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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Vile wrote:
    Pheh... I've given up on waiting. If God wants to yolk me, he'll do it... right now I can't afford to worry about much. No use searching for a diamond when you end up wanting to cut it yourself. God will drop him off when I'm ready, but right now I'm just sick of it.

    Thanks, LOLA21st, my ace. I am laughing about what Vile wrote. She always cracks me up. I need just a cd of her performance. rofl

  2. Hiya....there is some beautiful input going on here. I wanted to add that in 2000, I was going to marry the love of my life. I had never been loved so well before. He was saved, but God wanted me to know that he didn't love God, and therefore, couldn't love me the way I was supposed to be loved. God let me know that if I was to marry him, our roles would be reversed. Instead of he being to me what Jesus Christ was to the church, I would be to him what Jesus Christ was to the church. He had hidden motives, and I kept dreaming about him wearing a mask. A prophetess Green told me in great detail things that I was in denial about. Had I married him, sure, God would have honoured it, but I would have suffered greatly in the process. Our heart wants what our heart wants. That's because the heart is wicked and no one knows the heart but God. So, I would ask God to show me the man's heart for God and the things of God. Ask God to send you the one for you. I don't have anything against dating, but the majority of the time, dating will not show you that person's labor. We are to know those who labor among us. Concurrently, we should try to be equally yoked. I have yet to have to search out people's motives after that time, because God reveals the good, the bad, the ugly, and orders my steps. All that without me having to fault find or be uncertain or mistake evil for good. If you wait on God to have your Boaz find you, you just simply cannot go wrong, no matter how long it seems you are waiting. In the meanwhile, it is good for you to immerse yourself in the pursuit and works of the Lord, when you are single. It is the greatest thing a young person could ever do in their lives before they are married. It gives us the opportunity to be added to in every area of our lives, and establishes the priorities of the kingdom in our lives. Then, when it is time to marry, we will be able to be whole and wholly committed to the marriage, but at the same time, we know that God is our fulfiller and sustainer, and source for all things. Therefore, we will not look to our mate to do these things, but rather, we will only look to them to fulfill the roles that God has ordained for us to fulfill. To be helpmeets to each other. To work in the ministry that God has given us. To have godly children. To be an example of Christ and his bride. We are not yet perfect and I am not trying to deceptively say that we will be perfect when it is time to marry. But I can say that this is the expectation for all marriages and not the exception. Sorry this was so long...But I am also sorry for your loss. I pray that God continues to heal your heart and emotions, and that you remember the good times. That you continue to laugh and celebrate. But wait on God to yoke you.

  3. Father, I stand touching in agreement with the salvation of butterfly's family to be reconciled to through Christ. Soften their hearts, open eyes, and cause their ears to hear so that they may see you and hear you, turn and be saved. Cause them to consider their ways, and then to consider yours. Remove every idol, cause them to fall, so that they may only call on the one true God to save them. Cause them to know your power through signs and wonders, to know your love through the love and actions of others in Christ towards them. Give them signs for the unbeliever that they may believe. Today, Lord, let this be the day of salvation.

  4. Amen, amen, and remember chica, the heel has already crushed the head of the serpent. He wants you to think that he can overcome you, but Jesus has already overcome the world, and that lawless spirit. When you are in covenant with Jesus, the enemy is only able to do what God allows. Does this mean that God will allow things that are bad to happen to us? Yes, especially when we are out of order. We are to endure chastening as befits the sons and daughters of God. Our human fathers chastened us at their pleasure, but God does it out of necessity. And also, we are part of the Lord's host. He is our army captain. So we have to learn to endure hardness as a good soldier. We cannot develop that hardness on our own. So God uses situations to do that. But satan never has control over you unless you relinquish it to him. However, if you have according to Romans 10:9-10, repented and turned to God through Christ Jesus, making confession with your mouth and believing unto salvation, then you cannot give yourself over to satan anyway. No one can in any wise tear you out of the
    Father's hand. You could be rebellious in such a way as to be handed over to satan to be taught a lesson, but again, that also is in God's control. satan is fronting on you, trying to scare you and make you think that you are so far away from God that you are in his territory, and that is simply not true. Besides, sounds like you have already begun the Godly sorrow that leads to repentance.

  5. Well, Peter, I was loath to mention it, but after the second dream, my uncle called me later that day and asked to record me. My voice range is second soprano to tenor, and his wife had heard me singing a song in Spanish Glorifica Tu Nombre. So, he came back and asked me to let him record and possibility push out a cd. I want to make sure it is God's will. So, the first night, I dreamed, the second night, I dreamed. The third day, Uncle called me to ask to record in the studio.

  6. Cholette wrote:
    You definately got some things off of your chest LTW and thats a good thing. I will say this though...you dont' have to pray that God will release him at the right time because that's what He's already going to do. That's the beautiful thing about God...he's willing for us to go through a time of discomfort so we can have an "expected end". All I want to say to you (besides the fact that I am praying for you) it to be at peace. The things you have gone through, going through and will go through could be preparing you for him. God knows your future mate's heart and what he's asking God for in a woman and God cares about His desires just as much as he cares about your desires.

    Hold on daughter of God...you won't miss your man...He will come knocking on your door when you least expect it!! :cute: happy dance

    Well and beautifully said, Cholette.

  7. Elegant Angel, did you know that there is a Louisiana African American heritage trail that goes to 26 sites throughout louisiana? I want to encourage you to in the natural for a couple of moments research heritage blvd in lake charles, la. I found a few references. Specifically, I was intrigued to see that this heritage trail has to be traveled by car...

  8. LOL< OMG, I am laughing so hard! The car is distinct in color, make and model. But you are probably right! OMG. Praise the Lord. I had a dream earlier about a wedding-bridal shower at this hotel about an hour from here. When I looked up the place IRL, there was every element that was in the dream.>>>I will probably just faint right about now. I usually dream like a slide show? One brief dream that connects to the other. Or long double features that come true almost immediately!

  9. hmmm. this is a dream that i had back in 1998.

    The dream that I had was very involved. I dreamed this back in 1998, so bear with me. It is old and long, but I remember it like it happened just now. I was in a long white night gown that covered me from the top of my neck to the tips of my hands and toes. My hair was long and down my back (IRL, my hair gets that long). I was walking with this girl that kept trying to get me to sin and fall into line with immorality that was all about us. We went down the avenue of the town centre, and there was a fish stand. She tried to get me to steal a fish sandwich from the owner of the stand. (In real life, I found out later that this man is a minister of the gospel). Then we went back to my home, and she tried to get me to jump up and down to destroy this antique shell trunk (IRL, I found this truck less than a year after the dream, and bought it from a minister). I would not do it. Then I saw her lay down on the floor. She was on the right side. By her accent, I knew she was clearly American and then there was a fair-skinned Russian lady, an Ishmaelite in the middle, an African lady, and an Asian lady. The Ishmaelite suddenly had a baby from her right thigh. She was in excruciating pain. I started screaming, I was so frightened. The child came out full grown with a soldier's uniform. It was Saddam Hussein. He had a look of pure rage and hatred in his eyes that did not reach his facial features. There was a war that broke out suddenly, and blood began to flooooow. It was all over the sand. I could smell smoke, and chemicals. I could see all types of soldiers in different uniforms, with weapons and war machinery that I had never seen before. The war kept going, and going into different war stages and angles and places and skirmishes. Then it got worse. I started screaming for Jesus to help me, and the women caught each other's hands and mine, and they were turned 180 degrees from me. They were laughing, saying, Jesus can't save you. It was like they knew Jesus was real, but they were denying His power. I fell on my knees, and I remember the feel of the sand kicked up by scorching wind biting into my face. It was so hot, it was hard to breathe. Then the sky crackled, and rolled back. The light that came from the sky was so bright that I could not look up. Then I woke up. The voice I heard told me to write the stuff down. I hate people to think I am crazy, so I only really told my granny.

  10. I had two dreams of similar persuasion.

    Saints, help a girl out.

    The first dream was of me singing Blessed Assurance on stage. After I was done with my song, an actor who played Jean Luc Picard on Star Trek came up to me and told me how much he admired my singing.

    The second dream was of me singing as well, on stage in front of famous people.

  11. This dream that I had is a couple of months old, but it comes back to me every other day. I dreamed of my old friend/supervisor. I was sitting in her back seat, and it was dark, no lights on, but she is driving, and suddenly she turns around. Like she can see me, but she doesn't. She had her hair pinned back, and a black jacket, she had on earrings. She was not smiling. She looked startled. It was a quick vision, and I woke up. The vision ended. The next couple of weeks, she called me, but did not leave a message. Can anyone just kinda help me along, here? I have been waiting to know what God may say to me, and I think maybe He will tell one of you who are my fellows in the prophetic.

  12. Wow, me too virtuous. I stand in agreement with you ladies. Praise God for His hedge of protection against the evil one and his demon angels. May peace surround you, Love. I pray the Father's will be done on earth for you today and every day.
    Psalm 121

    A song of ascents.

    1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
    where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the LORD,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
    4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
    5 The LORD watches over you—
    the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
    6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
    8 the LORD will watch over your COMING AND GOING
    both now and forevermore.

  13. Amen!!!!!!! Also, Love, document every conversation now. Date time and what was discussed. Keep a journal, because if you have to go over her head, real time examples will help you cite your case to the next level authority as to why you were forced to do so. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. This is a spiritual battle, and God has already given you the victory. It is not the throne, but the wicked spirit behind the throne, and God will give you the victory over both.
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