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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. My Father, my Father. I am. many people are, in anguish of spirit and waiting for our change to come. Lord, we love you too much to accuse you, and let go of your hand. Because the whole while we have been in this trial of fire, you have been our cooling touch. When the floods came to sweep us away and drown and destroy us, You lifted a standard against that enemy. Whole armies of people can come against us and have, but You only made us leap over them and their plans, and run through them like a one woman/man army. You are my strength, my light and my shield. You are my song in the night. You are our security and surety. You are our Shield and Exceeding Great reward. Lord, when we struggle to keep dignity, honor and integrity before You, You always keep Your Promises. I count on Your Covenant, Lord. Your mercies are tender and new each day. I know You watch over us carefully, and lovingly. I feel Your love. I ask you to deliver us out of our present circumstances. I know that you are using them to give us perserverance, and equip us with every good thing so that we will be perfect, not lacking anything that we need to do the work that you created us to do. But now, reason with your children. I know I am tired. We are not accusing you, Daddy Father. I know you understand that we are just waiting, and while we wait, I will again ask you to remove these hard things from us. They are like pits in our teeth, sour milk in our throat. Please remove these hard places, Lord, and put a reviving spirit in me. In all of us. I read princessdelia's prayer, blue504, change, love, so many that are seeking your face and not your hand. We are truly coming to you without motive, without gile, being washed in the blood of the Lamb, asking you to revive our spirits so that we may laugh again, and feel alive, and rejoice in you, and sing your praises, and tell all about you. Dead people cannot praise you, Lord. But we are lively stones, so we praise you. You know what is best for us. May your perfect will be done in our lives. In Jesus' name, we ask it all. praying

  2. I dreamed that I was driving across a bridge in Mississippi, and I could see some mountainous looking area. Three cars ahead of me was a van driven by a guy with dark brown hair. He was arguing with his wife, who was acting like it wasn't bothering her. She had on shades. They had children in the back. The van was white, and had a travel thing on top of it. He got so frustrated with her that he swerved off of the bridge and the van launched out into open air in this big arch. Of course, that made us all stop. I was screaming, and probably was really screaming in my sleep. What does it mean when I see a vehicle do that. By now, I have seen that several times. The person gets desperate or does this like a last resort thing out of frustration. It's crazy. Anyway, the van was falling very quickly, but not quickly. In fact, it launched me into another dream where a crowd of us were watching a shuttle in the sky, and we were all standing on a country. There were some people standing on another country who launched a missile from their shoulders. It was a big missile. I want to say that it was Russia, because I am down in Southeastern US, but they were standing to my right to the extreme north. They had on winter clothing, like turtlenecks and serious parkas. I had on a casual shirt and sweater, along with the others standing on my country. Someone was talking to me about my prosperity. Like it is here now. But I couldn't tear my eyes away from the missile launch. I could see myself looking up in disbelief while the man was talking to me. He was talking very loudly like he was trying to snap me out of looking at what was going on and get me to focus on the good news that he was telling me. I heard him, but it seemed like I couldn't receive out of fear and worry about what was happening in the sky. The shuttle seemed to be trying to do evasive maneouvers, but it couldn't do this quickly like a little object, say a car on the road. Also, that missile kept changing its course to adjust to the changes the shuttle was making. The shuttle was getting closer like it was trying to land, but I was afraid that thing and the missile was going to hit us, and there was really nowhere to go. There was a bridge over us that was like a rail on a rollercoaster ride, only way bigger, like a thousand times bigger. The sky was so beautiful and blue with light little white clouds floating. The whole thing was a marvel to me. My chest was heavy with all the different emotions I was flooding with in this dream. I think it was too much for me, because I woke up. There were other things happening in this dream, but I cannot express these things in words. It was a lot. I waited a day to see if I could express it better, but I cannot. I know that the moon was close like when you see someone across a room.

  3. BORNAGAINGURL22 wrote:
    when you dream about water it's dreams from the devil. if you dream about water bathing in it or swimming its the marine spirit attacking you trying to wash away your blessing. pray against it.
    Hi, Bornagain. I don't want to make any assumptions, but are you a Christian, and do you read, study, meditate on the word of God? I am just curious about where you are getting some of the interpretations that are posted. You can always pm if you'd like.

  4. I dreamed that the government was experimenting on soldiers with psychological warfare techniques. We found out and tried to blow the whistle. We were locked in a room, and someone decided to help us get out. Later that day, our clothes were taken so we wouldn't leave. I thought this was another form of technique, personally. The person who was trying to help us leave was (I know, I dreamed of him before, remember?) Duane Martin of all people. He had been given physical stamina and strength drugs, and was very strong, and quick without being bulky or thin. The other guy was someone I remember going to college with. He came back and told us that he hid the key in the restroom under the toilet rim. We asked to go to the restroom, and I walked until I found it. There were people with cleaning carts outside of the bathroom. I thought one lady was going in, but she just looked at me with this smirk and kept going. Her hair was up in a bun. also there were concrete sidewalks and blacktop around the facility. There were brown oak leaves here and there on the grass. The grass was very green and the sky was very blue. This area was gated and guarded with riflemen. I went into the first stall which really was just a wall, and I was sick with the smell of the place. All the toilets were used with feces floating in them. They were as tall as my chest. I finally found the right one, and got the key. I was gagging badly, and wanted to wash my hands, but the sink was also dirty. I made myself suck it up, telling myself that when I was free, I could wash my whole body then. I quickly made it back into the building. After I got back, the man who was going to help us told me that this was it. There was a wheel, like a bank vault handle that we were turning, and then he let a soldier or two go free, and that distracted the people in the area. I didn't need the key for any door that I came to, and suddenly we were at the gate, waiting for it to open. A military jeep with those tires that have deep traction came through the gate, and we were just going to slip out when I woke up.

  5. I had to hurry up and post this dream before I changed my mind. I dreamed that I was with Rachal McAdams and another chick who were in this very small apartment on the second floor (of a garage, of a tree-I don't know). There was a space heater, and a very old sofa and ottoman, and a twin bed. A very small stove and refrigerator, with a small color tv beside it. There was a kitchen counter, with two old barstools next to it. The other girl was sitting on a stool. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. The TV had cable, because the chick sitting on the barstool was flipping through the channels, and they were all clear. Rachal had honey blonde hair with lighter streaks. It was not a cute color though. Some of the honey looked almost sherbert orange and subtle pink?! So, there was a guy that the girl on the stool slept with. He had a major crush on her. They decided to make him sleep with her so that they could get entertainment at an event. There was a game later that day, everybody sat on the bleachers. They threw a few basketballs back and forth. There were announcements, and then they talked about the guy and the crush and how they tricked him, and laughed and laughed. The guy wasn't angry, but he did announce that the girl gave him a venereal disease. He went to get some help from a doctor who wasn't a doctor, and the doctor basically had the medicine, but kept changing the price from 30.00 to 40.00 to 50.00 dollars for the shot, and that the doctor basically could give the shot anywhere, but it would be less painful in the toosh. So basically, we went back to the apartment after the game, and we were talking, and I was just eyeing them both, because I was thinking how nasty and horrible this was that they would do this to some poor guy and think it was funny, and how loose that was. Ewww! I remember the girl that looked like Rachal, her dad climbed up and was talking to her through the front door. That was another thing. The place, being as small as a bedroom, maybe 11 by 13 feet had two doors opposite each other. I could see the sky out of the windows of the doors, and it was very very very cold in there. This is the third dream that I have had being in a place that had height that you have to climb to reach. In fact, in the dreams, I feel like there is solidness and nothingness under us.

  6. Amen, UsemeLord. You know, I was thinking the same thing about that hedge of protection around this person's house. I just wasn't sure, because I dream, I don't consider myself an interpretator. Hey, also, I forgot to add that I have never met these ladies who were my friends ever before either. So everything was new, but it was like looking at a movie in HD. Lol.

  7. I dreamed that I was with some girlfriends in this new city that I had never been to in real life. In the dream, I was quite familiar with it, and I was excited to be going there again for the summer, possibly. I know it was warm, because we all had shorts and sandals and summer tops on. The streets went right through the downtown area, and each street had three lanes left and thright lanes right and a center lane. There were markees on the buildings, with the buildings housing fabulous restaurants, tourist shops, and amusement places. I was aware that we were getting some supplies to go out on the water with. Like when you go on a lakefront. I was really excited. We got in my friends drop-top car and away we went. Before we had gone far, it seems that we had come to this community where some people actually had trailer homes. I got out to see where we were, because we were now in unfamiliiar territory. I was walking across someone's yard, when I realized that I was walking through someone's cooking area, and the area was on fire because they were cooking right then. I was mortified, and tried to step around the area. I noticed that the boundaries of this person's property were outlined by a thin stream of fire, like a penciled in fireline. But I wasn't worried. I just felt relieved that I now knew where to step. I didn't see anybody, so I began to walk back to my friends. Then a handsome, slightly plump hispanic man, came hurrying down the steps of the trailer home, which looked like a two bedroom. The home itself had a peculiar diamond shaped window with window partitions that were smaller diamonds within the diamond. There was a bathroom window, and a bedroom window that I could see. The bathroom window was one pane, the bedroom window was bi-paned. Those two window had gray shutters framing them. The border and the roof of the trailer were gray as well. The walls were white. I could tell that the bedroom was right off of the front door. The man had on a dark blue robe and had a spatula in his hand. I thought he was running after me, and quickly made it back to my friends. I swiveled around and then he was between us all. He said, "Did you see what that girl did?" I still thought he was talking about me, but he was pointing off past the yard. Apparently the girl had walked on his food, which was something that I did not do. Then we got back in the car. I looked as we drove away, and noticed that he had a black truck with large tractor wheels parked beside the trailer. The grass was very sparse. We stopped at this mexican restaurant and had a good time eating. I remember the limes and the salsa too. I had never been to this particular restaurant IRL. In the next scene, I was on my way home, and could not find anybody. My youngest sister was with my aunt. I called and found that out. Subsequently with each call, I found out where each sibling and cousin was. I was feeling unnerved, because I was entirely alone during this portion of the dream, and wanted someone to be at the house with me. I keep feeling like someone was in the woods staring at me, and waiting for dark fall. Again, I was at my father's house, which I have not visited inside for years. I knew my siblings were near, but not here. End of dream.

  8. Cholette wrote:

    i spoke to the Lord about his quietness in this area and once again...NOTHING! I sort of got a little frustrated until I opened up this devotional book I have. It said...

    If God isn't speaking in an area, the first thing we do is think that he is ignoring us, but could it be that you are right where you need to be and no instructions or directions are needed? A loving God will direct you so you can be in the place he needs you to be in. Let's rejoice in times of quietness because God's silence can mean that I'm in the right place at he right time.

    When I read this, it was better than God speaking it to my heart. I think he knows that if he would have spoken it to me, I would not have believed He said it. He gave me those words in a devotional on the exact day I was becoming a little frustrated with His silence. GLORY TO GOD!!

    What a timely, well-spoken word, Cholette. Amen.

  9. I had this dream last night. I was at this house with a chain link fence around the boundaries. The house was a goodly size. There were two girls who used to live in it in the dream, and they were moving out. I was moving in. I was also planning a little get together. I had invited several friends, including my friend "D", who had an afro and was always totally cool. He even had on what he wore in college. I saw a couple of girls who I guess were my nieces, but IRL, I had never ever seen them. I ended up buying them something really nice to wear for the party. I saw their clothes, which was nothing I have ever seen in a store. The smaller niece had on black and cherry-colored pants suit with a jacket. Her face is not memorable to me right now. I only remember thinking that she was a fast little girl, who was sassy and would probably bring trouble on her head and embarass us with her antics. The larger niece was plump, dark-skinned, with her hair braided in about five large braids to past her shoulders. She was pre-pubescent, beginning breasts, little stomach , and knock-kneed. IRL, our family has bowed legs. LOL. I gave her a green and black dress which came to mid-thigh. It was long-sleeved, empire waste and had a scoop neck. The material was the type that you make long-johns out off? The other girl's material was the same. The two girls who were supposed to be moving out tried to hang out for the party, but I kind of pushed them out of the door with my strong personality. I mean, I cast them out like bond women. It must have been cold, because everybody had on some type of jacket. The evening came. I barbequed, and made baked beans. Then "D" came over, and we had a great conversation; we were all relaxed. We were sitting around a round wooden table. Someone had some marijuana and rolled a blunt. I could not see their face, but they were on the right of me. "D" was sitting with his back to the stove. The stove was yellow. Never had a yellow stove before. The refrigerator was behind him too. It felt warm and cozy in the room. I looked at the blunt and thought to myself, "Oh no you don't, devil. I have a drug-test for "job that I applied for", and I am going to pass it. I am not falling for that temptation, illegitimate!" Illegitimate is not what I said, but I don't want anyone to be offended. That is what I said in the dream. Then I woke up. Anybody have any interpretations or thoughts on it, feel free to expound, because I am not an interpreter. I am just a dreamer. thumbs I was glad to see this dream without a door in between.

  10. Hi, all. I know everyone just had a beautiful weekend ensconced in the love of our Lord and Savior, Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ. He is so phenomenal. He is why I could leave everything on earth to be with Him in heaven. Though I know that earth is a classroom so that we will be equipped as stewards for our real life after this one:)!

    I have a question, and I am still wondering how to ask it so that when you read the question, it will be clear and I won't have to edit myself. I keep talking to ya'll like I am having a follow-up conversation because I am used to communicating with ya'll.

    I had some dreams the last three nights in a row. At the end of each dream, just before I wake up, the last scene of the dream will pan out like a camera view going backwards until there is something like a door frame surrounding the last thing I see. Then, when I wake up, all I remember is the thing that comes between the dream and what I remember, not the dream itself. I remember who was there, but nothing else. It's like a secret, but one I am not supposed to tell?...maybe? Usually, I will see a clock after that. Doesn't matter what kind, because there are different ones. Has this happened to anyone else? Please tell me, what happened after it did. The last time I saw a clock, it was 03/17/2004, and I lost my job the next day, and began this trial. I never knew a trial could be so long. The next clock was about timing and events. God's timing - not mine. I am hoping the clocks are something that would not only work for my good, but be part of a good and perfect gift. I want to look forward to this clock. LOL. lol! praying .

  11. :bighug: Love you, gurl. I know it's hard. Here you have with you, the people you love most in the world, and the enemy tries to use your people to bring up your past. Well, the joke's really on him. Because if they can make jokes about you, you look more like Jesus than you know, the enemy is attempting to hinder your walk and harm your witness with your family. After all, a prophet gets no honor from his own household, baby. I am a witness. Everyday, I tell my mom, and my sisters things. Then the events happen. They say it is coincidence. Well, coincidence should be a day of the week. Hee hee. On top of that, I know it's hard for you not to say anything back to them. You are trying to de-stress, and I know you are being derogatory towards them-you just want some understanding. I remember times when my sister used to bring me to tears. Praise God, He can hold you up and wipe 'em away. The tongue is an uncontrollable thing, and the word says that it is on fire of hell. That's why holy spirit has to keep us, or we will quickly go left in the flesh under provocation, right? LOL.
    The truth is everybody knows when they have issues, and many times just have trouble controlling themselves, because they have not submitted everything to God. So stuff that is not submitted keeps peeking out of the flesh, and BAMMM! Drama! Try as I might, I have to point some fingers at myself everyday as I struggle not to do the same. Umkay?!!! You, I will definitely hold you up. Kisses and hugs, Love.

  12. What do you want to do? Do you have a dream for your future? Have you enquired of the Lord as to what your gifts and talents are. What are you good at? What do you like to do? Why don't you use this time to assess your strengths and weaknesses. Then you could view both categories as it relates to what you want to do. Then as it relates to your dream, what you're good at and so forth? I know it looks messed up. I feel your frustration. I empathize with you. Just keep praying and remember that the enemy of your soul wants you to be frustrated, and for you to feel alienated from your loving Father. The enemy wants you to continue to look at your situation instead of the good things that Father is doing for you right now. Father will show you the doors He has opened for you when it is time. He may already have a door open, but in frustration and confusion, it may not be obvious. Just have faith, and trust Him. Get up asking Him for wisdom and direction. Go to bed at night and get a good rest. Psalm 127: 1-3 says that it is a mute point do this, whether you are guarding a city, or a house if God is not in the situation with you; God gives us good things while we sleep. Do not worry. Literally. According to Isaiah 30:21, whether you go left or right, listen to the voice behind you which says "this is the way that you should go; walk in it."

  13. AMen, I truly am praying that that spirit of depression, oppression, and obsession be cast off of him and into the pit, and that he become chemically balanced in his mind and body, that he submit himself to God, that he begins to resist Satan's wiles, and concentrate on the word of God which is able to save his life. I will be praying for your friend tonight, m.
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