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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Oh, God. I know that you are all seeing and all knowing. I know that you can give Angel what he needs. Whether it be an eye transplant, the ability to forgive, the ability to sleep peaceful at night, and to trust in you--whatever he needs, I ask that you give it through Jesus. I don't know if he knows Jesus in a cognitive sense, but I know that you love children, and that heaven is a place that we cannot attain to without having a child's level of faith and trust and innocence of sin. So, Father, touch, heal, renew. Give and grow him. Lord, I pray that next time we see him, people will be giving you the glory, because he will be called a miracle child, being excellent in spirit, and telling how You used what happened for His good. Oh, God, this just broke my heart today...

  2. Amen, we are totally in agreement on this, ashekt. Take, for instance, the witch of Endor who talked to familiar spirits. We know that Saul was out of God's will and went to her to talk to Samuel. God is over the Quick (living) and the dead. I would like to suggest to you, that this is a familiar spirit that you are dealing with, and it can only get stronger through encouragement. IN THE MEANWHILE, Hebrews 12:1-2 says that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses that have gone on before us (that means that they are not with us and not visible to us. where have they gone? To the Father in heaven, for we are seated with Him in heavenly places). They are cheering us on to the finish. Therefore run with patience this race, setting aside everything that so easily comes on us to distract us off of our course. Do you see? If you think that this spirit is your mother, then when it tells you something, you will cling to it whether good or bad, whether or not it lines up with the word of God. And this does not line up. You may even be tempted to disregard our strong warnings that only come from love. We do not want the enemy to gain an advantage over you.

  3. LOLA, God is definitely trying to tell us something. I think that a delivery (deliverance) is around the corner. No, I don't know what to think, God is definitely a more complicated thinker than me. lol. I wonder if He has said it (what He means) clearly, but needs to say it again to my simple little mind.

  4. Desiree, read my post as soon as...my dream was similar, and I don't know what it means. I laughingly told my mother that I feel pregnant, nauseous, with back pains, feeling like I am going to give birth, and now I have had a dream about a baby, but it was not me who was carrying the baby. I wish I could draw a picture of my dream. God is definitely trying to tell us something!!!

  5. Hi, pwilso512, I was reading your dream. When I have dreams about black snakes, it is always in reference to the enemy trying to destroy me. When I dream of green snakes, it is always in reference to the attempted destruction of the birthing of works that the Lord is doing through me or others. I am wondering if by buying the snake and the rats, this is a nomer for inviting the enemy into your life in an intimate area of your life. This high school friend, does he remind you or have the qualities of someone that is currently in your life? I know one thing, if the black snake indicates a spirit or spirits that have come into your life, spirits come into a clean house and if it is empty (without the spirit) they bring more spirits that are worse then they are. They are strongmen, binding up the captives in the house...This is how they work. They have to be cast out in Jesus name, and the void is filled with the word. Just for consideration of what I said. Pray about it.

  6. Why are some of us dreaming about babies and umbilical cords???! This came to mind immediately:

    Ezekiel 16:4-6

    4 On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. 5 No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out into the open field, for on the day you were born you were despised.
    6 " 'Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "Live!"

    Just some of my thoughts that are passing through my head. When I thought of the cord, I thought of the baby, then the salt for cleansing, covenant, provision, and seasoning, for showing friendship, and loyalty.

  7. That LOrd God of ours totally rocks (Zurishaddai), you are welcome dreamster. keep fighting the good fight of faith. we are enduring hardness as good soldiers. I feel like God is being good to us, letting us endure tough times a little at a time so that we can endure even more with faith for deliverance. Like peter, paul, all the folks in the new testament. They went from faith to faith, glory to glory. Each situation was worse, but they were delivered out of them all, and God used them for His glory.

  8. All of ya'll are covering bases, and the thing about it is that I have to answer yes to everything! I just never thought of it in this way. In fact, I could not have broken this down. I think I am in a season where God is forcing me to be corporately prophetic. I did not realize this either until just now. It is like He will not let me just know some things. In fact, my dreams are becoming puzzles that I have to wait for you guys or other resource to help me with. oh man. I have to pray about your answers. btw, I am gonna get you LOLA. LOL, the second bathroom. OMG, everything you are saying is true...from the first sentence to the last...if anything else pops up, please feel free to post, and nobody hold back anything that you feel is of the Lord.

  9. Well, my niece is the one who has the baby in her abdomen. IRL, she already has an infant, but I felt like this was the same baby, but I don't think I understand why it would take seven more days for him to come out, and why the umbilical cord is not the way it should really be. I know what all of that is supposed to look like. But useme, I am taking what you are saying into consideration. Ya'll keep it coming. God Bless.

  10. Cover the dreamy one with favor, Lord, I know that there are doors that you have waiting to be accessed, and Lord, we know that you are able. Confound the enemy, and give the dreamster your faith, your God-Life, abundantly, above all that he asks or thinks, according to the power that works in him. He has fallen on his knees to ask you, I am lifting my hands right now, coming boldly to your throne to ask you to open heaven and pour out a blessing that he cannot contain. I am praising you for your goodness in his time of favor, and for all the saints that are in contact with this website, for miraculous provision, for the ability to be of an excellent spirit in all we do because we represent you no matter where we go or what we do. Give us victory, provision, wisdom, light. For your glory, Lord. We call on your promises and ask that you remember them and us. In Jesus name I pray, and agree. Amen.

  11. I have prayed for something as simple as a 5.00 meal, and received it. Just had an idle thought, and it was answered. Other prayers, such as my aunt getting off of life support when the doctors said that she would not make it without the life support, that was a 48 turnaround. Other things, I have had to wait for and am still waiting on. It makes me more patient, and able to appreciate Him and the works of His hands more deeply. Some things, I will receive in the future. Mostly when I pray, I get to asking Him what I should pray for, and he points me to first peter and other passages. I feel small and inadequate when I realize I was about to pray out of motives instead of motivation, but I still have desires that I ask for just for me. I have become an intercessor. I used to have to be forced to intercede. But now, intercession moves my mind off of my own situations, and I need that relief of not thinking "When is it going to happen?" So, each time a prayer is answered, I am not too tired to enjoy it, or I don't say "glad that came, God when are you going to take care of XYZ?" >LOL.

  12. Love, it is hard for us to watch your pain, but I want to tell you that you cannot faint!
    We know that satan is trying to wear the saints down with all kinds of evil. he cannot overcome you, beca
    I ben doing what I need to do and yet I still get trouble.
    use Jesus has already overcome the world. God hears you. You may be saying to yourself "why is this happening to me? it isn't happening to my friends, why am I losing stuff?" Love, God is still going to rescue you. Don't believe the lies. Hold fast to your confession of faith. Hold fast, I say. I want you to know that you cannot get tired. Your delivery is at hand. We by faith know this. God has never failed us yet. Be angry, but don't sin. You can wait on Him. You have the victory. you can laugh in the enemy's face, because he has already lost this battle. you have been given the victory through christ. continue to humble yourself under the mighty hand of god.

  13. That's right! Amen, LOLA, and amen LOVE...I do believe that God is using this for your good, especially, He wants us to trust Him, and not be stressed out. When God knows that there are things you cannot handle, He will either move those things or move us, but only for our good. It will all work out. Remember the times that He has rescued you before. He has never failed you. He may not have done what you wanted Him to do, but He knows what He needs to do for you in order that He never fails you. And that means that He has to say no to our will so that He thinking can be good to us on a whole nutha level.

  14. Good morning, Saints! I was waiting to get to the computer so that I could post this one. I dreamed that I was at my sister's house, only, it is not the one she lives in IRL, nor have I ever seen it IRL. The stairs were all made of brick masonry on the outside portico. The roof had dark dark navy blue shingles on it. The house itself had a creamy colored paint on the outside of it. I could see ivy trailing up the walls, not a lot, just a little. My niece was pregnant in the dream. I could see the baby, because he was not inside her, but outside of her. His head was upside down, and he was in the delivery position. I could see his hair and his smooth skin. A rush of tenderness overwhelmed me, and I wanted to touch him, but I was afraid of infecting him. She told me, that he could come out within a week's time. I thought that the boy was ready to come out right then. Also, she picked him up and detached him from his umbilical cord, which was not attached at his stomach. It was in his mouth, and she said, "It ain't nothing put a piece of meat...I mean, he could come out sooner, but it is supposed to be in a week." The cord was triangular at the end, and did look like a piece of cooked beef. I saw my sister cleaning out her tub and the water was light blue in color, like what you would expect the color of windex diluted to a lighter color. I wanted to use the restroom, but the commode was dirty. There was a dark navy colored rug under the commode, and it was soaked with urine. The rim of the commode had urine on it, and all around the base of the commode, there was urine. The floor was wooden, but I could see the yellowness of the urine. I was very angry at that time, because I was urgent in my bladder, and I could not get around the urine to use the restroom. crying I did not want it touching me or my clothes. I got a bottle of cleaning solution which had a little bleach and began spraying down the commode. I noticed that I was staining the carpet underneath and the commode cover on the lip of the commode. Then I looked to the right of the commode and there were two washers and two dryers. One set was old and one was new. I thought about putting the rugs in the washer, but I did not know which one was working, and I thought that the rugs might lose material in the process of washing. I thought about putting the rugs in the bathtub. But I was cringing inside thinking that I would have to touch the rugs to wash them by hand. I wasn't thinking that I could just do it with a stick or something. So after that, that is when my sister and my niece came in the bathroom and showed me the baby that was about to be delivered. I cannot break this down. I am asking God to show me the interpretation and if He has shown you, please tell me. At the very least, I would really be grateful for your thoughts on this dream. PS, I never did get to use the restroom in the dream. :uhoh:

  15. Thanks, dreamy one (dreamster). PS, Kimie, I forgot to update and say that you want to make sure that God is moving you to take your case to the next level. God always knows what was best for us. It may be that God is inciting your Director to move you to the new shift. There could be something that would not allow you to make it to work in a timely fashion. Remember, school's almost out, and that begets traffic pattern changes, more activity on the highways...etc. God can give you a revelation on why this is happening, and I am standing in agreement with you that he will. Nothing will ever happen to you, as a Saint, that God will not use for your good, becfause you love Him and are called according to His purpose. Now, I am not saying that the change will be pleasant, but it could be that what the Director means for evil will be good for you in the end. Also, does this mean that you will be seeing less of the Director??? God knows just what you are able to withstand.

  16. I think that she is in trouble. We always had a little trouble at my prior job. She has been looking for a new one for about five years, but the pay is good. But we both know that the monetary system is going to one system. I think some things that she knows is forcing her to choose her identity, and not just play church. I would never compromise my identity, so I knew I was going down. LOL, but then again, I feel like, I have no choice. I cannot straddle the fence. I want to be on the winning team at all times, as far as it is possible.

  17. I don't have a tattoo, but don't tattooists use needles and ink to leave a tattoo on people? Not saying that they all go to the beach and just attack people with tattoos. lol, but it makes me think that the man was trying to get access to you and put his mark on you.
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