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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. Lord you are worthy of all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise. Yeah, you can be the god pappy. lol! Thjat wau when the baby gets here you can come pick her up when she :babycrib: . LMBO. Dang, that whole interpretation fits. Occasionally, I dream that I am talking about the gospel with this man, and that I will be working closely with the pastorship in ministry. This definitely an affirming dream, and you are right on target, Dream Guy.

  2. I agree with your Pastor...not all prophecies are for now...the man that he was speaking about to you may not even be the man God told you was your helpmate...it could be someone TOTALLY different. We only know in part and when we simply place the prophetic words on "the shelf", God will begin to unfold. I believe you assumed it was your helpmate because that's where you are right now, but I also believe in imposters...individuals that the enemy will sometimes send to throw us off track. I've seen it happen with several of my friends over and over and THEN the real one shows up. Don't discount the word...it may not be for now...it could be a glimpse into something in the future.
    That is a wonderful word, Cholette. This is why Proverbs 27:17 is so relevant for the believer, because friends do sharpen each other-iron sharpening iron. And you are right, an imposter may well be on his way. A Doppelganger, a twin. I had that happen to me too, and the guy was nice, saved and sweet, but he was not the one. I was tempted to make my prophetic puzzle piece fit too. thumbs

  3. HisLightbeam wrote:
    Well, I can say this. If an indictment is done on your boss, the employees under him may be involved too. I know that things are hard, but trust God to work it out and put you where you need to be.

    wooo-ooo...I must really have been sluggish when i wrote this! My bad,
    Christa. What I am saying is that sometimes employees end up getting indicted with their bosses, even though they may actually know little to nothing. I was in that situation, and I walked off of my job, because the Lord told me to, and just in time, too. I am not trying to frighten you, because I know that things are rough and you have already been looking for a job. Before you left, had the seasons of your job changed, where it was no longer comfortable for one reason or another to work there? God can use anyone to bless us, but we also have to discern when a place of blessing dries up. One thing I can tell you, is be careful who you discuss these things with. I am not saying don't concern yourself with the situation - what I am saying is that you would be surprised how many little birds can carry messages that you don't intend for others to find out. I am truly praying for you, girl. You have some radically tough decisions to make. But you can do it.

  4. JBS, I would definitely continue to pray for the little girl and we can stand in agreement with you that these people's eyes and ears are opened spiritually, because they are blinded by the god of this age. I would still bring Amy a little gift, but now, I would just ease away from these people as close friends or even friends, especially if they are stridently against Christ. But I would still be nice to them. Sometimes, that is what it takes to bring someone to Christ. Sometimes, you will not see the seed grow, but you are watering it with your kindness. It may be that one in that family may ask you for prayer or see your light in such a way that they may want to emulate you. Or it might make them jealous of you. Any ole way, the only way Amy would see my kid from then on is in the comfort of my own home. I would definitely get some contact oil and put it on myself and my kid, and whenever we had contact, I would believe God for deliverance.

  5. Dear Kimie - I am not saying that this man is not a true prophet of God, but I am saying that prophets can miss what God is saying too. That's why we have to be careful what we say to people when we get ready to say, "Thus says the Lord..." If your spirit was not in agreement with what the man said - and you will know, because your living water will reject it - then maybe the Lord is testing you to see if you will hold fast to His word, Deuteronomy 13, or He is testing you with His word while He is bringing His word to pass.
    I got that from Psalm 105:1-19. Also, there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel, so pray on what I and the next person is going to say. I know that a man that I met from Houston had the prophetic gifting, but was living a perverse lifestyle. God give gifts without repentance, after all. He (the man) told me my Boaz was not my husband and that he (the man) was. Now, I had seen enough to know that he (the man) did have the gift, but the Spirit man in me absolutely rejected what he said. In fact, I started having to actively avoid the man. He was so angry with me, that he tried to do harm to me, followed me to my church, and I had to end up informing security of this issue. That perverse spirit was trying to hinder me. But I was chaste, and the Lord took care of me. See, no one knows the motives of the heart like the Lord. But He will not let you miss the mark, and definitely not let you miss His word. So you may want to just fast for your faith to be strengthened. But hold on to what you know that God has told you. You want to make sure that you heard your word for the husband that God gave to you, but honestly, we all know when a word is spoken that is for us, because the spirit rejoices in us. Not just the natural man. The spirit leaps in us. Just as when we hear a false word, the spirit seems to push it away from us. You know? No worries. God will never let you miss your destiny, especially if you are pursuing God and not the things He has for you. He will make it so that you will walk right into your destiny. We really make it harder than it has to be. We try to get everything right, and when we stumble, we think we have done irrepairable damage to our futures. But when God shows us a vision, it is for an appointed time, and it will not happen any sooner, or any later than the season it is supposed to happen in. He also sees all of the possibilities of what may happen before we get to that appointed time. Seeing, then, that He knows the end from the beginning, it does us no good to worry and try to help God with His plan. It is His plan, and it is good, and for our good. Jeremiah 29:11. All He wants us to do is use our faith, and do our works that He made for us to do before the beginning of time, which is healing, cleansing, casting out devils, feeding the hungry.
    These things come from the heart of God, and can truly only be done in love. And He has already done the rest.

  6. Good morning, Saints.

    This is a difficult dream with many terms. Often, I give a skeletal rendition of the dream to be brief, but I will try to remember as many elements as I can. I dreamed that I was pregnant, and should have been at the point of delivery. I kept looking down at my stomach. I knew that I was having a little girl, because I kept saying that she had not moved in a couple of days, and I was concerned about whether or not she was still alive. I was approximately 9 months pregnant, and I was at and moving past my due date. I didn't feel any cramps, my water hadn't broken, and I had no "show". My sisters, SF, and MM, kept asking me if I was in pain, and if I was cramping. We were at this building that reminded me if a motel, because of the many doors that were in it. The building was L-shaped, and on a hill, and the paint was peaches and cream colored. Again, the building material was slatted wood, and the roof was dark gray shingles. I could see that the ground had that dark paving which was old and broken up by time, tires, and growing vegetation. I looked out into this valley that was right beside the motel, and it was a deep one, like I was standing on a mountain, but I could see the green trees, and see the wind blowing on their leaves, making them go from one shade of green to the next, and back as the limbs moved back and forth. When I looked further up, I saw my pastor (IRL, I haven't seen him in person in about 9 months. crying ) and I wanted to fly over that expanse and get to him, because I wanted to go home. I don't know what I mean by that. I think the church. He looks up and sees me, and I see the first lady, and they are smiling. They are happy to see me, even though we are mountains away from each other. They are saying, good job, and maybe that I will be with them soon.

    I realize that I want the pastor to know that I am about to give birth. Then I look down and my stomach is flatter at the top, and I thought the baby had maybe got in the head down position. When I looked up this time, my pastor had gotten closer, and instead of casual clothes, he had on a suit. That increased my yearning to go home. I was thinking of him as a father (this made me think of Elijah and Elisha) like a teacher. Then I kept seeing him get closer and closer, then I talked with my mother about my baby not moving and she said, ain't nothing wrong with her, she getting her strength. Then I woke up.

    The dream that I had the other night was about my boaz driving, and he was in the car by himself, but I was on the passenger seat observing. It was sunny on the ride, and I could see the land on both sides of the car. I could see the road too, and that he was smiling, and it was a straight stretch, a long stretch.

    Just like the dream above, I kept flipping back and forth between scenes of my family and things that we were doing, and him.

  7. I certainly will. I don't think there is, but I did have a dream that the Lord had killed this giant snake about as long as a double trailer on an 18 wheeler. When I walked around it, I came to a spot on the land that had new plants that were in capsules and they were all neatly labeled. The sun was shining on that spot. IRL, when I first moved back to this state, I went to visit my father, and he had some plants set up in just that manner. I am really desiring to understand what all this means. I believe it means that if there is a curse, it is one that has been broken in the family. thinking I know that since I have had this dream, my sister's house has fallen in in some places due to water damage...but I think that relates to the dream where I saw her husband fall into a pit.

  8. I am inclined to agree with sunshine2 a little here. This dream reminds me of the king's heir who comes back for his rightful inheritance over the land that the people were in stewardship over, only they killed him so they could have the land for themselves. You remember that parable, dreamy one?

    Matthew 21, 33"Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and went away on a journey. 34When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

    35"The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37Last of all, he sent his son to them. 'They will respect my son,' he said.
    38"But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him and take his inheritance.' 39So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
    40"Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"
    41"He will bring those wretches to a wretched end," they replied, "and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time."
    42Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures:
    " 'The stone the builders rejected
    has become the capstone[h];
    the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes'[i]?
    43"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."[j]
    45When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus' parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.

    It's like the church has forgotten its purpose, to help the stranger, the widow, the orphan, to heal the sick, to visit those who are shut in, to love, to share, and when people of the royal priesthood, or even those "Cyruses" who don't even know God question what is going on, they try to shut those people down, kill them, quiet them, move them out of the way. The ears would rather be tickled, and be comfortable, fat, corpulent and spiritually lazy than to be about the work of the Father's business for which they were hired. If I am way off, I don't mind. laugh

  9. You know, you truly are a prophet of the Most High God, Yahweh. :PTL: Seriously, because you line up with the word, I think you read a lot of the word, 📖 but also, you are very sweet, but always swear to tell me the truth on anything the Lord may reveal to you. I don't like tickled ears. So the interpretation was right on, and after you said it, I looked at it again, and I just got crazy happy, because, I am dreaming about walking in fellowship with my siblings almost as often as I am now dreaming of my hubby, and now I dream of him atleast once a night, and it is always pertaining to marriage and ministry, not other stuff. So thanks Dreamy one and LOLA.

  10. I had to stop screaming and praising God before I answered this. I am not an interpreter, I am a dreamer and a prophetess who prophesies the word of God, which is the revelation of Jesus Christ. So-blowing my air out. My hubby I think must be struggling with depression. That keeps coming to me. Really. Everytime I see him in black, I think, "depression." could ya'll touch and agree with me on that? I pray for him everyday and cover him, but I know that when I first met him IRL, I began to get fiercely attacked everyday, so now I am 36, and salt and pepper gray. Like eagle's wings since January. Now, I am declaring war to get this over with. Dreamy one, stop teasing me. Thanks for the love, Jesus. Lola, I am doing shout-outs. I am having bad deja vu, and everyday I am looking out the window as I work on my writing. I am looking, looking, looking, expecting.

  11. Um, Well, dreamy one, people do what they want to do, say what they want, believe what they want; can't change that. you can only be honest and tender, and try to be conciliatory. If it doesn't work, then you have done what you should in a situation. That's all. Can someone lock this post, so that we can continue to move forward? We have tried to do what is right, and there is no sense in now dwelling on this situation. That's not good, and we won't gain anything, just because Temi would not receive us and is now gone. Hopefully, it is a lesson in wisdom, and maybe I didn't get it fully, but we cannot let the enemy of our souls speak turmoil into our ears, so that we ourselves cause division in the body. Because in a techno sort of way, we are a church. :uhoh:

  12. Yeah, we haven't dissed anyone. We are working to bring about a spirit of unity, not of strife. For God is not the author of confusion, but as in all His churches, He is a God of decency and of order. So, basically, we are encouraging the dramatic spirit of disorder to be cast out and the root of bitterness that it is causing to be plucked up and dried out and killed. The end. We love each other, and that love does cover a multitude of offenses. We are trying to cover each other, not judge each other! bandaid "The judge is standing at the door, so don't judge your brother, or else you will be judged. There is one law and one law-giver, and one judge of all." None of us are that judge that pertains to our eternal souls-whether we know who goes to heaven or hell. But we are to know who labours among us, in order to judge (or discern) their fruits. No good tree gives bad fruit, and no bad tree gives good fruit. If anyone is a bad fruit bearer, hopefully, the fellowship that we have everyday with each other will show forth the love of Christ, and have a profound effect on their heart.

  13. Numbers 24

    5 "How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob,
    your dwelling places, O Israel!
    6 "Like valleys they spread out,
    like gardens beside a river,
    like aloes planted by the LORD,
    like cedars beside the waters.
    7 Water will flow from their buckets;
    their seed will have abundant water.
    "Their king will be greater than Agag;
    their kingdom will be exalted.
    8 "God brought them out of Egypt;
    they have the strength of a wild ox.
    They devour hostile nations
    and break their bones in pieces;
    with their arrows they pierce them.
    9 Like a lion they crouch and lie down,
    like a lioness—who dares to rouse them?
    "May those who bless you be blessed
    and those who curse you be cursed!"


  14. 19 God is not a man, that he should lie,
    nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
    Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?
    20 I have received a command to bless;
    he has blessed, and I cannot change it.
    21 "No misfortune is seen in Jacob,
    no misery observed in Israel. [a]
    The LORD their God is with them;
    the shout of the King is among them.
    22 God brought them out of Egypt;
    they have the strength of a wild ox.
    23 There is no sorcery against Jacob,
    no divination against Israel.
    It will now be said of Jacob
    and of Israel, 'See what God has done!'

  15. Numbers 23 (New International Version)

    Numbers 23

    Balaam's First Oracle

    1 Balaam said, "Build me seven altars here, and prepare seven bulls and seven rams for me." 2 Balak did as Balaam said, and the two of them offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
    3 Then Balaam said to Balak, "Stay here beside your offering while I go aside. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet with me. Whatever he reveals to me I will tell you." Then he went off to a barren height.
    4 God met with him, and Balaam said, "I have prepared seven altars, and on each altar I have offered a bull and a ram."
    5 The LORD put a message in Balaam's mouth and said, "Go back to Balak and give him this message."
    6 So he went back to him and found him standing beside his offering, with all the princes of Moab. 7 Then Balaam uttered his oracle:
    "Balak brought me from Aram,
    the king of Moab from the eastern mountains.
    'Come,' he said, 'curse Jacob for me;
    come, denounce Israel.'
    8 How can I curse
    those whom God has not cursed?
    How can I denounce
    those whom the LORD has not denounced?
    9 From the rocky peaks I see them,
    from the heights I view them.
    I see a people who live apart
    and do not consider themselves one of the nations.
    10 Who can count the dust of Jacob
    or number the fourth part of Israel?
    Let me die the death of the righteous,
    and may my end be like theirs!"
    11 Balak said to Balaam, "What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, but you have done nothing but bless them!"
    12 He answered, "Must I not speak what the LORD puts in my mouth?"
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