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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. HMMM...Butterfly, that man reminds me of an angel recording the events of life, but he's looking at your face, that makes me think of favor, as in "Show me your face". Show me who you are. I'll be praying for you, Butterfly. I understand why that would make you uneasy.

  2. Dear Jesus, we need you, Jesus. We need your healing grace. The strength of your mercy. We want to see your face. We abide in the secret place, of the most High God. We abide in the shadow of the Almighty Lord. A thousand may fall at our side, but we won't be afraid. Ten thousand at our right hand, but still in the Hope of Israel, and the Fear of Isaac, we trust. No weapon formed against us will prosper. Turn it around for Chuck's good and for the good of his family. We cast out this spirit of sicknes, curse the tree and pluck out the roots in Jesus name. We replace it with healing, that good and perfect gift which only comes from Father God. We thank you for Chuck's healing and we believe you to cover all other areas that are invisible to our fallible eyes, but Lord we know that you see and discern everything. What you do is marvelous in our sight. May you receive the honor, the glory, and the power and recognition forever. May heaven operate in our earthly realm today. May we receive of you our daily bread today. Father we pray that you forgive us our debts that we accumulate today as we forgive those who have offended us in like manner today. Lord, thank you for your love, tenderness, and nearness. In Jesus name, we celebrate in thanks, Amen.

  3. Horrid dream, really. I don't know what it means. duh don't you just love how I say the obvious? Of course I don't know what it means, or else I wouldn't post it, in all likelihood. PS, I just don't care to be dreaming about this dude no more, as a matter of fact. Especially since I have put these things from my mind until the season comes.

    Ok. Too weird. I dreamed that I was back at my old job, but it was only for a period of time. I knew that I was not going to be there long. So, I was just chilling in my little boots, slacks, and long-sleeved dress-shirt. I had my hair done and it was up in a swooped style. I was at my desk, and next thing I see is I am talking to my old vice president about needing to do the best job that I can, even though I know that I am about to leave, be let go, and am not coming back. I was smiling and saying that I was fine with that. Then I went to the buffet table that had been set up, and I mean, it had everything, from cold cuts, to salads, to fruits, to baked deserts, to drinks. I was busy eating, and then when it was time to dismantle the table, I gladly began to help clean up after everybody. Then it was time for me to go home, and I did this happily too. In this dream, I did not see myself driving a car, and I don't know how I traversed the distance between work and where I ended up, but I ended up walking up this steep incline, and to my left was a sign. It was square and it was on a little stake that was driven into the ground by the sidewalk that was running parallel to the blacktop. I looked at it, and it said "what's his name" house. Community Dinner and Meeting. The 1st. And that was all I saw in the posterboard. Then I saw a red door with a gold- colored knocker on it and a peep hole. It was the kind of door that had the panels etched in it. There were flowers decorating the door, and floors near the steps that led to the door. The door was on an apartment. I couldn't tell if it was the second or third story. I wanted to go to the meeting. I was ticked off because he hadn't called me to go to the meeting too. I was wondering if I should just go. I decided that I wouldn't because it seemed like such a simple thing for him to just call me. IRL, he was the type of man that forgets birthdays, no matter whose it was, and phone numbers, and I would always remind him. That came to me later today as I was pondering the dream. Back to the dream - it seemed to me that he had volunteered to use his house for a community Dinner to meet other people and be more neighbor friendly. It was just a posterboard, like what a voter candidate might use. Very impersonal, but I took him not calling me personal. duh IRL, I have never gone to one of those, but they would be given regularly where I lived previously. Anyway, I went home, but I never actually went into a house or anything, just kinda drifted. Then I woke up.

  4. Ohhh, I felt like that too when I woke up LTWJ aka Kimie-Kimie. What a wonderful surprise to see this post, you two. I was just thanking the Lord, and calling on the Name that is above every name, and I could feel miracles taking place. I used to think that this was how I felt when I felt the fall coming. Now I know that this feeling is Holy Spirit quickening my insides!

  5. Dove-Solutions wrote:

    I say this is love......sometimes when we feel that badly that is the Holy Spirit convicting us for being in that place. I pray this is of help.

    Love in Jesus,

    I totally agree, Dove, and also wanted to add that the Lord will allow us to be tested in different areas of our lives, and one of them is the area of integrity too. So, you see, even though the Lord does provide, He also wants us to walk in integrity. No matter what you decide, Christa, if you function in integrity, the Lord will cover you. It may look rough, but the end result-you'll see-will be the Lord will work it out for your good.

  6. And, bingo, what Virtuous and Cholette are saying. Hush, now, little child of God, and Know that God is not confused about what He is going to do for you. He doesn't go, "He is the one," "Oops, no, he not the one." The spirit will affirm what the Lord says. I have had people speak things over me, that they said the Lord said, and I would have loved to receive it, but my spirit was like, "Unh-uh, don't you belive them!" I even had a couple follow me to my spiritual mother's house, and when they were sure I was there, a chrysler pulled up and their pastor was in it, and he wanted to be invited in. But my spiritual mother would not even entertain the madness. They were trying to get me to come be a prophetess in their church. Do we have to go through all that drama? They scared me to death, because I was young, and not used to folk acting that way, especially folk I didn't know. I still got clay 'tween mah toes.

  7. Cholette wrote:
    Chiiiiilllld...I had to look up Doppelganger to see what the heck that meant... :roflx: Who would have known it was a German word...whistle Now I'm on the same page with ya!!! Go girl...with your extended vocabulary... hee hee
    Oh for the days when we learned our vocab from the Sugar Hill Gang, the BBC, and PBS, ahhhhight?! bouncing :roflx: :giggle:

  8. I agree with sunshine and lola. We know that demonic activity is generational, and that demons cannot live in watery (spirit-filled) places, but only in desert places. Maybe these dinosaurs are representative of that which has been cast out and are seeking a new place or the same place if it has not filled the vaccuum caused by casting out the wrong thought and filling it with the word...It is interesting to me how the neighbor's giving your family something to drink, the lemonade is a prominent thought in the dream.

  9. Actually, the Lord gave me a vision for the homeless ministry when I was moving to Dallas as an adult. I got it as I rode the greyhound and was going through many towns looking at the poverty and decadence seated side by side. I was struck by a hispanic man and his little babies at a dumpster sight digging for food. That was 10 years ago. When I got to this church, I didn't even want to be there, but the Lord assured me that this was the place. I found out that my pastor and I have many things in common, like how he started out in street ministry, and used to ride the buses proclaiming the gospel, and about so many things that I have gone through. The pastor and his family have a true and compassionate heart for the people, and it is a look and a feel to that type of compassion. But it has been 9 months, but I hadn't counted the months until I was typing the dream. I have never spoken with the Pastor about the vision. I spoke a word that came to pass about the associate pastors being spread away from him like a diaspora that would come from them being divided on what the Lord spoke to my pastor about the vision for the church, and that came to pass, and hurricane Katrina came to pass, and the grant matching for 250,000.00 came to pass, but I never related them to my pastor, just to a couple of deacons, so I guess they are waiting to see if I am a witch or if it is coincidence.
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