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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I dreamed that I and my two older sisters were at this house made of wood, which had the colors of tangerine with the trimming of the outside of the house being yellow like lemony yellow. This house had atleast six bedrooms and lots of bathrooms, but for some reason, I could not get any privacy to take a shower. My sister SF was sitting on this beige cushiony sofa. And I was on her left side, dressed in a t-shirt and pants. There were other people in the house, like my friend's daughter, who had a little boy and a little girl, and was feeding them at a children's table. There was a caucasian man in khaki shorts, a t-shirt and leather sandals, who seemed to be the owner of the house. My sister MM had gone to one of the bathrooms. I badly wanted to take a shower, and I was getting frustrated because I could not get into one of those bathrooms. Finally my sister SF turned to me, and said, just take a shower with your clothes on. Then I saw that I still had on my underwear, but I had on a dressing gown. I had some special bath gel that my sister SF had given me, and it was really rich and precious to me. I didn't want to use it, but I had nothing else that I could use. She didn't say anything, and I was feeling good, washing myself off, and I could feel the warm water sluicing the dirt away with the soap. End of Dream.

    The next night, again dreamed that I was taking a shower, and getting clean.

  2. THANKS, CONNIE. Never before has this town needed the Lord so much. We have the Klan, the Crips, the Bloods, the 5's, and the Church. LOL, so I know that this is spiritual. This is Louisiana, but have you ever seen a state that had so much confusion? I know that God brought me here for a reason, and I am selfishly requesting to be gone. But I make myself do what I gotta, do, because doing it is my first joy. Evangelism. I don't know why I am here, even though I am being obedient. I am tired. Thanks for all of your prayers. I think this just brought my fatigue in the struggle to the head. Thank you Father for taking control of the situation through the Holy Ghost, and bless everyone who even viewed this post with peace, and wholeness in the name of the Lord Jesus.

  3. Thank you, Ms. J. I think it has a lot to do with the gang activity around here. But we are a Christian family, and the only gang member we have got into the family through marriage. So, I am trying to give the cop a "benefit of the doubt" feel. There is so much activity, drugs and stuff, and this is a rural area-it is totally destroyed. We cannot blame anybody for what is going on in this community. We relaxed the family values. Now, most of the young men are living for Satan. We still evangelize here. I feel like screaming and screaming. I am tired, really. Know what I mean?

  4. :seespeakhear: AMen, and feeling much better now, MB, and Kimie. I know that everything happens for a reason, and even though that is a generic saying, it holds truth and relevance as always. God is still good and being good to us in this situation.

  5. Please pray for our family. An officer shot my cousin on his first couple days on the job. My cousin was just visiting and the officer was passing by and thought that some tom foolery was actually a domestic quarrel. The officer leapt out of the car and tried to put my cousin in handcuffs. Didn't ask any questions, didn't call for backup, didn't do anything that people with reasonable common sense would do even if they were not a trained officer. Everyone was asking why the officer was doing this and then my cousin turned and ran, because the officer had pulled his weapon, and the officer shot him 3 or more times in the back. The officer has been fired, and the state is investigating this shooting. We believe the officer didn't know what to do, failed to follow protocol, wasn't trained sufficiently. Two lives wasted in one moment.

  6. I am going to say this - we can all counsel you all day, and hold your hand throught this process. We will be more than happy to. Ultimately, however, the choice is yours about what you are going to do. When seven days from now something occurs that is connected with what you choose to do today, you have to be able to say to yourself "I chose to do this, this, and this". Know what I am saying. Whether they are good or bad choices, there are rewards and consequences for every decision under the sun. It is a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of man or mental lethargy. Neither will have mercy on you, or see the situation from your side. This is a rhetorical question--"What are you going to do?" I felt he was not going to stay there, because he wasn't able to correlate your love with the rules that you were setting before him. Do this do that never works very long. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. If your husband won't respond to the call of a relationship built on love, John 3:16, then he won't respond to it based on law. Because right now he is lawless, and the law is for the lawless, to reign them in, to deal with them punitively. So now, you have to use the natural law and its consequences to deal with the situation. However, this does not mean that you cannot sincerely forgive him and pray for him and his recovery, as well has his release from the demonic. But he has to want to be free as well, or else they will just re-enter his life with more demons. Demons like uncleanness. If he cannot stay clean, they will be back and it will be worse for him.

  7. Well, I don't know what to think, honestly. I already know my boaz, been knowing about him for 24 years, and I have known him for seven years. I know when his birthday is, and other blessed events of the family as well. In the dream I was a little surprised that the birthday was when it was because of the timeframe. I have no idea why I had this dream. I don't want to make a mistake of presumption.

  8. Well, Tony. I would counsel you to seek God's title for you on this. God can use anyone or anything to speak for Him. IE, the book of numbers where God uses a donkey to speak to the prophet Balaam pertaining to his participation in attempting to curse Israel for Balak for profit. In the end, Balaam was killed by Israel for causing them to stumble with pagan women and the worship of the false idol, Baal. Not saying that you are just anybody. Only that God does what He pleases and can use anyone to prophesy or interpret dreams without them residing in the office of prophet or have the gift of dream interpretation. My favorite saying is that God is the giver of dreams and the interpretation of those dreams belongs to God. So, I would definitely seek God's word for your life pertaining to interpretation of dreams and other gifts, as everyone on this site is not an interpreter. Know what I mean?

  9. I dreamed that I was doing some type of computer work and then I was on the phone with some lady. It was my Boaz' birthday, and I did not know it. We talked, but there was a little static on the line. I could see him - he had on a black turtleneck light weight shirt, and he seemed not to be very happy for it being his birthday, having gifts, and a party and surrounded by friends. He was telling me that he and Toni had a baby. I said, "what did you say?" Because this is what it sounded like to me, sense someone had cut into our conversation and over the first part of the statement. He repeated himself, "I said, Bob and Toni had a baby." I was very relieved to know that. He still sounded defunct, not himself at all, but I knew it was him. It seemed that he was very depressed and in despair. When I see him, it is not like he is part of the party, but isolated and set apart. Know what I mean? I am definitely going to pray for him, but I wanted to know what you all thought, since I am having this series of phone call dreams, and I also had that series of star dreams. thumbs

  10. Desiree...You so crazy. You know I had to get my giggle on for the very last sentence, because you hit the nail on the head, but I am going to tackle the reply in chronological order. My head is hurting because I am using BIG words. Hahah!!!

    The first part of the dream might just be a desire dream. I wrote some tracks for my niece, laid down the beat and she can sing, un poquito. So, she is 13, wants to do secular music and (surprise!) is boy crazy. So maybe there is going to be a transformation. I have witnessed to all of my nieces and nephews and they have all accepted Christ. I try to disciple them if they spend any time with me at all. I know that one plants, one waters, but God gives the increase.

    No, I am not a Michael Jackson fan. I loved his music, because I love music in general. I am not particularly awed by any one person except Christ. I will probably straight flip out on that day. My niece loves Michael. I had a great time teasing her about the "old dude" she wanted to marry.

    I think you are right about the nazi man as well.

    The last part, I thought to myself, this is my Boaz, not certain if he should call me, but has made the call, and now is afraid to speak over the phone. You just crack me up, Desiree. That is exactly what I thought. I didn't think it was someone playing on the phone. You pulled the thoughts of my head out of the Spirit! You truly got the interpretation of this whole dream from the Lord.

  11. Hmm...another strange dream. I dreamed that I was prepping this little girl to be a singer. We finally got on stage and she began singing this Michael Jackson song, but we had put gospel lyrics to the music. She had on her little Mike outfit, but at almost the end of the song, she tore it off to reveal her own little praise outfit underneath. The folks loved her. The audience clapped and cheered her on. Then as I was going about the stadium, there was this honey-blonde haired (The hair was shoulder-length and wavy) and bearded man with a suit jacket on. He has a red band around his left bicept that had a black swastika on it. I was engaging him in conversation, and telling him how much God loved him and I loved him, and it did not matter that he was part of a hate group, because I was part of a love group. I could tell he wanted me to go away (obviously) so I did, but I kept coming back and telling him, how handsome he was and that God made him for glorious things, but he had to go about it the right way...Finally, I left with my little singer, and I woke up. It was really like I was having two dreams simultaneously and that both had nothing to do with the other.

    Then I went back to sleep and dreamed I was once again on the telephone, but this time I could hear breathing, and I kept going, "who is this", then I laid the phone down, because I was not going to worry about someone who did not want to talk. Then I woke up again.

  12. Love, I am going to pray for you, for your protection. Often, and this is in my spirit, people that we have a familial, friendship, or even casual tie with can cause us heartache. They can sin against us, or cause other people to sin against us because of the relationship (whether friend or foe) that they have with someone else. For Christians, the someone else most of the time is Christ Himself. You may be about to be offended for Christ's sake. The Lord has shown you the end from the beginning. Whether or not the intent to harm is physically real, the intent to harm is there. I could be something as simple as attacking your anointing and you as a Christian, but the Lord has shown you that no harm will come to you. And that your brother will also be like a protector and fight for your vindication.

    As for your ex, people are strange. They base what they will do on what they think someone else's reaction may be. This occurs because they perceive the attributes that they themselves possess in other people. Perhaps God is showing you the motives of your ex's heart through the Spirit of the Lord. For instance, if he owed you money, but really didn't want to pay, he would not necessarily want you to know that he has a job and was able to pay you back. People are strange. Why do people do anything that they do that is not of faith? To him that knoweth to do good and doeth is not, to him it is sin. If your ex is doing something he should not, then it will just be bitter in the end and he will be afflicting himself. Bread that is eaten in secret is sweet, but it ends up being bitter to the stomach. These are just my thoughts. My sentences may be a little disjointed, but I can clarify for you if you want. The kids are having an illegal bounce party on the bed, so I have to cut myself short.

  13. Wowsers! I always wanted to say that. After all of these years of having no one to discuss these things with, and being the outcast, now I have a whole family that I can go online and talk to about what I love, and who I love, and why I love Him...That makes me feel great. I know that God loves me now. I feel that we are "the school of the prophets" now.

  14. Jeanie, this ministered so deeply to me - it is a whisper in my soul......... Two Cents

    hisbeauty4ashes wrote:
    Blessings to you lovely ones.

    I just read this and it blessed me deeply. I understand what you are walking through.iamfree42. There comes a time where there is a loss and a death of vision in the Lord that we walk through. It is as if everything in us that use to give us joy was taken and stripped away, at least that is what the enemy tried to feed us and it is not true at all it is a lie from the pit of hell! The truth is that we go through a season where the Lord wants to take us deeper into himself and bring us to the end of ourselves so that only he remains. Let me share a little of my situation with you to help you understand.

    I did street ministry for several years and it faded away.I then spoke at prophetic conferences all over California for two years I loved it,Then it just stopped. Then shortly after these ministries faded away my brother was murdered and his murder was never solved, and my mentor was hit in a head on car collision and died a week after my brother died. Then an aunt I was close to dies just a few days latter.I then lost my house because the person I lived with decided she needed the room for her mother, so I slept in my van. My friends walked out of my life and I was betrayed and then I had to have a shoulder surgery in the midst of all of that. I went through the most darkest hour of my life for three years. Ministry was no where in sight and the presence of the Lord was lifted and I felt like he had abandoned me.

    This was a period in my life where I would either trust my beloved through these times or walk away from him. Every day was a time where I was hanging on by a thread to the cross it was moment by moment that kept me trusting and believing that he was there no matter what my flesh thought or felt. It was the most darkest time and the deepest work he had done in me, it was in that place I found the treasure that was hidden in the darkness like in Isaiah 45. The hidden treasure I found in that time was the love that I touched in him that is so priceless and so unique. In other words the Lord was stripping me of me so that he would have room in me to live and really have his being. When his presence came back to me he asked me this question, " When your health fails you, and your friends betray you, and when you lose a family member and everything is taken away from you," am I enough?" I wept so hard and at the same time was so over joyed that his presence returned that I was undone completely before him.

    You see he does not care about the gift you have that glorifies him he cares about the relationship we have in him and with him.In other words he has given us gifts to glorify him yes but what really matters is that he is number one in your life and when all is stripped away we will continue to praise him and keep him first in our lives and in that it makes room for the gift. Out of him will flow the anointing and gift on our lives. He will then bring you into a place as he breaths in you again for that gift and he will resurrect it in a greater measure.

    After I came out of this place of death to everything, I went to Mission School in Africa at Heidi Bakers ministry. I was resurrected again in the anointing of the prophetic and the Lord was expanding the gift and bringing it into a higher level then what is was before, and he was training me in a greater way with the anointing that was greater then before, he placed his heart in me for all the students to love them as if they were my own children. He placed a desire in me to equip the body for missions. I went through a major season of training in Africa to only come home and find myself hit with five major surgeries back to back in a fourteen month period. I knew I was doing what I felt I was designed for and that was to teach and equip and take teams into other nations. I was suppose to travel all to different nations and help the main teacher teach and equip others for Missions this was going to be apart of my training. I had to cancel doing all that I felt I was destined for, because I had these surgeries and needed recovery time. Well now in my heart all my visions and dreams have died in this area.

    It is alright that these things have died, because I know through this time though it was not easy that he is doing an even greater and deeper work in me and when the time comes where he breathes again it will be greater then I could ever think or imagine. He will again raise me up in his timing.

    You see dear one, he wants to be number one and in that there is a deeper work he is doing in us to prepare us for the end times and the gifts we have will totally and completely belong to him and it will only flow from him and not out of our own flesh. He is it for me if I never do ministry again he is still more then enough for me. To be honest ministry is not just the ones people think are the big ministry like the pulpit or the albums we make, it is just loving the one in front of us that he places there. Ministry is just a simple hug or a smile or paying for coffee for the one at Starbucks.

    He loves us and he will give us the desires of our hearts once his heart is established in us for him, it is then he will will give us much and then much more is required.

    You are not done yet beautiful one just submit to the process and in that process he will breath again.


  15. It was the one on the bus, that I was telling God I couldn't stand!!! And Cholette, there is definitely a theme here. Now, it might only be me and the way that I think, but what are the chances that all us complete strangers could be getting the same kind of info from our famous Lord?
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