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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Well, Sandra P., there is just no smiley face with a surprised kitty look to it, or else I would use it. Wow. Definitely. Praying for angelic protection and praying with the word, and reading, studying and memorizing the word for warfare are part of my daily routine. I would not be surprised to know that the men were angels watching over me. As far as the bus scenario, you got that right! I am not good at dream interpretation, but I look at my replies, and I check my spirit for confirmation. I know there is a little more to this, but nothing you said was incorrect. It was all correct. 👏 I feel like there is more to it, but unless you have the exact dream I had, it would be hard to draw it out more clearly, know what I mean. Thanks Sandra!!!!

  2. I pray that the Lord Bless everyone who stopped by to read this prayer, and those who maybe didn't have time as well. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. May you be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, the lender and not the borrower, live in houses you have not built, eat food you have not had to labor for, may your children bless you and have long life, may your accounts be filled so that you overflow into the lives of others. May sickness flee from your household of faith. May the Lord give you a song in the night, tell you a secret in the quiet hours of the morning, and give you peace and surround you with the protection of the angels. May every weapon the enemy has against you fail to launch, may every attempt to confuse you and trick you be hindered by the Spirit and by wisdom and innocence. May you forgive your enemies, and may that be a launch pad for your promises to come through. May wings of healing fly to your doors. In the name of Jesus, I ask these things for you, and ask that the Father place a hedge between you and the enemy. In Jesus name, I thank you, Father. Amen. praying

  3. I dreamed that I was with these men, and my uncle and mother were with me as well. I was eating well, and really being catered to. Really, everywhere I went, the men followed me. But not scary. They had on suits, like the secret service. They were serious about their job too. I remember that I would eat, do things, sleep and then do it again, like this was how my life was going. Then I broke from that dream, by opening a door, and I boarded a metro bus. My Boaz was driving. He smiled at me, greeted me, and was happy to see me. We began to talk about the Lord, and I was just tickled with the conversation. We looped through the metro area, and other people that I knew began to fill up the bus. We were praying and edifying each other. Finally, he took a brief break, and went into this dinner. He came back out with fried catfish, a salad, and fries. I was flattered when he gave me a big portion of the fried fish, the bottom portion where I got part of the sides and the tail (IRL, I like to crunch on the crispy tail, I don't know why) so I had a field day. While I was riding, I saw the brown buildings, and there was one business, with some giant faces painted on it. The dominant colors were blue red brown and yellow around the people who were black and white people. The bus was really doing a figure eight route, and we never left the metro area. The end. thumbs

  4. Thank you, Martin, certainly for taking the time to review this post. Yeah, the need really did hurt greatly, so much so that it woke me up. This particular person with the needle was also supposed to be a believer, but anytime I would be doing something, like studying in a quiet place on my break, or just be cheerful, she always had something negative to say, she would always try to imply that I was not right in the head. I* finally told her to stop being offensive. I believe she belonged to a church that did not believe in the holy spirit...something like that. She was very overweight and had diabetes, and was generally unhealthy - but she could be nice when she wanted to be. Thank you, again. I would certainly agree with
    the shirt your protection, mantle, it was a suprise, almost like a betrayal, someone in authority coming against your convernant relationship with the Lord
    as I look at the situation. thumbs

  5. LovetoworshipJesus wrote:
    Hi all going to Bahamas with my family YEAH!!! I never been so I am glad I am going....MY mom, dad, and others....Pray we all have fun and have a good time. and have a safe trip and that no one get sick...
    Go 'head, Bahama mama lol! Wishing you God Speed and protection, provision, and a very wonderful time.

  6. Not trying to jump on you, Change. I have had to do this myself in certain situations. If I was honest with myself, I would not be asking God, "Is it me, Lord, that needs to change?" No, I would say, "Lord, it's me. So change me. Help me to change and to be the person who You have destined me to be." I started proclaiming the promises of God for my life. I would take a situation, and say to myself, "In the natural, I cannot deny that I have no money. But I know that Father has the world and all its fullness. I know that I live in Christ continually, and Christ lives in my continually, and I can ask Father anything I want and it will be done for me." Then I started marinating on the book of James, which many people don't like. It makes them take a hard look at themselves, that's why. James 1:22 says be a doer of the Word and not only a hearer. So when James came to the part where I didn't have because I wasn't asking, and when I asked, I couldn't get what I was asking for because I had wrong motives, I was defiant. But the truth is that the Word is a lamp that makes you see the real you. You will never see yourself if you don't look in a reflection. You will never see your true spiritual self, if you don't look in the mirror of the Word. You will never change inside if you don't let go of anger and bitterness and replace it with the word and prayer. Then your change will come, and it will be reflected on the outside, too. I want to say that I started by waking up each morning thanking God overabundantly, for several minutes, several several minutes at a time. Then I would list all the things that I was thanking Him for. Then I would recite the Lord's prayer and ask Him to give me Heaven on earth today. Then I would sing praises to Him and tell Him how wonderful He really is. Everyone wants to be loved, appreciated, and thanked-we get that from God. I know this works. The word of God says that praises are our weapon, and wisdom brings prosperity. People can love you all day, but you can't receive it as long as you have that barrier of negative emotions, doubt, unbelief, and pessimism. I don't mind you being upset with what I am saying, Change. Please keep in mind that what I am saying to you is what I have paraphrased straight from the bible. Maybe you know all of these things already. Ask the Lord to help you live what you know.

  7. I just refuse to be distracted by the enemy. Almost everybody here is a real encouragement, and I love the way each of you manifest the gifts that God has given you to dream, to interpret, to prohesy, to edify, to exhort. Thank you, ladies.

  8. Again, thank you for the word today, ladies - I both agree and appreciate it. I too have been surreptiously ignoring the ranting posts, as I thought answering the posts would only encourage, and not discourage the behavior. I want to make sure that I have clarified my stance when I say there is only one Judge and Lawgiver, as it pertains to salvation, not judgement as it pertains to right and wrong. We are supposed to judge right and wrong behavior according to the
    Word, and not what we have a personal believe of. Whenever we have a personal belief that is different than what the scripture clearly expounds, the personal belief is the belief that should be kicked to the curb and revamped. Virtuous, you are right to say that it is not lovely to let people continue in error. I know I ignored some of it, because my response may have been harsher than what I would have intended. After all, the Lord drew us all with love and kindness - and sometimes I can be blunter than I think God wants me to be.

    There are boundaries that have been set forth for those who use the site. Where people fall outside of the boundaries there is confusion and disorder. I would like to think that everyone wants peace, and to benefit from all the wisdom that flows in this site, but it would not be true. I am looking for some fruit from the rants, but we all know that fruits don't grow on a sapling. Prayerfully, this person will grow in wisdom as they spend time in the Word.
    correcting someone. We use those three words TOO lightly to justify not receiving correction; especially when we actually see ourselves in what is being said. THAT’S what the Word of God does for us. When we read it, we’re suppose to see ourselves…the ugly parts and all. THAT’S how we get cleaned up. THAT’S why the word should not be compromised.

    If we don’t STAND on the Word of God, just as it is…we are going to be held accountable for it.
    I agree with you, Virtuous, Cholette, hillobeans, princessdelia. Have a great one.

  9. I would love to finish up some things and be done with the past, in fact. I think that shutting the door on some things and not going back to them are a crucial part of going on to the future. I try to do a good and thorough job, whatever I do, and prayerfully, I am trying to do a great job of moving forward into my future. I think my drift at the end of the dream is simply me not knowing what is next.
    ther will be a sign out 4 u,,um the red door kood indicate some anger,,i guess tha fact that u were overlooked and not called kood irk u,,
    I think that I have to let go of this other offense that I must be holding toward my Boaz. I don't think I liked the impersonality of the sign. I want to go to the dinner, and yet I act like I need more than an open invitation. H mm mm mm...I have to really analyze this dream some more.
    :slapfight: whistle ok now dont shoot tha messander,, :yes: happy dance huggins flower :afro:
    LOL, I wouldn't shoot the messenger. Obviously, some ground work is being done before the harvest, right? Thanks for your awesome input! This is a beautiful thing, because lack of knowledge can really foul me up. :bighug: 📖 I wanna get whatever is my gifts from the Lord before I am :grandpa: .

  10. I had a dream about someone who I worked with, who was a supervisor who stick me with a sewing needle; she was kneeling down at my left side and she said she was helping me by sewing my skirt, and she had the hem in her hand. I looked down and she had a huge needle that she used to push into my thigh. She was staring at me to see my reaction. The pain was so great that I screamed myself awake. What did that mean? It was a dream that I had more than two years ago, but I never forgot it. Her name was Latrevia.

  11. What an unorthodox dream. Actually a series of dreams. The first part of the dream was about a young lady who worked in a stable, and in the office of the stable. She really loved horses. She kept her hair in a long ponytail, and it was dark brown, but by the end of the dream, it was blonde. I don't know why. She wore a dark vest over a flashy white shirt, some jodpurs, and some boots. The office was actually an airconditioned office that was situated in the stable. Some men came one night and tried to burn the stable by pouring gasoline all over one little area near her office. She was in there sleeping. The flames went over a portion of her legs and arms, and some of her hair, but she got out and put the flames out. The stable kept burning, but she saved a mare and her foal, which was the horse that the men were trying to kill. All the other horses died.

    Then I was dreaming about a wolf who was fighting this bird-like creature that could run on the ground and fly. It had feathers and leather. It was red, with a big ole beak. It was pretending to be hurt, so that it could trap the wolf into going down in this ravine where this other creature was, and this other creature was gray and green, the way moss is sometimes, but darker. The dark creature caught the wolf, just as the wolf leaped into the ravine to kill the bird thing. Then help came and picked the wolf out of danger. They were all talking. The wolf was like, "I almost had it." And then the lady who pulled him out said, "no you didn't. They were going to kill you."

    Then I was dreaming about my ex who I dated in college for years. He had on a turtle neck light gray sweater, and a light brown courdoroy jacket. He had several lady friends with him. This dream was almost like, no, it was like I was watching him on cinema, like one of those old projectors with reel in it. He picked up this old guitar, and began to play it. I noticed that it only had one string, but he was able to play a beautiful song on it. I was pessimistic about him, and I was wondering how he could have changed himself into this charmer. I thought, is he now off drugs? I was just watching to see what he would do next. lol!
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