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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Nina, is it that there are people that don't believe that you are hearing from God? They think you are troubled in the head? Not people who are not saved? These people go to church with you, maybe? They feel that you are not the image of what your husband is supposed to have, maybe, as a minister's wife-not refined? Maybe they think you are wild and need to be restrained and refined into what they think you should be? They don't want you to teach proper doctrine to your child about the word of God, and trying to teach her something different that you know is not good for her and will take away the glory that God has for her?

  2. mbstudent Yesterday at 1:50 pm

    Numbers 10:5
    When a trumpet blast is sounded, the tribes camping on the east are to set out.
    Numbers 10:4-6
    To gather the assembly, blow the trumpets, but not with the same signal.
    The wicked man earns deceptive wages,
    but he who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.
    When he sees chariots
    with teams of horses,
    riders on donkeys
    or riders on camels,
    let him be alert,
    fully alert."
    Isaiah 21:7

    hmmm...i think you r right mbstudent. this does describe it to me.

  3. Wow. You two have a strong opinion about this particular subject. On this website, it is assumed that we are all on the side of God. Tina is relating what she thinks the dream means, so just pray about every piece of input you receive from each person, Vile. We are commanded to test the spirits that come with the person to see whether or not they be from God. Likewise, we are to know those that labor among us. We are to look for the fruit that should come with the tree. I hear what Tina is saying. I think that we all have been in the place where we ask ourselves the question, "Lord, am I really saved?" Well, Tina is saying the same thing in a roundabout way. Salvation involves confession and repentance. Please see more about that, in MIA's welcome message and at www.miasherwood.com. The teaching is very clear. Vile had a concern about the portion of the message that dealt with what a visiting pastor spoke of in her church, and that is what Tina was addressing. Vile, only God knows the heart, and He searchs what is in the heart with His spirit. Whatever is in the heart is illuminated by He who is Light. We are born with an evil heart, but through God's salvation, we are given a clean heart. There is a choice to keep it and our mind clean and washed with the word of God, and what we choose to bring in spiritually. And everything has a spiritual relationship that relates to everything that is natural-what the five senses detect. Vile, if there is something that you feel that God wants you to stop doing, you know, something that would shorten your life, of course God would want you to stop it. However, you do have a choice to either choose life or death. God will always still love you; it's just that forgiveness of sin (involving the heart, will, and emotions) and consequences (reaction) of sin (action) are two different streets. Whatever Vile does not feel is applicable, Vile can always opt to skip over, or comment on.

  4. Don't be afraid, Love. Have no fear. I know it is tough, not only does it look tough, but it is tough. I want to tell you a story. A real one:) I was working at this job, and there was real witchcraft going on there. You know, these people had spirits in them that wanted to crucify the Jesus in me. So they were always plotting and planning evil...God would always show me their plans. Many of them would say that they believed in God, but I did not believe their confession because they had no branches, no leaves, no FRUIT!!!They were very evil...Seriously, it was like being in a pit filled with snakes. All the Christians were desperately looking for another job. I would pray on my way in and on my way out. This branch of the job had access to a lot of funds to do with it what they wished. They decided they were going to use it to do the whistle blower treatment on a lot of us. We reported them to our legal department, and things quited down. OK. After that people's cars started getting damage, and all kinds of things began to occur. we knew it wasn't a coincidence. This was a bank, mind you. God showed me that the enemy can only come at you one way. Even if it looks like it is from several different sources. So, as time passed, I had this vision of my co-worker being fired. I told another friend about it, and my supervisor was told as well. The vision came true. The supervisor's eyes got huge. They were afraid from that point on. They knew that God was revealing things. What they don't know is that the biggest pit that has ever been dug will be receiving them shortly. I know that God uses things as an occasion to move against evil doings. He did it long ago, and He still does it today. It may be that you are one of those prophets that God sends before He "wipes out the city", literally, before He judges certain people in position to change what they do and how they do it.

  5. Thank you Lord. Thank you Father for new life in our lives because of the precepts that you have set before us. Thank you for Messias who is the fulfillment of the law. Thank you for bringing your will in heaven down to earth today. In Jesus name. Amen.

  6. Don't lose sleep over this job! Psalm 127:1-5 says it all!

    1 Unless the LORD builds the house,
    its builders labor in vain.
    Unless the LORD watches over the city,
    the watchmen stand guard in vain.
    2 In vain you rise early
    and stay up late,
    toiling for food to eat—
    for he grants sleep to [a] those he loves.
    3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
    children a reward from him.
    4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are sons born in one's youth.
    5 Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them.
    They will not be put to shame
    when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

    God gives good and lasting things to us, even while we sleep. Picture the Father who buys a music box for His daughter's amusement, and lays it beside her while she sleeps. Imagine her surprise and delight as she awakes to this unique and wonderful gift. It is a mystery on how her Father got it for her, and when He came, but it happened and she can trust in Him to always do these things for her, without her effort.

  7. That is wisdom, usemelord. Yeah, sweetdream, the vision is always for an appointed time. When God shows us potential disaster, it can be moved with prayer, and just do all you can to prevent, such as continuing to be Praying, first and only defense, and displaying the fruit of the spirit towards your child and wisdom in dealing with any rebellious attitudes that the enemy tries to root into her spirit.

  8. Amen, Jodi, Desiree, Love, UseMeLord, that was right on time, and absolutely sound doctrine. I wish more people visited this site and had the opportunity to read this wisdom. It would stop a lot of self-inflicted heartache. I am sure a lot of people have rejected a potential mate because of a doctrine from man, and not of God's heart for them. Thank God that you have a heart to follow the Lord where He leads you, Tina. No one can go wrong when following God. Might not always feel good, but it will be the straight path that leads to everlasting righteousness and pleasures for ever more.

  9. I started to say no, but how would I know? I haven't seen or heard from anyone in months. I will continue to pray and seek God's face on this. I have never had a dream that made me feel like I was part of the person, yet had my own identity. EVER. The thought is scary. It wasn't in the dream. But I am bewildered. It has never happened in all my life.

  10. I think that those builders are in reference to spiritual strongholds that are weapons to be used against you. You know---first the foundation of anything has to be laid, stronghold or God's spiritual foundation. That older gentleman that presented that lust spirit to you, it looks like that spirit is trying to find a home with you, to buffet you and be trouble. Spirits are old, not eternal. I call it old evil. Ain't nothing new under the sun. Keep filling yourself up with the word, and speaking it out. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. Speak the truth. It has set you free and the truth will keep you free. Just know that when temptation comes your way in any form, it is trying to see if there is a connection in your heart, rather, if you can be tempted with the evil, because it is already established. make your confession. God has already created in you a clean heart, and renewed a right spirit within you. So, be careful what you see, what you hear, because the eyes and the ears are the gateway to the heart. And the heart is the well spring of life.

  11. Yes, If this is about being yoked with this man, and God showed you that ya'll are going to be together, than you should be prepared to wait and ask God how you should be preparing. Once you know that, just follow through. After all, God sees the end from the beginning. When He promises something, it is based upon what He knows will be coming in between the time He promised and the end results.

  12. Amen, and Lord you said to cast our bread upon the waters, and after many days it shall return. I thank you because Love has an open heart and has fed the waters with her gift of song, time, energy, and other talents. I PRAY that the right opportunities are highlighted in bold for her to see and be able to grasp. I thank you because you said to sow effort into several different endeavors because we don't know which one would prosper, but I pray that you are able to make them, everything she sows into, all prosper. Open a door that no man can shut. I ask for certain signs that only would be between you and she, so that the enemy will not be able to deceive her with false light opportunities. In Jesus' mighty name I ask all of this for her, Cholette and this whole group of dreamers as well.

  13. Good question-I know several saxophone players, both personally, and by way of music that I am fond of. But never had the anatomy of the saxophone broken down to me. I already know it was not an idle dream, because you cannot idly dream about what you don't know about, right? The knowledge has to come from somewhere or already be in there. bandaid

  14. thanks for the imput true. I will consider the information, but this really seemed more like something else. I am bothered quite a bit by this, as I do play piano, and am not likely to pick up and learn the saxophone. I forgot to say that in the dream I was not myself either. I could see my fingernails and hands, and I know they were a man's hands, with well-kept fingernails. Also, I had on a blue jean jacket. IRL, I dont' wear and don't like blue jean jackets. I would never purchase one. I was so caught up in the dream, I forgot that little detail. Also, I remember worrying about getting another haircut. My appearance was very important to me in this dream. I am very uncomfortable about this dream, because it was like I was two people in this dream. I was having independent thoughts about the whole scenario that was not the same as who I was in the dream. It is so hard to explain. I am really befuddled, and I ain't hardly evah befuddled. Two people in one body, but like I was an observer as usual, but not usually so close in observation?!... :crazy:It was like I was under the chin, in the heart, in the head. However it was, I was there.
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