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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Well, I have to say, it took all day to remember all of this dream, and it was because of a word association. The memory of it was so strong that I keep thinking that it was a waking vision. It happened right before I woke up, and it felt so real.

    I was at this place, like maybe a school auditorium. There was a saxophone hanging on the side of the wall. It did not have the tip of the saxophone attached. I asked a lady who was passing by how much the sax was. I was hoping that they did not want alot, because it was tarnished, and I did not have a reed to play with it. I did not even know what to call the mouthpiece. The lady had to tell me in the dream. IRL, I would not have known what to call it. It is an insert to play the saxophone? Anyway, the lady was kind of short, and dark and african american. There was another lady who was tall and dark and african american. They had hair down to their jawline. They had on white button-down shirts, like office shirts, and dark skirts. The short lady took down the sax and gave it to me, and I was thinking how it might be easier to play than a piano. I fingered the keys, and it didn't really make a great sound, but it blew, and the lady went to check on the price for me, also to see if there was a reed. IRL, I would not put my lips on a sax that was not mine, and I have never held or played one. I walked to one of the windows, and it was dusty and old looking. There was a grassy lot with gravel side road by it. I thought to myself, when I leave here, I will go that way to the main street. Then somehow I was in a car backing up and turning to the left to get on the main highway, and my sister was in the car. I looked back like I expected some one to pursue me. There was nobody there. I felt that I could really relax and not worry about pursuit anymore. end of dream...

    What do you think, and what is the Lord telling you? I will not shut any doors that the Lord may be using to talk to me. I need badly to hear from Him.

  2. that's right true flight. It is comforting to know that god loves us so much that He talks to us in absolutes. "True, I am closing this door...or...I am opening this door, cut back. conserve, fast, take it light" But you don't have to worry, no matter what the situation looks like, we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. Especially in this time, and every generation has had to go through this process.

  3. LOL, when you said this dream, it reminded me of Frito Lay, the potato chip factory, and their warehouses in dallas. I will be waiting for your manifestation. I had this dream about making potato chips the other morning. I cut them with this slicer, a mandoline? and then put them in a fryer, and I was moving them around so that they did not stick? Anyway, that is something I have never done in real life. Interesting. Did you used to work in this type of environment, and did the environment close in your area?

  4. Dreamer247, THAT dream reminds me of the time that Jesus was baptised by John, and was immediately led by the Spirit into the wilderness where he was fasting 40 days and nights, and when he was done, he was hungry and satan was tempting him to do things that were good ideas, but not God ideas. Remember satan was trying to use the word against Jesus, but it was not line upon line, it was taken out of context, but Jesus kept returning the word back to its contextual meanings, and satan was defeated, and left for a season? That is what the mouth bites seem like to me, a word interchange in which you have the victory, because the word is sharp, powerful the only weapon we need to defeat the enemy of our souls.

  5. Ya'll, remember that discussion thread that we had about the meaning and significance of numbers? Well, I did not want to run down a bunch of numbers and ask for an interp, because that would have felt facetious to me at the time. But I'm bahhyack. Ok, seriously, I have been dreaming about numbers. 627, 623, 838.60, and my favorite and most shown, 111 11 1111 1101 1011, over and over. AND the number 111 and 1111 is just everywhere I seem to go as well. I am bothered by this simply because I haven't grasped the significance of it. This started last september.


    HisLightbeam on Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:45 am

    Hi all,

    Any input that you have would be welcome. I had a dream that my friend moved from his house to an apartment. IRL, he has not lived in an apartment in 16 years. It made me concerned about my financial situation. He has a good job, and a great 401k, gov't. He is a very private person, and I think prideful. I don't like to admit that because...because. So, the apartments that he moved to were 3 stories high. He had on a yellow button-down short-sleeved shirt with a collar that had a button on each side of the collar wing. He had on light brown slacks. I guess brown khakis. He lost his key and got locked out. He was embarassed. The management was not in the office, and had left either for lunch or for the evening, so he was definitely going to be looked out for a while. It was hot out there too. That part ended, but I was still dreaming. I was suddenly with my friendgirl and she was slimmer than what I remembered, she had on all black, and her dredlocks were really long, longer than I remembered since I saw her last. We were in downtown Dallas, watching people try out for a talent show, or perform for television or something. We went back to this place which was supposed to be her new spot. She would not look at me directly-I could only see her profile. We did not hug and she stood off from me. She was arrogant. She had bought this truck to replace her car, which IRL had broken down. She told me to take her friend to the store. They let me know they were dating. I was confused and disturbed, because she had always said that she wanted to be married, have kids...but never dated yet. Now, her friend was really nice, actually trying too hard, she was pretty, did not need makeup, had shoulder length natural black hair and an african printed shirt and a black skirt, and some black mules. We got in the truck and I started to drive. I looked down at the fuel gauge, and it was almost empty. The girl kept prattling on like I made her nervous, or she was trying to win me over to the situation, but I was more concerned with the fuel. It got on empty then, and I was like, cannot she see how we are endangered by this lack of fuel? Besides, her talking to me was making me uneasy. She was saying things I did not want to hear. I had no money, and I wondered if she had any besides what she would spend at the store. IRL, I would have difficulty discussing the information with either friend. Conflict resolution is not something that I enjoy. And having to get into a conversation with them and then defending my position on why I say it would not be something I want to do right now.

  7. i THOUGHT I had this figured out tongue stuck , Desiree and Sparta. I duhhhhn't. But I was hoping you ladies and gents will take another swipe at this. You can laugh now, Desiree. 🦇 s

    Complete chaos...what did this mean?

    HisLightbeam on Wed May 06, 2009 1:25 pm

    I dreamed that there were two guys and one girl-they were all black, and seemed to be living in poverty. They led a rebellion in school. They burst into a classroom, where there were students in their desks, and everyone was surprised. There were four cakes all different, one round with white icing and strawberries, one round with white icing and blue trimming, and a flat sheet cake with white icing and yellow cake, and a flat sheet with white icing and brown cake. One of the guys flipped a cake over onto the other, and then someone shot this kid in the face. An officer came in and was participating with the guy. He said, "you get what you pay for". I was horrified. Then someone shot a posterboard likeness of a man, blew it away. One young man was smiling nervously at first, like "is this a joke?", but when his classmate was shot, the smile froze. I was not in the dream. It was like I was observing it. Then the guys and girl ran out into the football field. I could see the bleachers all around. There were people on the field kneeling on their knees, and they had some kind of dark green olive uniforms on, with the ball caps to match. I could not see their faces. Only that they had their arms raised to the shoulder, with the elbows bent, and their hands covered their faces. They were packed together, so you could not even see the ground. The boys and the girl were running on top of them and then started to climb up the bleachers to get away. I wondered how they were going to get over the top and on the ground, but then they jumped and ran away home. They went back to their house, which was kind of like a shotgun home, and very small. They had two bunk beds, decorated with fall colors. The two guys seemed to be brothers, and were competing for this girl's attention for some reason. The girl looked ragged, but manipulative. Then I woke up. IRL, I have never met these people before.

  8. A couple of things came to mind...the olive's native branch (israel), the wild branch (the gentiles), and that we all are branches connected to the True Vine, who is also the Living Water...whose Father is the Husbandman, the Waters that never fail. so beautiful a vision. Bless God, and Bless You.

  9. Yes God, we touch and agree. We know that you are a need meeter. Even more than that. Even more. Desiree got a word, and now that we know that you are testing her with the word until it comes to pass according to psalm 105:15 "Do not touch my anointed ones;
    do my prophets no harm."
    16 He called down famine on the land
    and destroyed all their supplies of food;
    17 and he sent a man before them—
    Joseph, sold as a slave.
    18 They bruised his feet with shackles,
    his neck was put in irons,
    19 till what he foretold came to pass,
    till the word of the LORD proved him true.

  10. lol, SO funny. i luv it. Zurishaddai means my God the Rock. There in the book of Numbers chapter 10, ten of the twelve leaders had names that meant my God the Rock. Ain't that too cool. That cannot be a coinkydink.

  11. Salt is used throughout the Bible as a symbol of loyalty and friendship, of hospitality and faithfulness. It also has antiseptic and cleansing properties.

    Salt is a necessary ingredient in our food - it makes it more palatable. It's easier to get through a big plate of food that is seasoned and has some flavor than one that's bland.

    Maybe this is a person who wants to see your evidence of being Christ's salt; I have seen older Christians get animosity for younger or baby christians because God is using them differently. They doubt the validity of the spirit, and they want to hold onto the familiar things. It's like she was saying, ya'll have this restaurant and all this food-but is it tasty? do you have salt? that baby is the ministry, and it is a thriving one. There is a lot of information that I see. The woman with the baby, is she someone who you are learning to train your spiritual gifts, maybe that has gifts alike, and she is well-balanced, like the proverbs 31 woman?
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