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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. In for a penny, in for a pound. I had this short dream and i don't know why. It came while I was napping today, fighting a virus. Thought I would go ahead and post it.

    Well, I dreamed that I was at my father's house, which is a wooded area, and maybe the dream was a soul dream due to me barbequeing IRL for my sister's B-day and I was near the gas meter and didn't know it until I looked down. Then I thought of how the people who owned the land that my father stays on died from a gas explosion because they smoked cigarettes and had a gas leak. IDK why they would be smoking as the whole town smelled the leak, but I am thinking, they didn't think it could be their home. It was horrible. Anyway, the dream was that I was with my mother and another woman and the kids at my father's house. I was very alarmed and excited and started crying out for him because the house was in this huge hole. I was thinking that daddy had been digging under the house and that's why it fell in. The children jumped into the hole and into the house before I could stop them, but it turned out that the house could not fall any farther, and it was safe to go in. There was one child named No-no, who was no bigger than a cat in my hand, and he had on some type of diaper covering, which was comical. Also, he had on clown makeup, but he was a toddler. Also, the firetruck came to get us back out of the hole, and they got us out with the ladders, and they even had the jaws of life to open the roof of the house. I was concerned that my dad was under the house, and he wasn't in the house. I held the little clown baby in my hand, and they ran a gentle mist on him to remove the dirt. I was really concerned about him being dirty. The dirt came off, but he was still as white as a washed fence, and I loved this little go, who's name was no-no. The firemen, by the way, had on yellow firesuits. I was with my mother and another woman. End of dream.

  2. Many times I have dreams, and they are sequential, so that as the time passes in the dream, it seems disjointed, but the scenes are really connected. For instance, I could have a dream that tells me what will occur within the space of the month-sort of like a spiritual monthly calendar. Then I have dreams that plays out a scene of what will happen in a day. I call those my lotus notes. Many times my dreams will be afar off. I don't have a name for those. A vast majority of the time, I never dream in symbol, but I do have symbolic representations of Christ in them. But last night I kept dreaming about water. Water on the floor, water in the carpet, and the more I tried to get it up, the more it would flow over. But I was laughing and having a great time in the water. I was in my pajamas, and I should have been concerned. The bedclothes were getting wet, so we just plopped them in the water too. I was with my sister, I think. Then I had this baby with me, and I was sitting on the carpet, the wet carpet with the baby, and my intended Boaz came and picked the baby up. The baby was mine, and I know that. I was still in my pajamas. THE FLOOR WAS STILL WET. IRL, I don't have a set of PJ's like I was wearing in the dream. My intended was summer casual in a black t-shirt, tucked into black slacks. He had on a black leather belt, with a cell phone clipped to his right hip. He had on black dress shoes. He wouldn't look at me, and I was really pressing to get him to love my baby. Finally, he picked him up, and began to play with him. The he lay down in a reclining position on his right elbow and right side and continued to play with the baby. After a few minutes, I drew a quilt over them, and he moved it aside a bit, so that I had some quilt for me too. IRL, I don't like this dream because I don't understand it. I really believe that this is not a real baby. I believe that it is a vision that I have about feeding the homeless through restauranteering as part of a non-profit project. Dang, I could be wrong. But I realize that I do not understand any of the dream. bandaid

  3. Yeah, Jimmy...congrats. What a special time! And yeah, sometimes there can be some different strokes up in any web hosting site. Gotta let it wash off of your back and keep going. :oops: Not going to get us caught up in the madness of the world.

  4. Wow, dreamy one and Naphtali!-Powerful stuff. I never thought of it in this manner. This totally lines up with my spirit. Moving to LA, I have been missing my friends, my church, moving around freely...I kept feeling at a stand-still because I have no job, and no prospects, and i kept saying, what can happen here in this little country burb, where I keep getting harassed and why is God letting all of this happen, and where is the relief, and "God do you care what happens to me, and God, I wanted to be a missionary to India in Thailand, and God, I was almost done with my book on Spiritual Intimacy, and God, I don't feel intimate right now, but I am holding onto you in my heart. God, you promised that I would get married and have children to carry on the spiritual heritage. God...I don't want to accuse you of misleading me. I know maybe I heard wrong. God, where are you?"

    the bible has the scrip,,the washing of tha water of the word,,combined u are cleansed an refreashed.. flower flower D

    This came to my mind last night, as I was reading about Hezekiah and the Levites cleansing the temple and consecrating everything to be used, and getting an offering ready. They had not used a temple since Solomon's temple was destroyed. And I thought about Ephesians, and about the book of leviticus where the red heifer is burning and water is mixed with the ashes for cleansing water. Confirmation, Dreamy one. And my sister is always doing something for me that is unexpected, and by now I should expect something great from her, but I keep being surprised.

    The rich gel like 'dreamster' speaks to me of the alabaster jar, anointing - that this refreshing, cleansing time will cost you something - not in a bad way but more of a giving up thinking everything has to be right or certain before you being blessed can take place??
    Naphtali, there is a truism that I have to admit to, that I think I have to be a certain weight, a certain height, do certain things to my outward appearance, get rid of a financial issue here, or a fiery trial there, before my life will be perfect and I walk into a great blessing.

    I keep going to the porch everyday, and I will sit there for a few minutes, staring, looking out, waiting, expecting. I did that twice before. Once, when I left my fiance' because his way was not committed to the Lord. I was 25 years old then. The second time was when I was jobless and homeless, I would just go to the park or to my church and sit on some steps and wait on the Lord to speak. Now, I am doing it a third time, and I am waiting. While I wait, I do about 15 miles on my stationary bike every day. Sometimes twice a day. So I am waiting.

  5. Sounds like the church where I was attending. I really loved my pastor, but the people were cold, manipulative, clannish even. I WASN'T used to that, coming from a dynamic church where everyone was cherished by pastor, and we cherished each other. Oh, there were a few crab apples in the other church. But nothing compared to the church where the Lord sent me, and I had dug my heels in, and didn't want to go. I made a note of it in my journal on 05/01/2002. Isn't that awful. Rozes, just remember to do what you have gone to do. It's not that they don't believe in the gifts of the spirit. They just don't believe in the gifts of the spirit! LOL. They believe with their head, and not their hearts. They have stony hearts, and need new hearts made of flesh.

  6. Maybe this is a dream about the world system, and how it is overflowingly wicked and foul. Well, it would seem to me that the attitude of the world is that we are doing what is right and decent in our own eyes, instead of coming from the perspective of a righteous and holy God. He says to consider sin disgusting and to be holy like He is holy. It seems as if you are looking at the world system, which clogs up the world and keeps it from working in the way it should. It ruins the freedom, the liberty, the dominion that God means for everyone to have. You see the issue, you have an issue with the issue, and you are unable to settle for what others consider the normative, and ok with them. To you, it is disgusting and you don't want to touch it, be a part of it, or contribute to it. Just my thoughts, pray on what I am saying.

  7. You are going to need wisdom, christa. No one can make this decision for you. What do you want to do? If you go to get your things, you may want to consult with local law enforcement ahead of time, with whatever paperwork you have pertaining to your husband's addiction and rehab. Idk, you might want to call and see what is needed for a police escort to get your things and give him back his. FYI, law enforcement hates to be drawn into domestic disputes. They can get hurt during those, and they know that many times, the spouse who is being mistreated is not going to go until they are truly fed up or are dead. It takes two to tango. Everyone's side is right until the other party gets to say their part. If your husband is consulting his friends, that is perfectly fine. You just stay away from them, out of the mix, and don't even speak to them. For what? He say she say is of the devil. The word of God says let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don't add to it, because anything more is the devil combining to get you caught up in mess. But you are consulting us, right? Ultimately, what you want to be is not on anyone's side, but on God's side, because God fights for justice. So, you have to make a decision according to the word, not our opinion. Is it wise to get in touch with your husband while he and his friends are inflamed, or can you have someone else garner your things for you, and you leave your husband's keys and wallet at a police department lost and found? God is not the author of confusion. I will pray that the Lord put a spirit of peace in the situation, so that you can do what you need to do while going in the direction that Father has for you, sweetheart. This is going to be easier as you continue day by day, but if you go back now, we are going to have many more posts here, or someone will be reading them somewhere else. And, btw, he will get stronger as you get weaker, because we are talking about taking a natural stance against a spiritual stance, when you should continue to battle in the spiritual against the spiritual.

  8. It is a spirit of division that is running rapid...not just this site, but in the body of Christ. Everyone is on edge for some reason and it's sad to see. We are so willing to believe the worst of people instead of the best. If something is said that you don't agree with, we need to be gentle and kind, instead of grouchy and touchy. We post our dreams because evidently there is something that we don't understand so we need to be OPEN to what the spirit of God COULD BE saying that may not always make you feel good.
    high 5, Cholette! I was just thinking that the dreams that we have, if we would be honest with ourselves are always dreams of encouragement, but not only to come into a blessing, or to come out of a situation of turmoil, but also dreams of chastisement, for us to do better about our behaviour as children of the Most High God, and to me, a lot of times, my dreams have to do with correction and pruning, and developing the fruit of the spirit. To run away from what may be the truth is to run towards someone who will just tickle your ears and always tell you something good, but not necessarily something God for the season that you are in. Dear Lord, help me to always tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I said something to a member on a side bar, and they said it did not ring true with her; whether or not it was was up to her to know, to deny or admit. After talking with her, I never saw another post. Some people are only here to test the spirits, and some people try to guestimate our dreams. All dreams are of God, because He gave us the ability to dream. Now, there are distinctive types, like the soulish dream, the busy mind dream, the dream message from God (commonly called night visions) and visions which happen while we are awake. Whether we choose to act on any illumination that you receive is purely your prerogative. But we will, and need to say what we think in love and support, not hostility.

  9. I dreamed that I was living in this house, which was not fabulous, really. It had two stories. The kitchen and my bedroom were on the first floor, and the bathroom was on the second floor. It was constructed of railroad ties, and warped bricks. It was set off in some woods. No one was staying there, so I decided to camp there. I didn't actually rent it. I just camped there. I planted flowers, and azalea bushes. The flowers were little white lillies. I went to town and met with the man who owned the house. A lady told me that he was not in, but he really was. He wanted to see me once I explained to him that I was living in his house and wanted to make restitution for staying there free. But I wanted him to know I would like to stay there a little longer. The house was not the best house, but I had made it home. Anyway, he exploded in anger and told me to get out, out of the office, out of the house, and that he was suing me for living there rent free. While he was yelling (he was really an attractive-looking man, with blond-gray hair, and a white suit with the tiny close together buttons), someone shot him with a small gun, possibly a .25 caliber. Then laid it in his hand with a white handkerchief. He had some insurance papers in his left hand. The gun was laid in his right hand. I ran out of the office. I could see the blood spreading and staining his suit jacket and the small black entrance hole. The police got there quickly. I wasn't out of his office door good, when an officer stopped me, and he had on this heavy overcoat, like people wear in NY, was in full gear, and he did not arrest me. But he got my statement on what happened, like it was not a big deal about the guy being shot. While we were talking, dude got up and his wife came into the office. She was very nice to me, and we talked about the house. It came to my mind, that the dude was trying to possibly run a life insurance scam, and was trying to fake his death, but I messed that up coming in to talk about the house. The wife wasn't apart of it. The man started saying that he had to go to Europe, but that I had better be gone when he got back. I went back to my house, but when I got there, someone else had already transplanted my lillies, and had taken handfuls of the azalea trees and put them in jars of clear water. I was upset. Then the wife came over and she was still nice, but I was ready for her to go and did not want to be upset anymore, because it seemed a mute point. I thought to myself, God must be allowing this. Then that was the whole dream. I was like, this is for the best, because, I was tired of climbing up the stairs several times a day just to go to the bathroom. The stairs was just a ladder.

  10. Amen, I totally agree with you,
    christa. I just happened to come on to pray for us all, and I saw this post. I know that sometimes, electronic transmissions are sensitive. The right thing can be said with the wrong inflection. And that can be done without anyone having any intention of hurting someone else. Many times, we voice what are only our thoughts, or opinions on a dream. That's why we ask you to pray about what we said. not "Thus Saith the Lord". We have to be careful to make sure that we have understood what God is saying. :afro: I know this for myself. Nobody has all of God's ear, all the time. That's why Jesus had to do what He came to do. To intercede for us. Only God can give the true interpretation of a dream, everything else is just someone's thoughts, whether good or bad. We are supposed to test the spirits to see whether or not they be from God. Honestly, we need to keep that in mind. Then continue to have and cultivate the mind of Christ. I pray that anyone who may be dabbling in anything that not of God, realize that they can get more done with the word of the Lord, than by all the other ways that knowledge can come to a person combined. So on this site, we do want peace, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, because here is where we are to encourage each other's gifts and talents in the prophetic as we walk in love in Jesus Christ. So I am glad that everyone has treated each other in a gentle fashion becoming of the saints of God.
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