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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I agree with Lola, Christa. Not because I feel what she is saying is right, and it is. But I have seen this so many times, that I am surprised that I have not grown impervious to it. Especially since I come from a state where 50% (how startling is that!) of all domestic abuse situations end by death of a spouse/partner. Shocking, huh? I am tired but not impervious to it. I have found that the more I encourage the victim to be an advocate for themselves, the more they become an advocate for the abuser. It is an odd symbiotic relationship, and deadly. You can go on like this literally for months or years. A couple of months ago, I believe I mentioned it on an earlier post, a woman whose husband was a deputy sheriff, and whose father-in-law was the police chief. The husband had a restraining order on him. He ended up killing her and himself, and would have got the children, if they had been at the store with their momma. It is popular as white rice over here. Believe that. All I can say is you have the decision of life and death (and I don't only mean that in the literal common sense, but also spiritual, financial, and mental anguish can feel like death) in your own hand. Just do what the Lord is telling you to do. If you have a tiny piece of glass embedded in your hand, and you cannot get it out yourself, you go to the doctor so that it is surgically removed. Why? Because you know that even though it is going to hurt more right now to heal from the surgeons incision, it will keep you from being hurt dramatically worse later. Why ? Because glass could cause a worse problem down the road. Hope that made sense. Dear, have a good night. Listen to wisdom.

  2. Jadams wrote:
    Blue...that's when the husband comes...when you are complete and comfortable in Christ...not when one is the opposite. I know women who are chomping at the bits to get married...that's all they think and talk about. Little do they know that they are not ready because God says he will not tolerate any other gods before Him. I admire your security in God...I think it's awesome!!!!
    Oh, so true, Jadams! thumbs

  3. Hi, Blue. I remember your other post. I encourage you to wait for God to really make it plain to you. Ask Him, as many times as you need to make sure you are in His Will. I believe that it is one thing to ask because you doubt His word. It is another thing entirely to ask for clarity to make sure that you are pleasing Him in order not to make sure you heard Him and not another voice. There are many voices in the world and all of them have meaning. If God has someone for you, He will shape you and Him. God makes husbands and wives. We always put stock in ourselves as we know ourselves to be. So, I look forward to hearing your good report of what Father is doing in your life through the Spirit - concerning, marriage, ministry, and other aspets. You know, I used to stutter, and couldn't speak clearly. Particularly remember an incident when I forgot my whole recital - in college! I was so embarassed. Now, I can speak anywhere at any time as long as the Lord is with me. I don't care if the crowd is 2 or 2000. It is good that you do not want to be on stage for yourself. If you give God all the glory, He will put you on the world stage for Him. Being a saint, I pray that you will not stand before mean men, but before kings.
    I think I am comfortable and stuck in my ways.
    People don't change people.
    The transforming work of the Holy Spirit changes people. I pray you receive God's perfect will in your life. Then you will have the man you need deserve and desire, and it won't cost you a tear if you let God bring this man to you, as opposed to doing it yourself. Or rather, you will have tears of joy. I am sorry if I have said any of this rather badly or confusingly. I just want you to have what is best, blue.

  4. this is a sweet dream, no pun intended. your gift made room for itself. This was assigned for you to do, only, even though others have tried to take what is meant for you. God's word does not return void. it accomplishes that for which it has been sent. I found it interesting that you have a clock in your dream. Clocks show up for me every once in a while. The other day, I was looking at the dream symbols, and noted that someone posted that clocks symbolize seasons in your life. Time, obviously having a starting point and ending point, and marks off sections of our days, right? Praying for God to give you complete closure and confirmation about your dream...I agree with MB student. Your time is at hand. What is that saying, "You've only just begun...?"

  5. May the Lord bless you, Mbstudent. Pray that God may see your excellent spirit, and your purpose to walk in the better way, and resolve the issue the enemy has tried to use as an impediment. May it be moved today.

  6. Umkay, well, we will pray for the Lord to show you the interpretation, but honestly, sometimes the answer is there, but we cannot always accept the answer on the natural level. Sometimes, we just don't understand what God is saying, because it is the honour of a king to reveal what God has hidden. There could be a multiple answer to your dreams. So, do what you feel the Lord is calling you to do. Dreamster...you are so funny.

  7. It is interesting to me that this dream centers around washington, where there have been laws passed to support abortion, and that many christians have not spoken up to oppose the laws. It says something to my spirit that being passive in this is the same as being in agreement. This are just my thoughts in general and are not aimed at your husband Phil. Aside from that, is there some sort of moral compromise that would put you in conflict with hurting innocent people? I know that for me babies can be real or visions of new things that are coming around for me. Maybe the babies are the compromise of a dream that God has given your husband for his life that he would have to lay aside as not a good fit with this new position. Being in the vat of water may mean a certain location in the midst of people with a certain worldview...when the Lord speaks, I know it is not always nice and obvious, is it?...Throw out what doesn't work, and pray about what I said. These are only my thoughts.

  8. Hmm, certainly seems like a praying situation. God can allow certain things to happen to turn people around. That is for sure. It does seem that the two dreams are related to me. I know that without a car, that would certainly hinder a person's mobility, or will to move around and do what a person freely wants to do in their life. Being arrested too is a situation where an authority exercises an action that causes a person is not able to exercise their own free will. Praying for you, UseMe.

  9. I wonder why you would dream this, UseMe. I was desperately searching for my friend and her husband. Hadn't talked to them for a while, wondered what was going on. I found out yesterday that there was an indictment on them. I did a google for indictments, and they are raining indictments lately. Hmmm...I am really praying for her, because it just seems that this is not the type of thing she would do. She is very Godly. But I haven't found them yet. I don't even know what happened to her baby. I hope that he has not ended up in foster care.

  10. Wow, dreamster, what a vision. As always, we continue to pray for the peace of Israel, but I do believe that we will be doing something besides praying to help Israel. I agree with Cholette. I don't have a lot of insight for you, buddy, I seem to be just a watcher now for a long time. But I promise I will be praying about this dream today, Israel, I will never forget you...

  11. When the dream started I was sitting in a car in town, watching a tow truck push a gray plymouth neon down the street and around the car. I waited for someone to come out running after the tow truck, but that never happened. The tow truck had dirt on it, like when it has been dusty for some time. The sun was shining and it was a hot day. I was sweating and had on a sleeveless shirt. I rarely wear that IRL. I was looking at the storefront, waiting for someone to come out. I could see the street stop sign on my left, the hardware store was in front of me, and the old would was light gray because it had not been weathered or painted. I went back to this house that had many enemies. We all began to talk and laugh, having a great time. We talked about the things that made us not like each other, and how silly we were back then. This was an upstairs/downstairs house with six bedrooms. I could see all of the house at once, like when you cut something in half and open it up. Everyone was dressed very nicely. Then the dream jumped to my mother and me. It seemed that we are riding a bus that was not driven by my Boaz, but that we know that he is coming soon, in the next hour, he is the next driver. I am not waiting for him, because I know that he will come. We get to our destination, and we have work to do. We began to feed hungry people. In this dream, it was night, and the people had on a lot of clothes. They were street people. After that, we went back to the house, but we drove, we didn't take the bus. When I got there, there was this guy in a room who was supposed to be gay. He was really little. I went in and he was lying on this twin bed. There was someone lying on the floor infront of this ragged brown dresser. The carpet was stained in splotches. The mattress on the floor was little more than pieces of foam. I was thinking, Eww. I closed the door, then it opened again, and the dude came out hugging me, glad to see me. The person on the floor turned out to be a woman with a little child. She said, "You think I am not man enough to be with him?" I didn't have a reply. I was very shocked that she was a female, when I thought he was gay. I was also shocked that she would have her child in the room with her while she was doing a sexual act. Well, I did not see that happen, but she put herself out there like that. I went back in the room, and the guy leapt out of his bed again, and proceeded to urinate on the carpet in front of the dresser. THEN the dream switched to me being at someone's house doing brick work with ready-made faux brick material. I thought this was cheap and inferior. Why would anyone roll out their brick pavement and siding? It was able to be rolled out and cut. We did the siding at the front door and the path to the sidewalk that led to the street. We got in a car and we were headed to my aunt's brother in law's house in desoto. I didn't see the door open, so we (my siblings) passed the house and I went back up the street to work on the brick. The husband was there and the wife. There was a door positioned between them so that I could see the face of the door, the window with the curtain in it, but the woman was on the left of the door and the man was on the right of the door. The woman had on pearls, and had a lot of hair. She also had on an apron. They were not in agreement on something they were discussing. Later that day, we went back by the aun't house. I could see weeds bordering the house, and it was up the street from the house I was working on. I got the impression that I could see inside the house. The house itself was made of brick. The same color as what I was putting down on the other property. Brown and maroon with the white mortar between. It also had a railing on the porch. It was a low porch. No real steps needed to climb it. It had a dark gray roof, with white wood under it. There were no trees in the yard, like when it is a new community, but the houses did not look that new. It reminded me of houses that are flipped after purchase. The photo albums were on the coffee tables and there were pictures on the wall. There was lots of food being prepared, like when you barbeque. I could see an Eddie Bauer, dark blue with beige trimming in the back under the carport, and several other cars at the house. I was uneasy thinking about my aunts. I knew they were in there, and I wondered if this was going to be peacable, or did we even want to bother with them. We could go do something else. (They were always kind, but look down on people in real life. I remember they would just whip out 100.00 bills and ask if we wanted them. We would, but we would say no. They were kind of catty, and my sisters did not like them. Long history.) I woke up. What in the World???...

  12. I know that this is the dream interp section, but I really wanted to ask others to read this post, because it seems that so many people need an encouragement. I was so downcast, and then I read this post:

    The later rain
    by dove solutions.

    Check it out. so rhema, and it may be for you too. thumbs
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