, when you want to be rough. It means saying things in a right manner. Change, God could be waiting for you to yield to Him, and let Him change you from the inside out. I noticed some of your posts were not the most gentle of niceties. Even satan comes as an angel of light so that people will be more receptiive to him. We Christians could learn some things from that. Truth does not always have to be harsh...you cannot afford to alienate everyone. In ministry, no one can ever get where they are going without people.

  2. lololol! oh, boy. well, we are happy with you, cholette. Let the royal priesthood be clothed and garbed in priestly apparel! It just makes me think of abundance. People don't usually go into a store and start filling up a basket or even walk with one unless they have the funds available for such an event.

  3. Hi-five, me, Lola. lOL. i want you to know today, Christa, that the Lord honors marriage. It doesn't matter if you decide to marry the most diabolical dude in the world. God would honor that. But He also has made a way of escape, not as an excuse, but as legitimately merciful ways to get back to where you can have peace and grow in grace and godliness. Todd is not your enemy, but he is being used by the enemy. Until he comes into his right mind, he is the wrong one. One day I am going to tell my story to you when you have time.

  4. Christa wrote:
    I'm too burned out to be angry Cholette, which kind of scares me. I muster up strength by re-directing my anger usually. I can't even be angry. I'm just weak, tired, and fatigued. God hates divorce and I hate myself, that's all I can think. Why would I do something that God hates. He doesn't even permit divorce, only for certain circumstances, and abuse isn't one of them. I may never go back to live with Todd, which may push him into adultery, which will in turn show probable cause for a divorce....but is that what God wants? It says in the Bible that if we have to leave, it should only be for a short time, then come back together. I don't know.

    What I do know is that my daughter can't be put in the middle of this. That's one thing I do know. So, I can't go there. I can't reconcile. I have to get a divorce and displease God or else I'm a bad mother. My choice is that I'm either a bad mother, or a bad Christian. That's what I'm hearing in my head and from so many people. It might not be said that way, but that's how it feels. I have my first divorce STILL hanging over my head and it's been a decade. Now, a second divorce? Ahhh man, this completely sucks. I must be the biggest idiot in the freakin' universe to even think that I could get married again and have a happy marriage. I'm depressed and I can't sleep well. It's not that I don't appreciate what's been said. I do. I just feel like the dichotomy in my mind on whether to divorce or not hasn't been addressed in a way that I can understand it. I don't want to hurt God any more than I already have.
    Hmm. I feel so badly for you. I just want to say that yes, God hates divorce, but He also hates it when people hurt other people. You are right, there are ccrtainly extinuating circumstances for which God allows. Adultery, obviously, but also, if a man puts his wife away and does not want her. If he abandons his role as a husband. If he rejects her because of the Gospel. Let's see which one you fit in. I am trying to show you why you don't need to fall under condemnation. Because Cholette is hitting the nail on the head. Everything else is just to drive the point home.
    I Corinthians 7:10To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
    12To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
    15But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. 16How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?

    I do not advocate divorce, but what I am saying is that when a man abandons his role as a lover, caretaker, prophet, priest, and provider to his wife, then he has already walked away, and made himself more important. I am not saying that God won't work it out, but you will never know how He can, if you won't trust Him to receive this care and begin to work on Todd for you. A person cannot change another person. Only God can effect a change in a person's heart. A soft heart can be moulded. A hard heart only gets harder. I pray that Todd receive a heart transplant, get a new heart. One that will hear the Lord. I know that it hurts and is depressing. I think that you are pretty brave and courageous to do what you have to do for your child and yourself. huggins

  5. It is too early in the morning for you to be making me laugh this hard. OOH! Yes, I did shrink it. This is the condensed version, but I will try again. Joker. rofl :bighug: I saw someone towing a car on a hot day. They were push towing it. Then I was reconciling with my enemies. Then mom and I rode a bus to get to the homeless to feed them. Then we went back home. Then I was working on a house with someone else, and we were using the fake bricks the owners gave us. I didn't want to use fake bricks. Then we were getting ready to go to a dinner or bbq or dinner/bbq. It wasn't ready. We went back to finish the brick-laying. Then went back to the house with the dinner. The end. Short enough, shawty?

  6. duh When the dream started I was sitting in a car in town, watching a tow truck push a gray plymouth neon down the street and around the car. I waited for someone to come out running after the tow truck, but that never happened. The tow truck had dirt on it, like when it has been dusty for some time. The sun was shining and it was a hot day. I was sweating and had on a sleeveless shirt. I rarely wear that IRL. I was looking at the storefront, waiting for someone to come out. I could see the street stop sign on my left, the hardware store was in front of me, and the old would was light gray because it had not been weathered or painted. I went back to this house that had many enemies. We all began to talk and laugh, having a great time. We talked about the things that made us not like each other, and how silly we were back then. This was an upstairs/downstairs house with six bedrooms. I could see all of the house at once, like when you cut something in half and open it up. Everyone was dressed very nicely. Then the dream jumped to my mother and me. It seemed that we are riding a bus that was not driven by my Boaz, but that we know that he is coming soon, in the next hour, he is the next driver. I am not waiting for him, because I know that he will come. We get to our destination, and we have work to do. We began to feed hungry people. In this dream, it was night, and the people had on a lot of clothes. They were street people. After that, we went back to the house, but we drove, we didn't take the bus. When I got there, there was this guy in a room who was supposed to be gay. He was really little. I went in and he was lying on this twin bed. There was someone lying on the floor infront of this ragged brown dresser. The carpet was stained in splotches. The mattress on the floor was little more than pieces of foam. I was thinking, Eww. I closed the door, then it opened again, and the dude came out hugging me, glad to see me. The person on the floor turned out to be a woman with a little child. She said, "You think I am not man enough to be with him?" I didn't have a reply. I was very shocked that she was a female, when I thought he was gay. I was also shocked that she would have her child in the room with her while she was doing a sexual act. Well, I did not see that happen, but she put herself out there like that. I went back in the room, and the guy leapt out of his bed again, and proceeded to urinate on the carpet in front of the dresser. THEN the dream switched to me being at someone's house doing brick work with ready-made faux brick material. I thought this was cheap and inferior. Why would anyone roll out their brick pavement and siding? It was able to be rolled out and cut. We did the siding at the front door and the path to the sidewalk that led to the street. We got in a car and we were headed to my aunt's brother in law's house in desoto. I didn't see the door open, so we (my siblings) passed the house and I went back up the street to work on the brick. The husband was there and the wife. There was a door positioned between them so that I could see the face of the door, the window with the curtain in it, but the woman was on the left of the door and the man was on the right of the door. The woman had on pearls, and had a lot of hair. She also had on an apron. They were not in agreement on something they were discussing. Later that day, we went back by the aun't house. I could see weeds bordering the house, and it was up the street from the house I was working on. I got the impression that I could see inside the house. The house itself was made of brick. The same color as what I was putting down on the other property. Brown and maroon with the white mortar between. It also had a railing on the porch. It was a low porch. No real steps needed to climb it. It had a dark gray roof, with white wood under it. There were no trees in the yard, like when it is a new community, but the houses did not look that new. It reminded me of houses that are flipped after purchase. The photo albums were on the coffee tables and there were pictures on the wall. There was lots of food being prepared, like when you barbeque. I could see an Eddie Bauer, dark blue with beige trimming in the back under the carport, and several other cars at the house. I was uneasy thinking about my aunts. I knew they were in there, and I wondered if this was going to be peacable, or did we even want to bother with them. We could go do something else. (They were always kind, but look down on people in real life. I remember they would just whip out 100.00 bills and ask if we wanted them. We would, but we would say no. They were kind of catty, and my sisters did not like them. Long history.) I woke up. What in the World???...i am asking for help in interpretation. i saw the gray neon today. this is a small town. 1700 or less people. what are the chances I would see it drive by my house on the highway coming from town? I was like, wow. I don't know whose it is. also, people have been popping up and calling me out of my past. I am talking 10 and 12 years ago, and we are reconciling and resolving old conflicts. not burying them, but really talking about them. hmmm.

  7. When I think of grapes, in this sense, I think Eschol, the entering to the promised land. Grapes in a bowl make me think that you will not even have to labor or strain yourself for it. They have already been picked, and are in a position to be eaten. This is interesting. It brings to mind Elijah in 1 kings 17-19. In fact, this has been a theme for many people for a while. Dove Solutions, a moderator has a posting in the prayer section I think you will find interesting.

  8. You know, I was thinking about Hannah, and how she was in the temple praying without making a sound, and eli saw her and thought she was drunk. She explained her predicament, and then eli blessed her and told her to go in peace. I am sure you know all that. I am standing in agreement with you for your child. I pray that the Lord use your child mightily, and that He give you more children in the spirit, and in the natural, that you have to enlarge your tents to fit them into your life, promisedchild.

  9. I am included to agree with mbstudent. I always refer back to scripture> Choose life not death, choose the blessing not the curses. When a person prostitutes themselves, it is in exchange for financial gain, or security. they are not able to have a monogamous relationship - that is, they are not able to give themselves wholly to another in covenant. But they are continually acting on and attempting to reap the benefits illegitimately. The word of God says that Israel kept prostituting herself to strange idols. Instead of gaining any benefit, she was giving away her worth, what God had given to her. The spiritual harlotry always bleeds over into the natural. It affected their worship, their giving and their living as a people set apart for a holy God. It cost them, and brought them into captivity every time. I looked up the word dilda, and I have to use it in a graphic sense. It is the feminine of dildo, which is either a small penis, or false penis, or pleasure tool. Any which way, it represents false power, false pleasure. The fact that you were willing walking into the darkness in the dream says something to me. This is an area in which you know better, but you go anyway. I think your friend is representative of another chance, or rather consequences that have been put off, sort of like a "go and sin no more or next time something worse will happen" scene. This seems like a dream of wrong fellowship and compromise. Not really about sex, but about making up your mind. Just my thoughts.
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