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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I dreamed that I had a little girl and she looked like her dad. She had great hair, but she was darker than me. I had on jean shorts and a t -shirt and flipflops. My hair was long, like when I was in college, down my back. I was lying with her on my chest. I got up and we began walking down a long dirt road.
    There were some children next to me that I did not know. I came to a crossroads, and a pastor's wife flashed in front of my eyes. Then I woke up. this dream is about 5 years old.

  2. I dreamed that I was in this car with a manual transmission. I was being pursued by some baddies when tornados started coming, and then they just kept coming, and it began to flood, and I was carried away in the flood, but ended up under a viaduct. The sun came out and began to shine and through the clouds a rainbow was visible. I mean, it was beautiful. Each color had the sparkle of precious stones. I got out of my car and stepped into the water, and I was surprised that it was clear and swiftly running. I found out that I was in my grandparents hometown. There was a Mexican restaurant that was not there before. I noticed a wagon wheel outside of the restaurant and the flag. Also, there was a lot of red and burnt orange stones that made up the surface of the building. I looked up, and there was a stop sign and a red light. It was a fourway with one road part angled at 60 degrees, like it should have been a curve, but it ended up being a place where the red light was placed. I walked up to this house, and there was an older lady who had her hair up. She was sitting in a chair. She was wearing a button up white shirt with faint pinstripes on it. She was lovely to look at. One an oak table, a thick oak table, there wear several bottles of perfume. In a chair beside the table, the man I love was sitting there, and he was having a conversation with the lady. I wanted the perfume, but I was tuned in to their conversation. I did not understand it, but I was jealous, because I wanted his attention. She offered me the perfume, but I felt like if I took the perfume, that I would be giving up something else, like my right to have his attention. I am confused by my feelings in this dream, because she was older, quite a bit older, and not someone I thought he would have considered marrying. Also, I think that my feelings were not appropriate for what was going on in the dream. After we walked out of the woman's house, I woke up. I think about this dream frequently.

  3. Bogs are places that have acidic water, and low oxygen. Only certain things can grow there. A bog is also a thing that hinders, or bogs down. I know of two green snakes that are poisonous, and that is the green mamba which is aggressive and chases it's victim. It's bite is deadly. The second one is the green tree pit viper, which lives in a tree and bites the head, shoulder and neck. EWWW! I dreamed of this little beauty as a prayed over the missionaries in India. I found out that it was real. I think maybe the man is a victim of the snake, a spiritual attack, and the venom spread, and your mom and brother are being affected by it. Sort maybe thinking that just because the man was "bitten", the venom could not hurt them if they just stepped in it.

  4. I had several dreams so, I am going to try to post as many as I can remember. The first dream was of me going to someone's house, and I was helping them move this cardboard couch. The man was very attractive and dressed all in white, white vest, white turtleneck, white kangol hat, white slacks, white loofers. He had on light brown shades. He was always smiling. I just loved being with him. I just wanted to be with him no matter where he went. We ended up at my sister's house, and the man seemed to be a fitting in with her husband. We all worked together on the cardboard and we were very happy. Strange. I never knew his name. At the end of the dream, I was draped across his lap, while sitting on the floor. It was not what you would call romantic, more like comforting.

    The second dream was of my sister getting facial hair on her chin. I asked her why she did not do electrolysis and she said that she did but that it did not work. my sister is very beautiful, so I told in the dream, that she was still beautiful. Then I woke up from that dream.

    The third dream was of me being with my cousin, who in real life is deceased. I asked her where she gets her hair done, and she told me, Grambling, by the lady named Monique Bailey. I had an image of what Monique looked like, only the name did not match the face in real life. I was like, L, my cousin, did she drive a green suzuki with pink emblems? and she said yeah, and then she said that Monique was kind of stalky. my pastor's son was in the dream and told me to be careful, and he was leary of that kind of lady. then L said that the lady was following her every weekend, to find me. and I was like why? then the son said, they never have a reason. I looked up, and there was a second floor to where we were. Everything was peaches and cream in color, beautiful wall paint, and stripes and furniture. On the second floor was my pastor with some guests. in real life, I have never been to my pastor's house. He was looking down like he wanted to join us to help us, but he had other responsibilities. then i tried to call for help to tell someone what was happening.

    Then I dreamed that I had an asthma attack while I was asleep. I was with this couple on a talkshow...and I cannot remember a lot of that dream.

    I dreamed that I was walking on a seashore and viewing an expanse of water, and a wind seemed to be blowing gently through me. I had my hair unbound. I had on a turtleneck sweater, cream, and cream slacks, and I had my arms folded, looking over the horizon.

  5. interesting you should mention jezebel. i was thinking the same thing. keep on praying and don't faint, and don't think you are spiritually or naturally alone. there are those that ain't thinking about leaving the holy God we serve. And I think that we are in a time when we the saints who say we are God's people will either say that the Lord, He is God. Or that Ba'al is god. But we have to make up our mind, and be prepared to fight for real, and not to take prisoners of the enemy just because they are women or children, but to spiritually clean out the house of God.

  6. LOL, very funny! It did feel like I was catering to them out of what I had. Like instead of it being for me, I wanted them to have what was mine. Ironically, I was speaking by chat to someone I haven't seen in about two years, and we were encouraging each other. But I am still remembering the dream of my sister running with me from a shooter as we were going from house to house. The houses in this dream were the same type of homes as in the shooting dream, only everything had iridescent light shining on it. There was no darkness here.

  7. Our God is an on-time God. He has your dream in His hand, but He won't release it until it is ready, and we are a prepared people. Sometimes we think we are prepared. We even think we will like to receive the present now. But if it is not ready, if we are not ready, the gift is not going to be like what God showed us He wants to give us. Let patience have her perfect work, so that you will be complete, not lacking in any good thing, so that you are able to do the will of Father.

  8. that's it, don't move, Kimie. I went into one of my old prayer journals, and as I read through them, I realized that everything had literally been answered except for a few dreams. I mean-everything! I began to rejoice and encourage myself. I felt new energy. Perhaps all you need is a little rest. Do the proactive thing. Have you done anything physically while you are waiting spiritually? Have you written down details involving things like daily routines, prayer times, for marriage. How about your wedding. Now is a great time to pick out what you would like your wedding and reception to be like. I know that you are lonely, but you are never alone. I cannot take the feeling away. I am praying for that spirit of heaviness to be lifted off of you. You can make it. Just plan the next 24 hours. Don't be in despair darling.

  9. I dreamed that I and all my sisters were wearing expensive clothes and lots of large pearl rope necklaces. Our hair was ornately done. We were going from each others' homes, and there was alot of elaborate furnishings, very gold-toned, but not tacky?...My hair was longer than it is now, and I had a half french roll. My shirt was creamy white with ruffles, and nice slacks. I was making dessert for my sisters. I took a syringe full of some sweet sauce, it looked like that condensed milk, and I fulled a dessert plate with the sauce. Then I put broken pieces of candy bar on each plate, butterfinger, hershey bar, etc. That was the full dessert. But it was what each person liked. All this time, I was aware that someone was trying to spoil our dessert, but it was like he could not keep up with me. He was losing momentum, gaining frustration, and having real issues that was stopping him from following me. Then my friend called me to visit her, and i was telling her a time that I would be at her house, but I was taking my time, and she kept asking me when I was coming to her house...IRL, I now have trust issues with her, but I know she will be in my life later, because I dreamed of her as a major support system when I got married. So, after I dreamed that I had to stop and get gas, I woke up-mostly because my little nephew rolled out of the bed and hit the floor. He's a wild sleeper. When I read Cholette's post, I was tickled bouncing God is so awesome. :PTL:

  10. Hi, ya'll. What's good to ya, today? LOL.

    Well, I had this dream the other night, but believe me when I say I was trying not to let it discourage and alarm me. I did not feel like posting it yfesterday. I just did not have the energy to deal with it other than to pray about it.

    The dream was that me and my sister were going into different houses at night. Why at night? I don't know. Anyway, we had on leisure clothes, nice shirts, long shirts and sandals. We like our hair to be done, so that's not unusual to see in this dream. But I can see a light illuminating us. there are people chasing us even as we are going to the different houses. The people have guns. Semi-automatic, ak47's, 9mm's--they got guns, okkkkk?! Finally, they catch us from behind and shoot us, me in the back of the head, and several shots to my sister's torso. I wake back up, and we are again going from house to house. This time, some people act like our friends. They betray us, but it is like we expected it. There are different nationalities and races in the dream. There is a black man who, with his team, finally catchs us again. He seems almost to be sorry he has to kill me. He asks me if I want him to have sex with me before he shoots me again. I can tell he really wants me, and craves me. Really would like to keep me. But I tell him, no, just shoot me. I turn around. He shoots me in the head again. I know that I am going to wake up again. I am terrified. But each time I get shot, my fear of dying is less and less, and part of what I have to do as long as we can keep going to the houses. End of dream.
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