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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Psalm 144

    1Blessed be the LORD my strength, who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight;
    2my goodness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and He in whom I trust, who subdueth my people under me.
    3LORD, what is man that Thou takest notice of him? Or the son of man that Thou makest account of him?
    4Man is like vanity; his days are as a shadow that passeth away.
    5Bow Thy heavens, O LORD, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.
    6Cast forth lightning and scatter them; shoot out Thine arrows and destroy them.
    7Send Thine hand from above; rescue me and deliver me out of great waters from the hand of strangers,
    8whose mouth speaketh vanity and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
    9I will sing a new song unto Thee, O God; upon a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto Thee.
    10It is He that giveth salvation unto kings, who delivereth David His servant from the hurtful sword.
    me and deliver me from the hand of strangers, whose mouth speaketh
    vanity and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood,
    our sons may be as plants full grown in their youth, that our daughters
    may be as cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace;
    our garners may be full, affording all manner of store, that our sheep
    may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets;
    14that our oxen may be strong to labor, that there be no breaking in, nor going out, that there be no complaining in our streets.
    15Happy is that people for whom such is the case; yea, happy is that people whose God is the LORD.

  2. It was horrific. I dreamed that I heard some droning in my sleep. So I got out of my bed and stepped out onto this log porch. I was in a ranchstyle home. It was kind of cold. I could see the dirt road that led to this gray rocked driveway. I could see a large lake in the distance, and the clouds were those stratus clouds, spread out over a pale blue sky. I saw a large plane falling, nosediving and I screamed, because I knew that there was nothing that I could do about it. My sisters rushed outside, and we stood in our nightgowns watching. When the plane hit, for some reason, there were logs that began to rain down. But they didn't hit the house. They tore up the road, the woods, the fields around us and made waterways, and you could see the cold slushiness of the water, and the hugeness of the logs floating in it. Then there was a big truck that had logs being stacked in it. Planes kept coming down, and logs kept falling, but nothing ever hit the house. We started rescue missions, pulling out infants and children from the slush, and I would hold them, pick them up. Feed them, put them in the house, and come outside and wait for another plane to fall. bandaid In the dream, I was always looking off to the east just to the right of the place where the sun rises.

  3. That beastly bear! Was it one of those black bears with fiery eyes, and long claws? Because that bear has chased me before, and God came to my rescue. I agree with Peter. I have even seen this bear shooting arrows, flaming logs, and large flaming darts against me. No weapon shall prosper. You have the water that puts out the attack. You can make it. It will end.

  4. Peter! where have you been! Sunshine, I know that you are right. I will not let go. Evne now, my hear feels dull of the promise, but I am loving the Lord and I rejoice in Him everyday with real happiness. I wonder if when the promise comes, I will be all happy about it again? Dreamyone, last night, my male friend who I feel God is calling to pastorship called me and we talked about his discouragement, and I prayed for him, and we speak a good hour or so just talking and praying and encouraging one another until about 2: in the morning. Desiree, I still fervently wish to open my homeless and indigent shelter, and sometimes I cry from the frustration of not moving forward due to obstructions along the way. Lola, my ace, whewww! I am going to rejoice in the interpretation as confirmation and not get tired. Peter, what you said struck me like a cord because I was reading ecclesiastes, in reference to the timing of each life event.

  5. I dreamed that I was at this girl's house who I used to work with. She was a lesbian, and really pretty. But she was one of those people who the bible says not to reprove a scorner. I dreamed that I borrowed her SUV, IRL, I would never do that, because I don't borrow vehicles. Then I took the house keys and the house was made of beams and glass, but it was glass that could not be broken. It reminded me of the older coke cola glass bottle coloring. There were a lot of stairs and a lot of room in that house. So, I go to this store, and someone house ridden with me. I get to the counter with a soda and some chips, and I realize I have left my wallet with me. I look around, and I realize, that I am in a less than desireable neighborhood, and it looks dark even though it is daylight. I walk to another door of the store, different than the one I came in and as I am leaving the counter area on that side, I hear screams and shouts, and I know that there is a robbery going on at the other counter where I was just standing. I yell to the people near me to run! Then we start running quickly to get away. When get a couple of blocks away from the store, and I am worried about my possession in that borrowed vehicle, but I stop worrying when I realize my brothers and sisters are with me, and we start to continue to walk, because it is getting darker and we want outta there. I looked over my left shoulder just in time to see a small mob of people picking up rocks a little larger than my closed fist. One woman had on a head scarf, a black jean jacket and a maternity dress with sandals. She has a real dark complexion. I could see that she hated me. She cocked back her rock and threw it hard at me. Then others started throwing their rocks. One hit me in my ankle, but I kept running. Then one hit my sister Trish in the head and I cried out and ran back for her. In my mind, I knew she was not dead. I kept trying to dodge the rocks being thrown at us, and was taking her by her right arm and was just about to hoist her and try to escape when I woke up. Can you please provide me any insight? Everyone always has valuable input.

  6. I dreamed this a while back, but when I do know that a storm brought me back home to Louisiana. When I went to that town, there was a mexican restaurant. In the dream and in real life, before the storms I have been going through now, I was struggling with jealousy, because I know that God showed me that the man was my husband. When He told me that, I rejected the man, asked God to change His decree to another man that I felt I loved. Then when God gave me a vision of how this would bring ministry, stability, children and real happiness in my life, then I cling fiercely to the promise. I acted as if I was afraid that someone could take the dream away. You see, I know what is attached to the marriage-the promise. I was afraid in the dream to take the perfume (might as well tell the whole truth, right) because I felt that it would be a compromise where I would have to let the woman be my friend if I took the perfume, and I would not be able to be ungracious or be unfriendly about that man. Also, in the dream, my siblings were always around me during and after the storm. It was a very complicated dream, but I remember thinking that I was going to die in the storm, and crying, thinking about everything that I wanted to do, and that I probably wouldn't get to do in ministry. The Lord and His will is my whole life. If I cannot do things like evangelism, outreach, working with the stranger, the widow, the orphan...am I truly alive?

  7. I love children, but the last thing that I desire is to be in a children's ministry-don't even want to. I love children. They are heaven on earth, but I try so hard not to do that ministry. Dreamy one, no, I was smaller than I am now, but I was not in my college clothes-wait, yes, I had on my college t-shirt, but I was not in college. All I know is that the road was dusty, and I was on it by myself with those children. I could see golden grass on each side of the roads, and it was warm but not hot, I felt like I knew where I was, and there was this feeling on p eace and satisfaction and contentment-

  8. LOL, yes ma'am, Kimie, I remember. I think that God is bringing things back to my remembrance because I am getting discouraged, have no job, etc., etc., and I don't feel kike anything is happening, but it is. everything that I have ever dreamed or had a vision of has come to pass and they were not of tremendous importance to me. But the the visions that were connected with each dream have not. For example. I saw an angel stir up hurricane Katrina. Well actually there was a southwind that he made and it made a tropical depression and it came inland and split up into 3 tornados and 3 hurricanes. Ok? Then it did its damage, and left. Attached to it was the dream about Russian bombing America. So Hurricane Katrina came to pass, right, but the other portion did not. I know that I am supposted to see the first portion of the vision come to pass and believe the second part will also. I feel ashamed that I have small doubts that I have to squash like small fires. After all, He is the mighty God. But at the same time, my natural eye sees barrenness. I remember everyday that I have no contended with the enemy to the point of death. So, at this time, LOLA, nothing is happening. In fact, we are not in the same location, haven't even talked to him. Then Kimie did that post, and I knew she was talking about me, and that freaked me out. That was back in January. Then I dreamed of my bridal shower, and eve of the wedding.

  9. Also, I was meditating on your cousin - because of the way that you say she was dressed, are you wanting her to change how she behaves? Is outward way she was dressed symbolic of her inward workings? Sometimes it is a temptation to be embarrassed by others' behavior or what they do, or even the outcome of what they do. Maybe the Lord just wants you to pray for her and love her, so that she will desire to be more like Christ. When you described your cousin, it reminded me of my cousin, who was not ladylike to me, and I would try to understand her, and I desperately wanted to change her, because I felt that she was making all types of mistakes over and over that were obvious to me, but then the Lord chastened me to that to be like Christ, I have to follow His example, not make my own. But back to your cousin, maybe she needs healing. People that have been hurt, disappointed, lacking the right attention, sometimes put themselves on display or do inappropriate things to gain attention, making others feel embarassed in the process, and wondering what they will do next. Any attempt to change them without showing them the love of Christ just makes it worse. Oddly, they either love and fiercely protect children to keep them from getting hurt, or repeat the pattern of hurt to the children. Maybe your cousin is the first choice. Just keep on loving on her, Kimie.

  10. I had this dream May 12, 2006

    I remember it because I got up and wrote it down. This is what I wrote.

    i had a dream last night about me and K. He had taken his outergarments off. He had on the colors dark brown and beige. I was looking to make sure that he had taken out any paper and his wallet from those brown pants with the button over the right side pocket. (I drew the pocket) I thought, "I want 20.00", but did not want to take it whiloe he was not there. So I pulled back the covers, and lay down. Some time during our sleep, I discovered that my husband was in the bed with me. I was lying on his feet. I was happy to discover him in the night. There was a sense of warmth and comfort in our togetherness. When we got up, he showed me some jewelry. It was VERY nice. Gold and silver. I did not want to wear it, because I thought another woman once owned it. I did take a gold ring and put it on my right hand ring finger. I thought, the world knows he is my husband. He gathered me to him and wherever he went, we went together. And he loved me and was eager just to see me happy in our life together.
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