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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Peter is right, as well as the other's textually I am in agreement. Many things did happen in Damascus. It seems that you are about to intersect with destiny, like Paul was intercepted by God through Ananias (or vice versa). One event in someone's life can be the catayst for a whole new era. IE, Saul on the road to Damascus, saw the Lord and was named an Apostle to the Gentiles. The church was impacted tremendously. All these people mentioned worked in the prophetic, and God spoke through them through dreams and visions, revealing things to them before He brought them to pass. Even Abraham the Syrian was called in this way.

  2. I have been mulling this dream over. For the longest time, I was in the choir at my church. There was a girl there who was supposed to be my friend. One day I sat in the seat of someone on the praise time that would sit there all the time, because she was not there. On top of that, there was a young man that I was friends with that the praise team lady was in love with. IRL she was 50, and I was 34. The guy was 39. So, they began to be cruel to me. No matter what I did, they would try to emotionally and mentally torture me. I finally left the church for about 3 months, but I knew the Lord had not told me to go. When I came back, I was so bitter, my hair had turned gray and spots and I was crying every night. I felt that I could not worship God. I was strangling on bitterness. Finally during easter, that spirit broke off of me, and I was free.

    This is the dream. That whole worship team was sitting with me, and asking me how I made it through, and I told them, by faith. that I had believe God. Then I began to sing. it was a very short dream. They seemed glad to see me. I don't know how to interp this dream. Sometimes what seems obvious is not. Or maybe I just cannot see them doing an about-face and repenting of the evil they have done.

  3. I dreamed that I was on this bus with a bunch of stars, young and older. I was asking for these people's autograph for my mom (IRL, not me...I wouldn't care) and I was sitting in the front seat. We were at this huge type mansion, and everyone was nude, but everyone had shoes. Nobody seemed to be aware of how incongruous that was. Not even me. Some people were pairing up as couples. There was sumptous food on tables, plenty of comfortable shade. There was a bathroom that was communal, with many stalls. At first, I thought I had to wait, and then I saw that I could just go into one and do the number 2, which was, again, something I could not do in real life. Then I saw that no one was paying attention, or apt to look over into my stall. That is when I felt absolutely safe, and the dream ended.

  4. I dreamed that I was driving and on my cell phone. I had a pony tail in my head, which is unusual. *I was talking to my intended, and he had been dreaming many dreams. The images flowed through my head like a roladex. I did not see his face, but I knew who I was talking to. I was trying to get him to tell me his dreams. I knew they were the same dreams that I was dreaming. End of dream.

  5. Hi, all. I hope and pray everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend! I wanted to relay this dream that started out with me being in my mom's house. I looked up, and I was looking at a vent in the ceiling that had a grill covering, but there was a portion inside of the vent that was missing, so that a small yellow snake came through. It was dark yellow with bright yellow spots. I had a clothes hanger hanging on the vent, like how you hang a shirt in the winter when you don't want to put a single shirt in the dryer, but you need to dry it kind of quickly. So, the snake wound itself in the clothes hanger, and was just hanging there. I screamed for my mom--I was at the same time thinking that I could handle it, but I wanted her to come and get it. Her friend was a shadow in the background. I knew he was there, but not really visible. I could see the snake curling his tail around and around. I looked down, and there was my niece reaching up for it. IRL, the next day she was being rebellious with me, and I ended up disciplining her. She has been acting out alot lately.

  6. Ya'll part of this dream has already come true. This is the part that came true.
    Well, I was in this house, and I was with my mom, or she kept passing in and out of my dream. I was in this bed and a man was lying under the covers. He said, where is your mother, and I was like, she's not here right now. So, he was like, then you need to give me what I usually get from her. I had all my clothes on, and it must have been cold, because I had on a turtleneck, and a long sleeved button-down courdoroy shirt as well as boots and heavy pants. The man had on a thick jacket, like the kind highway workers wear in the winter. He had on all his clothes. I reached under the covers and pulled out a thing made of thin wire. It was a circular one or more inch base at the bottom, then it met with another portion of wire and went up at about six inches where it does not quite close in a circle, kind of like bull horns meeting, but still with this thin wire. (IRL, I have never had a sexual dream complete where I have sex. There is always just an allusion to sex. I don't know if it is because I am celibate and have an abhorrance for sex outside of marriage, or what. Oh, I entertain, or am tempted, but then I shut down in my mind about it. I cringe from it. I don't know why...I could be in the act of penetration in a dream and then resist and stop the dream.) Anyway, I say what is this?! I hear my mom say, you know what this is for, in a knowing voice. I got upset because I don't want her to know what it is for, and I don't want her to educate me on it. ewww! My face burned because I did know what it was for, but it was just that it was shaped from thin wire, very simple and delicate. But nasty to me. I get up and I go outside.
    This is what happened. IRL, my mom had to go out of town for a couple of days. She's a bus driver. Her male friend ended up doing her route. She usually brings him cold bottled water and a healthy snack. It is a really intimate ritual for her, because it shows her love for her honey bunny. When they first got together, I WAS NOT alright with this relationship. I still have an issue with the relationship, but I won't go into it, because that would put my mom on blast. They been together for a long time. He's a cool guy. Anyway, I ended up having to give him his snacks and cold water for him. I would just go outside and put it on the bus in a cooler, along with her route instructions. That's the part that came true IRL from the dream. Sandra, it was an intimacy dream after all.

  7. No, I didn't think up those colors, I was looking at the decor in the dream. It was like I was standing there turning around, only the images were changing before my eyes. It felt like when I am sitting in my living room, and I am looking around. That's how the images were coming to me. In real life, I couldn't decorate a chair. LOL! That's funny to me. I didn't look up any symbols. I value your input. please, ya'll say what's on your mind.

  8. Yes. She doesn't want to hear about God, really. Since they have been together, spiritual things are a joke. They go to church, but it is perfunctionary...today, I am weeping, because I cannot stand to see her suffer so. To me, it is not necessary, but maybe God is doing something in this process that will be a legacy for someone else.

  9. I agree with you, Rozes. One time I was at my friend's home, and she was talking to me. I looked up at her ceiling and there was a snake slithering up and down the wall and across the ceiling. It was colorful like a rainbow repeating itself over and over along the length of its body. She saw me looking, and said "It's beautiful, ain't it?" I was like, "No!" and I got up and went home. I never spent the night or stayed with this lady again. In fact, she went crazy, her mind was reprobate. She was at the time, trying to get some type of SSI income by playing crazy, because she could not find a job, and by the time the SSI came through, that spirit had made her reprobate and she was crazy when I next saw her. She couldn't even focus on me. She would just drift. Now, this is not a dream. This was for real.
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