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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. I think about dreams and dreaming all the time and I always pray that what I dream is never just of myself and deceiving myself. I think about it all the time. I pray about it all the time. Along with everything else, that is. Here are some examples of dreaming that is not prophetic in nature, and some that are clearly prophetic.

    1. Isaiah 29:8
      as when a hungry man dreams that he is eating, but he awakens, and his hunger remains; as when a thirsty man dreams that he is drinking, but he awakens faint, with his thirst unquenched. So will it be with the hordes of all the nations that fight against Mount Zion.
      Isaiah 29:7-9 (in Context) Isaiah 29 (Whole Chapter)
    2. Jeremiah 23:27
      They think the dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my name, just as their fathers forgot my name through Baal worship.
      Jeremiah 23:26-28 (in Context) Jeremiah 23 (Whole Chapter)
    3. Jeremiah 23:32
      Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the LORD. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the LORD.
      Jeremiah 23:31-33 (in Context) Jeremiah 23 (Whole Chapter)
    4. Jeremiah 27:9
      So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your interpreters of dreams, your mediums or your sorcerers who tell you, 'You will not serve the king of Babylon.'
      Jeremiah 27:8-10 (in Context) Jeremiah 27 (Whole Chapter)
    5. Jeremiah 29:8
      Yes, this is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have.
      Jeremiah 29:7-9 (in Context) Jeremiah 29 (Whole Chapter)
    6. Daniel 1:17
      To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.
      Daniel 1:16-18 (in Context) Daniel 1 (Whole Chapter)
    7. Daniel 2:1
      [ Nebuchadnezzar's Dream ] In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep.
      Daniel 2:1-3 (in Context) Daniel 2 (Whole Chapter)
    8. Daniel 5:12
      This man Daniel, whom the king called Belteshazzar, was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means."
      Daniel 5:11-13 (in Context) Daniel 5 (Whole Chapter)
    9. Joel 2:28
      [ The Day of the LORD ] "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
      Joel 2:27-29 (in Context) Joel 2 (Whole Chapter)
    10. Zechariah 10:2
      The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd.
      Zechariah 10:1-3 (in Context) Zechariah 10 (Whole Chapter)

  2. kissesandhugs. No, He's never disappointed me. Somehow, I always felt that even though God was driving, I could not just relax and enjoy the ride, view the scenery, make commentary about the trip--NOOOOO...I have to always be the backseat driver. I know all the shortcuts, I know this I know that-I don't know ANYTHING!!!So, thank you for your prayers. I want to be able to relax and enjoy whatever comes, however He sends it. Even when I was in college, I always had one or two jobs, and when I graduated, I upped it to three jobs. I am retentive and I don't like that about me. I want to be free.

  3. Also, are you a worrier or somewhat of a perfectionist--as in things have to be "just right" (ie: all or nothing approach)? please pray on what I've said
    oooh, Desi, I could just reach out and pinch you. How did you know? The thing is I am a strick type a personality with all the stuff that goes with it. Always gotta be perfect. Last couple of years, in fact, since I have been saved and discipled, nothing has stayed in order-that is all the way from my finances to my health, to my friends! Not having things in order was a constant cause for angst. I now find myself just waiting to enjoy my days in 24 hour spasms. lol

  4. i think---i think--that the bible belt is being readied for an influx of people who will need a strong prepared christian people to do what jesus did for the hungry, the lonely, the homeless. i heard that someone once sai that one world government to stop society from falling into anarchy, but I say where there are christians, there is order because God is peace and order. I feel that not only is the earth being shaken once more. hebrew 1225See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? 26At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."[e] 27The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
    28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29for our "God is a consuming fire."[f

    i think he is preparing the soil for planting and transplanting.

  5. He is truly the one I love. When I have times of silence, I feel like I am going to die before Him makes His presence known again. Even though I know that he is always there. PS, I forgot to say that my friend when she finally got back in the truck, she told me that before I got in the truck that morning, she had already seen that angel sitting in my seat, but decided not to say anything to me. She thought that I was going to be scared , or disbelieving.

  6. amen, I agree, connie, the staff is only used for sheep, and that is how God refers to us. apparently you do now have the authority to take care of the sheep and give them provision, as well as correct them when needed. Just the fact that you have the staff indicates to me full time ministry. I have never heard of anyone working in shifts with a herd of sheep. LOL.
    the ring, covenant. The staff in the right hand, authorized power given by God. Heat of the staff--our God is a consuming fire. purity. The felt is a really important element here, Dove, as felt is usually made from all wool fiber. It makes me think of sound doctrine. Felt is made by moisture, heat and friction, being used on the fiber to make them cleave to each other. what a process. Now, imitation felt can be made, with other types of fiber, but it will not have the quality of pure wool. Its imitation and that reminds me of false doctrine. The church needs more teachers like you that will give that sacrifice of time and effort to produce sound doctrine.
    thank you Lord, for Dove.

  7. According to I tim ch 2, let it be done. Yes, we pray over our appointed leaders always, because we understand that it is God that raises up and deposes kings, that we must pray that we may have leaders who make wisdom decisions and not knowledge only, so that we may have peace in our time, and we do this always without doubting and wrath. AMen.

  8. that's what I thought-that you must be truly strong to wait and trust and know after going through once. I hope you're are feeling tops now, Saint! Everybody has their sick days and their false prophet removing days! flower Praying for ya!

  9. I went to church one day after having spent the night with my friends. I got in the truck that morning, and my friend looked at me strangely. I was like, "what?!" Then we got into this conversation about angels as we passed the Potter's House. We were talking about how great Bishop was. When we got to church, I was really tired, and kept nodding off. We did the first service, sat there the second service, it was so gooood! but at the mid-point of the second service I asked for the keys and went to lay down in the front seat. I reclined the seat back and immediately fell into a trance.

    The vision was me making a loop to my mother who was standing behind me like a tall giant. I was feeling secure in her shadow. I saw the man that God told me would be my spouse do a loop also like a figure eight in a bus, and when he did, the next thing I knew I was staring at a couch with a little baby on it. His covers were baby blue, and he had on white. I could smell his milky freshness. I picked him up, and the man that was driving the bus came in the front door with his service jacket on. He gathered me to him with one arm and took the baby in the other. I put my face in his shoulder. I tried to break out of the trance, but it was like someone was holding me and calming me, so I slid back into the vision, and it continued.

    Then I was looking at the vision and I was smelling this deeply aromatic fragrance. This person was standing in front of me and the smell was coming from him. He ha on these robes of colorful burnt orange and other color, sorry, I cannot just describe him, but I know that my head came to his waist, and when I hugged him, it was like hugging a giant secoyia. I was smiling and crying, and when I snapped out of the trance, I was still smiling and crying and smelling that fragance, and I was unbelievably joyful and happy because of the vision. I still am. I had that vision all of eight years ago, and I still have joy. Has anyone ever had a vision like that. praying praiseGod

  10. I dreamed this one while I was living in downtown Dallas. I used to love walking up and down the different streets. There is so much to do and so many souls to minister to...if you live in Dallas, treat yourself to street evangelism. The people are friendly and receptive to the Word.

    Anyway, I was walking in my dream during the daytime, and all of a sudden as I got ready to cross over the central expressway by way of lemmon avenue, a giant wave of blackness came from the north and swept over dallas, then I heard something in my spirit say not to drink the water. then I saw a map, but it was a map of ground water. It was water that could make you sick and change your body. when i woke up, i started planning my move from the downtown area. that was 2004 and I started drinking bottled water.

    Then in 2005, I dreamed that I was walking near the west end at the TRE, and all of a sudden it blew up. There were people with Dallas Stars shirts on, like they were going to a hockey game. There were mothers and children, business people, and a couple who had gotten married that were on that train. I saw a baby buggy knocked to the side, and body parts everywhere. I have never seen that in real life. I prayed over that dream and cried for days, I was so upset.


    I dreamed that I was on a date with LL Cool J. We played softball and I was on third base. I was worried about getting hit with the ball, and I thought that I was not fast enough to get anybody out. But I had a great time. There was one play that got someone out as I stepped on the base, and threw it to first so that the batter up was out too. I could see the nets that protected the folk that came to watch the game. Then we went to the beach and we had this little girl with us. I was all shy and in awe...I could see some folk playing volleyball, and we walked past them to a line of trees where we had a quiet picnic.

    I never dream of stars or anything like that. I think this is my third famous person dream this year in as many months. ps, I am not a star - struck personality. Quite the opposite. :kitty: com' ere LL!

  12. Hey all, I have been having multiple dreams again. I almost feel corny posting this
    I dreamed that it was night time, and someone was looking in my window with this night goggles. They were metallic gold in color. Remember the circular steel fans with the multiwired guards that met together in the center like bicycle spokes? That is how the eye parts looked. Anyway, the next couple of hours, I met this woman (this is all in the dream) who had the glasses. She had honey blond frizzily curle hair, and looked kinda sloppy and wacky. Her chest sagged a little. I think she was in her mid- to late forties. She had on this white t-shirt, and she was laughing at me. She said that her Mother gave her the power to use the glasses and try to do things to me. I got tired of her mocking me, and hit her in the side of the face. She kept laughing, kind of snarling, eyes glassy and crazy, and I thought that I would like to get rid of her and her mother. She had this chain with a crystal around her neck to. I pushed again her head real hard, and it crumbled in like thick pop tarts. I folded it up like you do a cardboard box, and then I got in my car to find the lady who sent her. It was still dark outside, and I was circling my house. IRL, I don't want to take any battle out of God's hands. Forget that. The enemy is going to have to fight God, cause, I am going to sit back and let God handle any opposition. Please give me your thoughts. They are precious to me.

  13. There you go again with those confirmations! I was meditating on that passage Wednesday, and what I was thinking of was how God sent this prophet who worked with me to give me a folded piece of paper with the scriptures Habbakkuk 2:2-4 and it was like dejavu, because at that particular season, I had been meditating on that scriptural reference as the spirit spoke it to me. That was also on a wednesday about 7 years ago. I cannot help but feel several emotions on this, so it took time to reply, because the same thing just happened with you. Just last night, I dreamed of my prophet, and we were staring at each other and smiling, like we had a private joke, and (this is weird) we were breathing each other's air. The air was clear and clean, zero contaminants.

  14. wow, you and peter never cease to amaze me with your gifts, Love. Reason I said that was because I was telling my kids the story of David, and brought the lineage of one of his friends and one of his enemies to hamon and mordecai, and what mordecai said to esther. "Don't be scurred. Dont' be scurred (scared)". We were talking about decisions that we all make on a personal level have the ability to either build up the name of the Lord and result in nations praising Him or defame God's name because of our actions and watch the fallout as it goes from family to city to nation to country-also how God can redeem a bad decision and glorify Himself in the mess.
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