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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Yes, amen,cholette and Kimie-remember that King Saul had 3000 MEN with him when he was constantly pursuing David-but look what happened?! Who's descendent is on the throne forever and ever now? David's. God is a promise keeper. I know that David was like, "man, Samuel done anointed me with oil, and told me God said that I was going to be king, and here I am running from Saul, in the wilderness, not comfortable, having to hold my peace, while that dude can go home when he wants and lay in a comfortable bed." But when it was David's turn...! Wait on the Lord, i say. Wait on the Lord, Kimie. Soon it will be your turn. Just thank the Lord for the next 24 hours and enjoy them anyway. That feels hard to do. After all, you just want folk OFF YO' BACK but-cholette has that sound wisdom again. Let God fight this battle, and watch Him work in you and through you. Those folk are thinking you are too good to be true. They want to drive you, and drive you out. They don't realize that God will send His agents of change against them to disrupt their lives. Jeremiah 23:19. Pray for them, because it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I will repay. God desires that none perish, but that all come into the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus The Christ.

  2. I cannot remember much of this dream, so I will start in the middle. I am at my brother's pastors church, where the husband and wife are co-pastors. We walk into the building and it is hot, stifling. Then, they are beginning a special service for those called into the ministry. As pastor rhonda gets ready to speak, the PA system goes out, and we cannot hear her. Pastor Stewart comes in and he is covered with some green goo, i think of as sickness. There is a short-haired lady that is sabotaging the project on purpose, and wants it to fail. She is saved, but she is going contrary to the planned agenda. Like Peter, she cannot see. They switch venues to another church not as nice as the one we start in, and it is old and not so nice. All the people are redirected and they begin to speak the word. We have a great time. End of dream.

  3. Hey all,

    I guess this is my year for dreaming about stars. I dreamed that there were six people who were living in these different apartments. As I looked in these apartments, they were so huge and spacious. One guy, who looked like Duane Martin, and he was living in this four-plex house with real woodfloors, nice caramel colored expensive leather sectional and ottoman, with wood base and trimmings, and dark oak coffee tables, fancy a-line dark brown bookshelves, nice house plants. Spacious open windows, with cream colored levelor blinds, and the walls were this amazing dark canteloupe yellow color. I didn't get to see the bedroom or bathroom. I see his friends, a guy and four girls, and they all had amazing apartment homes too. They were all black, I remember that. They all had kind of brown hair. One girl had navy blue eyeshadow and black eyeliner on her eyes. Her hair was wavy and just touching her shoulders. The others had longer hair. Then I was outside looking at the first apartment home, and I was like, this does not like as if there is a big apartment in there. But then I realized that the apartment was longer than I thought. The screens were those sun screens that keep the sun out. There was a walk up covered porch with stairs, and large trees over the place that offered cool shade. Then in the dream I saw apartment advertisements, and I was looking for a great deal in a nice neighborhood for my own apartment. I kept seeing the prices as 500-575.
    Then I was looking at a paper, and having a discussion about each of their finances, one person had 3 million dollars, another had 30 million, two people had a combined income of 23 million, and one had 20 million...Then I was at this table, and it had chocolate chip cookies on it. Some famous person had baked them for Barbara Walters, and they were gourmet. The chips weren't mixed in the dough, though. They were pressed into the top of the cookie, and baked in. They were on this platter, and I was like, I want one, but I didn't take one because they weren't for me. The man that had them on the table alluded to me asking the person who made the cookies if they would make mine. Then the dream shifted to a war that was being fought, and this is where a whole bunch of actors were in an army tank. Not the ones we were used to seeing in episodes of M*A*S*H, but these tanks had long bodies that fit a lot of people in it. It was a huge war machine. They had just won a battle that nobody thought they could win. They thought that they were going to die at the hands of the whoever they were fighting. They were feeling hopeless. Then the actor, Duane Martin, took a chance and did something extraordinary and they won. They were cheering and happy, then they were supposed to go to another location. The driver of the tank pressed her foot to the gas pedal (do tanks even have those? LOL) and said to herself, yea I have to take a chance. She pressed hard on the pedal and the tank gathered speed, down this dusty road that they were on. I was concerned about it. When it had gotten halfway down the road, she lost control, I could see from where I was standing, and they went into a ravine. I was like, they can still make it, but then it blew up, and when it did, I woke up. This is not all of the dream, but it is what I can remember. PS, I do not watch a lot of tv, or movies for that matter. I am a very busy stay at home aunt. ☕ ☕ and I am always busy with physical or mental work, as well as ministry work.

  4. God is going to have to move Saul. God put is the one who raises up and deposes kings (those in authority). If she is going to be moved from the scene, God will move her. This is just another preparation for you when you assume your own type of kingship (area of dominion). Keep doing what you are doing. Pray, fast, worship, forgive, and always, always, always, don't speak ill of the woman, refuse to put out your hand to touch her. (Don't do anything in word or deed to hurt her.)

  5. The title says it all. He is abusive to my sister. I had a dream about him falling in a red pit, and my sister and her kids were all standing above the pit like they no longer cared that he had fallen in. He laughs in our faces about God, and he does things nefarious that he should not. I pray for him, but right now, I am tired. I am definitely wary of satan trying to make him an offense, and I am constantly on my guard against harsh feelings. I am praying for my sister to really grab hold of the Lord and walk with him. Before she married this man, she did atleast listen to the word. Now, she is depressed, suicidal twice, crying and always critiquing herself and me too. But I like me, so I just tell her to have more confidence in who God made her to be. I really want her mind renewed. My first prayer is that he will be saved and walk in it. My second is that if this is not what will happen, even though it is God's will for all to be saved, I would just like God to move him. I dreamed of him falling in a pit before I knew if his activities.

  6. When I think of how you are going through things, I think of how God trained David for his important role as a king to the chosen people by allowing Saul to pursue David. But all the while David never spoke ill of Saul and did not try to get Saul back. He just said, the Lord judge between you and me...Of course, it helps when you know that the Lord has already made the judgement. It is unfortunate that although God desires to redeem people, and though we seek peace with everyone as far as we can, there are still Sauls in the world that people pick to be their king, and then God brings on a David (apple of His eye) because of their heart, knowing they will do what a Saul cannot do. Ok, Kimie? David?

  7. No sense in editing it. Something came to mind. My spirit man was like, "really, Mary? you know you were wondering if you were going to able to receive your husband in body as well as in mind..." I have been celibate for a long time. I was wondering about that also. So there were multiple things being addressed in this dream-so what?!LOL. I looked up Kurt Russell in the bio on a website, and he played all these characters that were kind of libertarian in view. He is a real life libertarian...supporting limited government by officials. We are living in a time where people are trying to build a one world government ruled by one man. We already have a one world government. It is called a theocracy of Jesus Christ. YayYUH!!!!!!!!

  8. LOL, and the funny thing about it, is that God will allow things to happen that I feel are in existence to not let me get attached to a job or to rely on it as a source. Father owns cattle on a thousand hills! He is able to take care of us in ways we cannot imagine. We are a royal priesthood, never forsaken and will never have to beg bread.

  9. Hi, Kimie. First things first right? I read your other post about your grandfather and the director. She doesn't seem to be the type of person to change her ways, but maybe the child is her directing style?...Anyway, you are doing what you know to do, what God has revealed to you, and you are praying about it. I always pray about what to pray about during warfare, know what I mean? Make sure that you call the office starting tomorrow, do that everyday and document your call time and who you spoke with. That way the director and the dean cannot say that you quit and that they did not hear from you. Don't wait for the director to call you. Continue to honor her position, even if you cannot really do anything about the person in that position. People who are worldly are demonically influenced. That goes without saying. Therefore they use a crafty wisdom and devise schemes that you could not possibly dream up. Please relax, and trust in God. Do not let it upset you. God knows what is going on, and He knows that you are waiting for information from Him. So He is talking to you, but when He has something specific that He needs you to do. The only way you would miss it is if you harden your heart, and are being rebellious and refusing to listen. You are not doing any of that foolishness. You did go up on another level. You're ministering greatly in the body of Christ, and doing a lot-you're serving God while you are waiting on God. Oh, the enemy is upset, but no one can stop what God is doing for you, to you, and through you. He will demonstrate His power in you. Continue to be humble and let God orchestrate the victory. I cover you with the blood of Jesus, and claim peace and victory in his name. Satan, the Lord rebuke you and your plans, as well as all the demons and persons that you have aimed against Kimie.

  10. Dear Penny,

    I think of the spider as the enemy and the eggs as the seed the enemy is sowing to continue to ensnare deeper and deeper, like a world view or line of thinking that is opposite of what God's word teachs. Also, the hand is very significant in scripture pertaining to covenant, as in we have a deal, as in shaking someone's hand in greeting, as in being at someone's left and right hand, which is saying you are ready to commit to a covenant that you will attack and defend for someone who is your friend or ally. Powerful as in the right hand of God. Paul was bitten by a viper in Acts 28:3 and because he was a godly man filled with the Spirit, he suffered no harm. He shook the snake off Acts 28:5. Conversely, Jesus advises that if our eyes or hands gets us in trouble with temptation so that we sin, it is better to live without the eye or hand in heaven, than to be whole and burning in hell. LOL, definitely not fun or funny. I think that your situation is more like Paul, where you are attacked, and people may even be saying, IE, that murderer (Paul) Penny escaped the judgement of God by the shipwreck (one situation), but now the snake (spider) is going to make sure justice is done. Keep praying for protection, and ask the Lord what wile or trick the enemy is trying to use to ensnare you and make you feel vulnerable to his weapnry, darts, arrows.

  11. Thanks for the input Sandra-No I have a healthy libido, I just don't want to deal with it until I am married. That is normal to me. The dream is not about the sex part. I will edit the area of concentration. What I was saying is that things were abnormal. I know that God wouldn't even want me to be thinking about and engaging in sex until I am married.

  12. I would definitely say the bearsuit is the enemy pursuing you. Both of you. No coin is ever one-sided. The enemy doesn't just try to take one person out with another person. I like to call it the face-off. He tries to destroy both, and neither person can win being pitted one against another, or being engaged in anything antithesis to what God Word is lovingly protecting us from. I wouldn't say your friend is your enemy. What the enemy has suggested to you is a seed just like any other seed. If you nourish it, then it will grow. If you don't, then it will hibernate. If you burn it (with the word-romans 12:1-2), then the seed will be destroyed. Have you ever seen a forest burn down? Anything above ground is burned; anything below ground is safe. You have to root this thing out, and not give it any space to grow. Or else "the forest will reclaim the land". The little fireball thing is most likely the Spirit, and the only weapon you need. As always, everything is freedom of choice. But we don't get to choose the consequences. So choose life and the word.

  13. Amen, I totally agree with what Useme and Sunshine are counseling you in. There is more than one type of dream, which is why we got to God for the interpretation. God is never going to go contrary to his word. He is not going to counsel you to commit adultery, not even in your mind. He won't even tempt you. The book of James says that temptation leads to sin, which gives birth to death. That we are led away by what is in our own heart. It may seem that we are (me) coming on a little strong, but that is because, I desire to see you turn away from what I guarantee you will lead to great devastation for everyone in your life because of succombing to the devil's wiles. Choose life. So, I praise God, for you did the wise thing in seeking godly counsel. So, now that satan knows that this is a temptation for you, be on your guard and break ties with the gentleman. Be polite, but don't play with this door. Leave it shut.

  14. I am again dreaming about a movie star. I was verrrry reticent to post this one. some of this is graphic--to me. Well, I was in this house, and I was with my mom, or she kept passing in and out of my dream. I was in this bed and a man was lying under the covers. He said, where is your mother, and I was like, she's not here right now. So, he was like, then you need to give me what I usually get from her. I had all my clothes on, and it must have been cold, because I had on a turtleneck, and a long sleeved button-down courdoroy shirt as well as boots and heavy pants. The man had on a thick jacket, like the kind highway workers wear in the winter. He had on all his clothes. I reached under the covers and pulled out a thing made of thin wire. It was a circular one or more inch base at the bottom, then it met with another portion of wire and went up at about six inches where it does not quite close in a circle, kind of like bull horns meeting, but still with this thin wire. (IRL, I have never had a sexual dream complete where I have sex. There is always just an allusion to sex. I don't know if it is because I am celibate and have an abhorrance for sex outside of marriage, or what. Oh, I entertain, or am tempted, but then I shut down in my mind about it. I cringe from it. I don't know why...I could be in the act of penetration in a dream and then resist and stop the dream.) Anyway, I say what is this?! I hear my mom say, you know what this is for, in a knowing voice. I got upset because I don't want her to know what it is for, and I don't want her to educate me on it. ewww! My face burned because I did know what it was for, but it was just that it was shaped from thin wire, very simple and delicate. But nasty to me. I get up and I go outside. There, I turn around, and I see poverty all around me. I am wondering why that is when we IRL have plenty. Directly across the street from me, there is a mansion with a warehouse. I am thinking that the plants outside of it belong to us. I don't know who the us is, but I made up my mind, I was pulling those plants by the roots, the tap roots, and that they will survive. It was weird, because the grass and the flowers were green like it was spring, but I was dressed like it was winter. Then someone came by, and I was like, do you know what the man in the mansion has been doing and is going to do. He has you all fooled, and you keep singing his praises like he can do things that only God can do. I was angry because everyone was celebrating and relaxing when they should have been getting ready and staying ready for anything. They invited me into the house and I was watching everyone settle in a rowdy group, then I started talking to Kurt Russell and he was like, "Yah, I always knew that dude was like that...I believe you. Do something about it." I had a judgemental thought as he was talking like, "oh, you knew what he was, and now you want me to do something about it. I cannot believe your audacity. Quit giving me dap (a handshake) and hugging me like we are on the same side. Can I trust you?" Then I woke up. duh
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