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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I dreamed that I was living in this house, which was not fabulous, really. It had two stories. The kitchen and my bedroom were on the first floor, and the bathroom was on the second floor. It was constructed of railroad ties, and warped bricks. It was set off in some woods. No one was staying there, so I decided to camp there. I didn't actually rent it. I just camped there. I planted flowers, and azalea bushes. The flowers were little white lillies. I went to town and met with the man who owned the house. A lady told me that he was not in, but he really was. He wanted to see me once I explained to him that I was living in his house and wanted to make restitution for staying there free. But I wanted him to know I would like to stay there a little longer. The house was not the best house, but I had made it home. Anyway, he exploded in anger and told me to get out, out of the office, out of the house, and that he was suing me for living there rent free. While he was yelling (he was really an attractive-looking man, with blond-gray hair, and a white suit with the tiny close together buttons), someone shot him with a small gun, possibly a .25 caliber. Then laid it in his hand with a white handkerchief. He had some insurance papers in his left hand. The gun was laid in his right hand. I ran out of the office. I could see the blood spreading and staining his suit jacket and the small black entrance hole. The police got there quickly. I wasn't out of his office door good, when an officer stopped me, and he had on this heavy overcoat, like people wear in NY, was in full gear, and he did not arrest me. But he got my statement on what happened, like it was not a big deal about the guy being shot. While we were talking, dude got up and his wife came into the office. She was very nice to me, and we talked about the house. It came to my mind, that the dude was trying to possibly run a life insurance scam, and was trying to fake his death, but I messed that up coming in to talk about the house. The wife wasn't apart of it. The man started saying that he had to go to Europe, but that I had better be gone when he got back. I went back to my house, but when I got there, someone else had already transplanted my lillies, and had taken handfuls of the azalea trees and put them in jars of clear water. I was upset. Then the wife came over and she was still nice, but I was ready for her to go and did not want to be upset anymore, because it seemed a mute point. I thought to myself, God must be allowing this. Then that was the whole dream. I was like, this is for the best, because, I was tired of climbing up the stairs several times a day just to go to the bathroom. The stairs was just a ladder.

  2. Hi, Unaday. Can it be maybe something that is hampering her walk or cutting her off from the body through sin, such as hidden anger, or unforgiveness, just examples. For instance, when Jesus would heal on His earthly ministries, he would say, go and sin no more, be clean, be whole, etc. You know. Just my thoughts. And sometimes, we never understand why we are afflicted. Remember the blind man who was blind so that God would receive the glory by Jesus healing him later in life? I feel so badly for your mother-in-law. I know how it feels to be afflicted in a painful way, and not receive relief when obviously, I am asking for it.

  3. Shh...I don't blame you. But they are a gift, and are quite sweet. But it is hard being a single mom. Some folk don't understand that sometimes, especially when the finances are not there, familial support is not an everyday thing, and being mom and daddy is a juggling act. But God the Father is Mighty, right? I don't really have comment on this dream, except that maybe God knows that right now, you would not accept His choice for you if He told you straight up who it was. We come with preconceived notions on how it will be, forgetting that God is the Great Creator, and that the Holy Spirit is the catalyst of the change that we need to be anointed for each assignment in life, including marriage. Each assignment has a lievel of anointing attached to it for that season.

  4. I once had a dream that my cousin had a little boy with blond hair that was going in and out of my mom's cabinet
    This occurred during the July 4th holiday, so I am waiting for the rest of the vision to come to pass now.
    I saw the car that I am driving now. I was driving around near my sister's house
    The story behind the car is that it was not one that I would have chosen, and in the dream it broke down on me, which it did this past weekend, so I left it at her house. Now, it did not come to mind that this was the car until I was on the same block that I was in in the dream. Then I loved the car!!! Hehheheh.PS, I was not familiar with where she leaves now when I had the dream.

  5. Here's my story - I guess I can tell it. When I was twelve, I dreamed about my spouse. In the dream, there was these preternaturally handsome guy with fiery red hair, that sparkled and glittered with light, and he was just beautiful and powerful, etc. Then he asked me to be his wife. I was really frightened of this man. He felt like death, know what I mean? Then this plain man with a gentle heart came to me and I ended up marrying him. IRL, keep in mind that I am twelve, and I still believed that I could get pregnant off of a kiss - courtesy of Nell Carter's "Give Me a Break". So the dream ended. That dream was right before Easter that year. So I was meditating on that in the backyard, and really thinking hard about it, and I "know" all of a sudden that I am going to Dallas in a little while. The end of the school year was on us, and, because I had perfect grades, I was privileged to board a bus to take a trip to Dallas, TX. I went there, and everywhere my foot hit, I claimed it for Christ. Now, the Lord had been talking to me, so I knew that my husband was here. I didn't know anything about Dallas, except for Knots Landing and the TV show Dallas, featuring that ambassador of doom, JR Ewing. So, after the trip, I got back on the bus and went back home. I forgot about all of this, until I turned 26, and I ended up back in Dallas, fourteen years later. This time, I already had a boyfriend and he was built like an Adonis. OMG:), anyway, God broke that up really quickly as I kept having visions that would come true about him. Finally, I left him, because as badly as I wanted him, I loved and needed God more. One day, I was sitting on my balcony in the dark and I was crying, sad because I still loved Him, and I was pleading with God to change him so that he would be acceptable to God. I really thought that would work. LOL!. That night, I went to sleep and dreamed in song. When I woke up, the Spirit told me to get dressed and go downstairs to catch the bus. When I did this, I was looking all scruffy (when you are broken-hearted, this is your scruffiest looking time) when my painter's pants on, a t-shirt, a head rag, a leather coat, and some sandals and socks. HEEEE, I should be and am embarassed about this description, but if I am going to tell the story, it may as well be right. When I stepped up on that bus, I looked into the bus driver's face and it was the same person from my dream when I was twelve! My heart stopped, I couldn't breathe. I sat down near him, and we began to have this discourse on the word of God. I wanted to see if he was - if this was - real or if my grief had taken me over into a new level of depravity. I stayed with him all that day, and when I went home, I did not care for the guy. I felt that he was arrogant and I knew that God had made a serious mistake. I wanted God to fix Kevin, begged Him. Then I did what I usually did, fend off calls from his new girlfriend and him because he was angry that she was not like me and she was angry because he was throwing me up in her face - she believed that he was cheating on her with me - only I was celibate, so that wasn't it. Integrity will get you a Primo reputation, even with the exes. So that night, I went to sleep and had another dream, and in it, we were in this office, and it had a coat rack behind the door. There was a big brown desk and the man was seated behind it. I was seated perpendicular to him, and we were laughing. There was this really tall man standing by him and he did not seem to notice. They had on the same work clothes, but the other man was deep dark with gray hair, and he was standing like he was his protection. Know what I am saying. Then I reached out and I touched the man's stomach and rubbed it lightly. We made a joke, bout him gaining weight since we had gotten married. I could not see myself, but I knew that I had a french roll in my hand, and I had on a nice ring on my wedding finger. It was a 3D type of vision. Then I woke up, flew out of bed and made myself like really fahn! After that we were together everyday. Some things have changed drastically, but I know that if God could show me that scenario, then this is what will happen. I know that my time is close. I dream of things that happen to him before they occur, so I know better than to doubt even when I do doubt. I asked God why our marriage could not happen sooner, and he showed me that he would talk to me harshly and treat me with disrespect and contempt the way that he was at the moment. I saw myself broken-hearted, crying, walking to get away, walking back because I could not stay away, and basically being used like a mop, because I wanted so badly to please Him. After that dream, I was like, OK, God, do what needs to be done that your will may be done, and that it works out to both of our advantage, and I will remember to pay my vows. I once had a dream that my cousin had a little boy with blond hair that was going in and out of my mom's cabinet, and a little while after that, he came. I saw the car that I am driving now. I was driving around near my sister's house, and I remember the whole dream. So I am nearer than I think. but after so long, is it hard for you to think it will happen once it is upon you???? It is for me, and I feel faint most days if i think about it.
    But I can say that about four years ago, I had an open vision of line upon line upon line of wedding dresses all neatly hung up on a clothes line in the sky, all types of dresses from every country, for every size, weight, pregnant, not pregnant. I also saw a lot of bedding. And a bed with a colorful quilt made of seven quilts. Then I snapped to.

  6. My aunt was 51 and a virgin when she got married, and very happily I might add. Very beautiful octaroon, with long black hair, but saved, and she waited, and married a pastor. Have strong faith and wait. Not saying that you have to wait 19 more years, but when God blesses you, He blesses you real good, and it will be satisfying and fruitful.

  7. 2livischrist, we are not meant to be looking over our shoulders. We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. Consider this-there are churchs that get out of hand in leadership, making war with the children, instead of with the enemy. But consider
    Psalm 144

    Of David.

    1 Praise be to the LORD my Rock,
    who trains my hands for war,
    my fingers for battle.
    2 He is my loving God and my fortress,
    my stronghold and my deliverer,
    my shield, in whom I take refuge,
    who subdues peoples [a] under me.
    3 O LORD, what is man that you care for him,
    the son of man that you think of him?
    4 Man is like a breath;
    his days are like a fleeting shadow.
    5 Part your heavens, O LORD, and come down;
    touch the mountains, so that they smoke.
    6 Send forth lightning and scatter {the enemies};
    shoot your arrows and rout them.
    7 Reach down your hand from on high;
    deliver me and rescue me
    from the mighty waters,
    from the hands of foreigners

    8 whose mouths are full of lies,
    whose right hands are deceitful.

    9 I will sing a new song to you, O God;
    on the ten-stringed lyre I will make music to you,
    10 to the One who gives victory to kings,
    who delivers his servant David from the deadly sword.
    11 Deliver me and rescue me
    from the hands of foreigners
    whose mouths are full of lies,
    whose right hands are deceitful.
    12 Then our sons in their youth
    will be like well-nurtured plants,
    and our daughters will be like pillars
    carved to adorn a palace.
    13 Our barns will be filled
    with every kind of provision.
    Our sheep will increase by thousands,
    by tens of thousands in our fields;
    14 our oxen will draw heavy loads. [b]
    There will be no breaching of walls,
    no going into captivity,
    no cry of distress in our streets.
    15 Blessed are the people of whom this is true;
    blessed are the people whose God is the LORD.

    Be cautious, but don't worry. When God has plans for your life, and you have faith in Him, and are working out that faith in obedience to Him, He will cover you and be a Rock in a weary land, and a shelter in time of storm. So, you made a mistake. You apologized and repented before Father. Everyone makes mistakes. Little birds run and tell things that are whispered in secret. What matters is that you tried to correct the situation, but now God has to work things out. And it will work out for your good, but do not be afraid or dismayed, because if Father is with you, then you have more for you than the people that feel that they need to be against you. Maybe it is time for you to feel God out on whether it is time to seek another church, dear, or whether you should weather the storm right where you are. I know how it is to be pursued by the enemy who uses people to do his grudge work. But I also know how it is to be rescued by the Mighty God, the Lord Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in battle. happy dance Ifeel like His cheerleader! Hallelujah, bless the Lord o my soul and all that is within me. Keep praising Him and blessing His name, and give God the Glory, for He can and will deliver you. It is not His will that this situation to oppress you, but for you to shine that righteousness like the noon day sun, and show forth His praises, and show that Christ in you, that righteous priesthood, filled with dignity and humility in God. Show Jesus. Praise is your weapon and it is sharp!!! praiseGod I am being realistic here, because we know not to trust in "horses, men, and princes" because these can fail you. Practically, do a police report, but have a license plate, and possible description, and the number of times each car has followed you as well, camera shots, and video tape are real helpful too, buuuuuuttt...they are only creatures hand-made. Don't expect too much from them. God is the first and the last, the being and the end, the alpha and the omega. He can never fail you.

  8. I always ask God what my dreams mean. I too would like to understand every one of them. I will stand in agreement with you that you receive the gift of illumination, and discernment concerning dreams, that you may give God the glory in all that you do. Lord, let it be your will, not ours. We know that you give gifts, and even give gifts if we just ask for them. But we will thank you for all of the other marvelous gifts that you have given to us through us and through others. Thank you for allowing me to be whatever portion of the body that I fit into, whether it is the hand or the foot. I know that we cannot be all things, or else we would be dislocated from the body and independent in ourselves, and that's not your will. We thank you for every good and perfect gift that you give us, in Jesus name we ask it all and thank you for doing what we requested, even though you didn't have to .

  9. ++++++++add onto her, Lord. Wisdom, strength, understanding, a continuing will to do. Protection from your angels. Peace as well. Lord, our lives and times are in your hands, and because we put them there, we know it is the safest place we can ever pray for. She is dwelling in your secret place, and abiding in the shadow of you, the Most High God. We know the enemy cannot touch her unless you say, "I'll allow it." Lord, we believe in your power and strength. Let your will be done in our lives today Lord on earth as it is in heaven, Lord. We pray for this man to be delivered from the enemy Lord, but also for him to want to love you, to serve you, and to want to get to know you in such a manner that it automatically leads him to a position of loving someone else more than he loves himself. so that he can be there for his child, and for Christa, but ultimately, just be set at liberty in Christ. We are all your people, but now, we are looking for him to desire to be your child, to be filled with the presence of the holy ghost, and to be lead by the same gentle spirit.

  10. Yayuh! :afro: Because, if I was not already saved, what happened on that day would have been enough to turn me around right there. I am still thinking about it. God is deep, and so kind. I would have lost patience with me. Long ago. Like - LOOOONg ago. When I went outside on the portico and prayed my little prayer and then read your post, and then my spirit jumped, and I replied, and then I went back outside and prayed for a confirmation, and then read the next post, I was on my feet like I was at a football game. My sister read that post and was like, WOOOW, she cannot know anything about this. And we were astounded, because, out of all the people in our family, and we are in the hundreds, there is only one infant, and I have him right now.

  11. My thoughts are these: The church was started after Jesus' resurrection, him being the catalyst and bridegroom and all. I equate the yeast with religious man-made doctrine and system of belief that causes us to act or behave the way that we do. Our root belief system and the "statutes which we live by, which are outgrowth of what we consider to be true. If you are being transformed by the word, a many a times, folk will see that visible change in you, and the difference will either force them to acknowledge it and grow with the flow, or resist the change because it makes them uncomfortable. After all, we fit together in thehuman race in ways that assign those close to us roles. If I change up on you, it forces you to redefine both of our roles,sometimes causing suspicion, reserntment, and a feeling of displacement. Pray about what I said. My thoiughts. nerd

  12. Dear Blue 504:

    It is my guess that at any point in time, on different levels of life, we each have, will, or are currently going through situations that are a source of depression. We pray for you, because it is our most powerful weapon, praying in the name of Jesus, who at the mention of His name, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all to the glory of the Father, whether in heaven, on or under the earth. I say to you, call on the name of Jesus as we do this. Keep calling on him to save you. It is the truth that depression is soulful and sometimes clinical, but we believe the Lord for your healing to take place as you forgive and release those who have hurt you, really release them of the debt of sin against you. We also pray for your sadness, and that you will reach out and replace that sadness with the word of the Lord, because the Joy of the Lord is your strength, and you get that strength from openly rejoicing in and praising the Lord. It gets hard to do that doesn't it? Sometimes, I have even felt that something was holding me down, so right now, we take the authority that Christ has given us, and we bind the strong man who has you hostage, and we forceably take you out of his hands in the name of Jesus. We pray for your steps to be ordered by the Lord. None who are in the Lord can be the path to destruction. I know that is how you feel. No one is denying what you feel. But feelings, as real as they are, can be really wrong. According to Deuteronomy 28, 29, 30, I say to you that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, a lender not a borrower, and I command you to live and not to die, in the name of Jesus. Father says that if we walk in obedience, we will command the blessing. Even though you are single, you are never alone. God takes care of the stranger the widow and the orphan, and I believe he has a special tenderness for the single mother. I pray that you put aside all wrath, clamoring, and malice, and that that spirit of rage, but pushed out by the Holy Spirit, so that you may be able to be gentle, modest, tender, bold for the Lord. I encourage, and urge you to release the persons that have offended you and forgive them. I plead the blood of Jesus over this situation. As a covenant partaker, I am commanding these things into your life under the authority of Jesus Christ. I pray for the will of our Father who is in heaven, for His kingdom to come to you today, for His will to be done for you today. I am asking that He circumvent your natural circumstances and send to you the miracle of the job and finances, and transportation, and an overflow that you may willingly and happily be a blessing to others. I pray for seed for you, the sower. I pray for the tithe to protect what God has blessed you with. I pray for the offering for God to pour out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it. I pray for a great seed for you to plant in the natural that the offering will water. I pray for wisdom to come upon you, and a pray for a talent for handling finances in that wisdom. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, Blue504. I pray for you to receive the Holy Ghost with power, to always pray in the Spirit and naturally. You have the mind of Christ, which is decent and orderly and calm. You can make it, blue504. Remember that the facts are what you see, but the truth is what you have faith in, which is the word of God. My prayer is that you give yourself over to Holy Spirit, who will keep you until Christ comes for you. Holy Spirit will help you with control issues. We all have them. You are not along. Continue to raise her according to the word of God, and let the Holy Spirit counsel you in what you need to do. He will bring what you need back to your remembrance. Remember to love yourself, no matter what you perceive that you look like. God says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Be encouraged God will help you, and send people alongside you to help you as well.
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