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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. PS, don't let this make you hold a grudge against the lady or anyone else. Choose to release, choose to forgive, and choose to plead the blood of Jesus over the situation. Last of all

    James 5:7Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. 8You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. 9Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
    10Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 11As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

  2. You are going through a lot in the enemy is trying to confuse you. I want to just go back over some of the information that you have already relayed to us. The first meeting was an impromptu meeting, in which day the director had already inflamed you. I am not saying that you are not to take an active role in responsibility for prepared classwork (I would try to be 2 to 4 chapters ahead of the class and other teachers if I could, just because you have an excellent spirit.), but this was supposed to just be a quick meeting to see where you were. The enemy is wily, subtle, crafty, waiting for an opportunity to trap you with your own words. We live in this world, so I know that you know. Please don't take what I am saying in any other way. Can you see how this woman made it a point to remember your conversation, verbatim? PS if you are on break, break is what it is supposed to be. If you want to take it in the library, classroom, or the bathroom - anywhere else, that is a perrogative and a privilege that she cannot condemn you for. Is there time to go to the lab to work on the computers? If you are not mismanaging your time, I can understand how hard it is to get away from the classroom to do this. completely. Also, I know she is aware that the tension between you two has strained relationships with the other teachers, who may or may not be willing to help you. Can you access the Klickers system at a home computer? Many programs work that way. I am sorry this is not working out, but on paper it does look professional. Now, that does not mean the situation is. I know that people can be very manipulative. If she is going to try to get rid of you, best to believe that she is going to close all loopholes, so that you cannot escape a pinkslip. Did she complete your second training. How did that go? I know these are a lot of questions- we are not able to witness what is going on, but I know from experience that people will try to set you up so that it looks like you, even if it is them. I gather that you are doing rather well now. She is not the most encouraging person. I would certainly have assigned someone to alternate for me if I could not be there to train you on a daily basis. But I would encourage you to look past all of the negative connotations on this letter, and take the pointers that are written therein, and just practice and follow through. Because, right now, you may be thinking about all the other things that she has done to you, the ones that she would not dare document. Right. Look past it. Email her a thankyou for her "valuable" input, and give a "respectfully requesting to be assigned a teacher with whom I could be mentored, when you are not available due to time constraints and other important calendared events". Then show her an example of all the things that she is saying you are not doing. She has already acknowledged that you are doing atleast some of it. You are almost at your four months. Continue to be prayerful and seek God's wisdom on how to talk to this woman, even if it means right now, not even looking her in the eyes. Continue to respect the title and the position. You will be fine, Kimie.

  3. Yes, because, I noticed that the Director can make things look as if she is just being incompetent. Just go. This letter on the other prayer is the type of thing that can destroy potential of being an instructor elsewhere. When you go, make sure that you have your contract for the other job in hand. You are way past the point where you could even get a letter of reference.

  4. Take the job, if you are only going in 2 - 3 months, that way you can give notice, and still have your job here. If you are in the same job description, it shouldn't - shouldn't hurt, but double check. IE, teacher to teacher position. A lateral move.

  5. You know, Useme, that Pinon nuts are eaten in Asia and the Middle East, for fiber, nourishment, etc. They leave a bitter
    A solemn day that commemorates a series of tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people over the years, many of which have coincidentally happened on this day.
    Saturday 19 September
    taste in your mouth, but very aromatic. That reminds me of the balm of Gilead, which is made from the balsam tree, that made me think of the Balm of Gilead, which is Jesus Christ. The balm is used for eczema and stuff. It is also really savoury smelling. The Pinon nuts have an anti-inflammatory effect?...Very healthy stuff.

  6. Temi, God knows your desires in your heart. Being able to be single is a gift. If you don't have that gift, then it is natural for you to desire marriage. If this is not causing an idol, meaning that is all you live for, what motivates you, what you go to for comfort, and what you seek for advice and livelyhood, then you are not sinning. Marriage is good and desirable because two can do more than one, power of agreement. The example of Christ and the Church, God the Father and Israel. Marriage is good. Peace.

  7. She needs to guard her heart with all diligence. She now has the mind of christ, but like every baby, she has to learn. The way that she learns is to read, study, pray, do. Romans 12:1-2. If she puts the word of God on her mind every night before she sleeps, she is guarding her heart. Also, the word is a cleaner. The enemy of course is going to attack her mind, with her past and all that she has done in that same past. As with anyone else. Many times we can have a soul dream, because sin is in the body, and the body can talk too. Tell her not to be dismayed. Or afraid. It takes time to be transformed, ie, the rest of our lives. These are just my thoughts. Also, her stepdad, may have been one who kept watch over her as a disciplinarian or guider. Maybe he appeared in the dream as one who is trying to stear her away from that course of action. I know I found it hard to think about having sex under my parents roof or with them in the house. It just felt like I would be caught and embarass me and hurt and disappoint them. Again, just my thoughts.

  8. :afro: I am laughing my head off, because the title was so long, but that is the dream. So, I dream that my Bo-Is, called my cell phone, and then came to visit, and brought me a little gift of bath and bodyworks, and I could smell the stuff. It was something that I had never used before. I was really happy that he made the trip to see me. It must have been urgent, because he still had on his work clothes, in fact. No jacket, just the uniform, and he looked so good. Umm. Antyways, my mom was like, I don't know, you are sure this is what you want, and I was laughing, like, yes...yes! I could tell that she was uncertain, because here is this man that I am in love with, and he has come to me to take me away, and she has not gotten to know him well. I could tell she was afraid that I had picked wrong and that I would regret it. But I was so certain, and I looked so new to her that she smiled. He was really polite to her. Kimie, (personal note), some of my family was in this dream. Then next time he called, he was on his way again, and I could not tell if he was getting a hotel room or staying with us. But I had on a robe, and I was dancing around laughing. IRL, he has never met my mother, only once by phone, and never has made the epic journey to travel to my hometown. Well, I can say this was the furthest thing from my mind. I went to bed around 3;30 praying about my future, and our destinies in the kingdom, that all hindrances be removed from us, and that we now operate in our gifts, and with humility but with the spiritual art of war, capturing and subduing the enemy-it was long, that's why I go to sleep late. I was also praying over our finances, and for boldness and direction for investment, for budgeting, and for getting ready to bring millionaire finances into the body of christ to do the work with. So, I was totally unprepared for this dream - vision really.

  9. I still intercede for her-truthfully, I knew that we were going separate ways a long time ago. I don't know why I tried to hold on so long. The spiritual side-effects long lasped before the natural benefits of the relationship. I don't know if she will welcome my call. I just know I wasn't going to treat her harshly. My feelings about the situation was almost casual once I saw the split to be inevitable. My intended was like, she was not fit company for me anymore. I didn't outgrow her. I grew away from her. I know I want to serve God always. My decision was firm, and sometimes people leave if they cannot go all the way. The surprise is when you look around, and those who aren't really following Christ end up being the ones to encourage you. Like, they support you. They tell you, if I need a prayer, I know you got me. But they still do their little old thangs. This wasn't that kind of relationship. The more I tried, the worse it got. But I hear you, Love. I will pray on it. I would really hate for her to be suffering in any kind of way. duh

  10. I want to say that I feel bold enough to do this. He used to nerve me up saying things out of the blue, for instance, when we would just be having a conversation, he would burst out with things like, "you are not going to be my responsibility." I would be flabbergasted. Or - this is my fave - "I couldn't marry you because we could have children, and then at their high school graduation, people would call think I am their granddaddy." "I don't want people to think I am your father." "You are too young for me." Then he would do things like ask my advise on financial matters, or share that he was prepared, and thought he was ready for his wife. Then he would withdraw, and be irritated. I would just be quiet. I know he is struggling with what the Lord has spoken to him. I feel that maybe contacting him might make him struggle ever more. Sometimes the best thing I could do is be silent. He knows what he gotta do, but I believe he is now dreaming. I have been praying for a sign, but I want the sign to be irrefutable to me, so that then it is not just me, you know, Kimie?

  11. Oh, blossom, my heart goes out to you. My foster daughter had the same things occur with her. Days go by that I pray for her. And let me tell you something. God loves us all. We are all God's people. The next level would be to become a child of the Lord, which you have done. It does not mean that you will not struggle. Until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. We are in a fight for our lives everyday. It never gets easy. We are soldiers in the army of the Lord. Except that we fight with the word of God. You were formerly one thing, but now you are a new creature. The enemy is trying to appeal to your flesh, because your spirit is now a different spirit. He doesn't care if you succumb to temptation - except to have it hurt your witness - but he wants you to fall under condemnation so that you feel that you are not under God's loving protection.

  12. I believe that man can subvert the design of God. We see it everyday. But I know that when God tells me the outcome, it is because He has already seen the end from the beginning. He already knows what we need, and He is making our mates for us. So, we all have spiritual, relational and eternal longings. The spirit of loneliness tries to connect to us with the spirit of fear. But perfect love cast out all fear. I am preaching to myself. The bottom line is that when God gives you that type of knowledge, He also says, "It is finished," because He is a God of eternity that steps into our time, but not only that, everything He has ever done for us was already done for us. That's good news. In my humanness, I forget that, but the truth is the truth. He has already done everything for me. I am just intersecting with my blessings and trials and shaping, and going from glory to glory, along the lifewalk that God has given me in my length of days. lol! You guys have encouraged me once again.

  13. Lol, I feel like we have our own little school of the prophets, and it just goes to show the fact that God is able to put together those who are of like mind, who have similar situations, and who have gone through similar situations. We know that we are not alone, that what we walk through daily is common to man, and woman:), and that we are able to encourage ourselves and others through faith and testimony that God is not a man that He should lie, neither the Son of man that He should repent of what He has said. That's great news, especially when we begin to doubt God's word. We can turn that doubt within ourselves, and say, "God, I believe (whatever You told me about my future and how I can give you glory), but help my unbelief." God is such a God of grace. I have had a series of defunct mornings, but I am stubbornly looking at the Word and the world and to see the great contrast. God said it was not good for a man and woman to be alone. We are supposed to look like Elohim, and produce godly offspring who will honor Him and walk in His statutes. I believe that God will do whatever it takes to maintain His glory and in such a way that His Word will still be line upon line, precept upon precept, without violating the design of God.

  14. After having given this careful prayer and consideration, my response to this frustrating situation is this-if God has given you the finances to be able to move out on your own without it affecting things like tithe, offering, and seed, and you can still maintain, then feel free to make that move. I pray that God give you favor to move to an area of safety, and where there are fields ripe for the harvest, where there are saints who will be like a good family to you there, so that you won't feel alone and isolated. That your angels stay posted up wherever you are and wherever you live. Family is family, however. If A is your helpmate, then God will have prepared him to be able to love and accept your family, and not consider any faults in anybody against you. You are all individuals. I have said to myself, and I am sure that it has been said of me="such and such is cool, but her/his people are a little different." Whether or not I was the such and such or the people. LOLLLL! Just because you are feeling the need for distance does not mean that you are putting them at a distance. Things change. People change. Our roles toward each other are constantly being defined. you may even find yourself being challenged to be your parents friend as well as child sometimes, and they may even find themselves listening to you more and more as a peacemaker, old wisdom and knowledge from the Lord as opposed to how they used to perceive you with barretts and skinned knees. Go for it, kimie. It is more dangerous to be still all the time and become stale, than to take a risk, a chance and discover success. You've done it before, and enjoyed your space. You just prepare to enjoy it again. thumbs

  15. but you can do it! lol! Just think of all the endearing qualities that you mentioned about this child. Wouldn't it be nice if she could have them when she is an adult because of heavenly intervention. As a first child, she is bound to attract weirdos, hangers-on, as well as false prophets, and all manner of witchcraft. Poor child. I think of Solomon when I think of Sasha, oddly enough.
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