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Everything posted by princessdelia

  1. as always big Sis, ur word is timely! i was dealing with an attack of the enemy thru a family member and reminding myself to stay grounded in the Lord's promises. what r these new age tactics? i ask because i have been wondering about some of the stuff i have been reading recently
  2. Keep believing Dreamster and TF, our Father loves us soooooo much!
  3. YES FAMILY!!! The Lord is sooooo good I am still giving Him praise!
  4. What an amazing God we serve Hind's feet. I am blessed beyond measure! If i should go on about my story (which i am writing by the way- thats why i am taking the writing class) u would see the Lord's hand every step!
  5. I was sitting in my writing class, focused on improving my writing skills. I had a rough day, starting with losing my part time work due to my employer's difficulties and selfishness. And having a used car salesman rip me off of $200 of my hard earned money ( i am still unemployed.) I am in the process of buying a used car to aid my plan of relocation to begin to work on my dreams coming true-- my destiny for my future. My friend whom i met thru another friend online (both friends i have never ever met but where there for me thru all of the pain of my separation, child custody battle, relocating to New York and going thru life with the new changes) sent me a lot of money which i am choosing not to disclose (yes it was a lot of money!!!) i looked at the email that told me that i had received that much money with disbelief. She stated that she was sending it because God told her I needed it to get started in moving forward to my dream that He had shown me about my destiny for my life. Talk about confirmation. Just last week i was sharing with u my brethen about whether my dreams were real or not and beginning to have doubts and pain about them. Isn't God great?!!! I am still in disbelief brothers and sisters!!! Believe me when I tell you its a lot of money, more than I could have imagined a person just giving to another person as a gift!!! Please join me in ur prayers to praise our Lord God!!! He reigns He reigns He reigns!!!
  6. TF sorry if this is off...was that a typo or a slick one(hinn-- profit???) i am chuckling over here over and over.
  7. Thank u big Sis. Thank u big D. I appreciate ur encouragement and will pray as such. Much love.
  8. I needed to read that big sis--- see what I posted on the praying place. by the way...u r on fb!! Lets hook up on there!!!!
  9. I've been experiencing doubt and anxiety about whether the dreams i had last year were real or not. Was I in so much pain that I imagined all of those visions? I had a Christian friend tell me that they were of satanic origin because it was induced by what i learned wrongly from the churches i was a part of. I told him about the visions and dreams about the place God has for me and who I was shown to be in my dreams even as I was going thru my pain and he is very scornful of all of it. I am quite confused because i have had dreams come to pass quite literally and have been giving so many visions and dreams that have yet come to pass. I am at a standstill. I prayed to the Lord to tell me whether those visions and dreams were of Him and I have had weirder dreams since then.
  10. I back up what the sisters' have stated above. Just hold unto God dear sis, He is all you have got and its more than you need. He is ever faithful!!!
  11. Find another church Christa. You are hurting ur spiritual walk by staying there. Its pretty evident that your goal isn't ur feeling but to do God's bidding and to grow spiritually. Ask God to lead you to another place. Love u sis.
  12. I am feeling so overwhelmed and worn out. Like I was run over by a truck and beaten up. I tried to cry but couldn't. I am all cried out and worn down. When the abuse comes from those closest to u, it really hurts and makes u feel defeated. My mom is extremely abusive to me. She constantly robs my spirit of any joy, she starts my morning badly everyday and ends it terribly. I struggle to hold onto hope and joy but she drains whatever I fight to hold onto. I feel very oppressed by her, i don't know how to break free. she tries to control everything in my life and i can't get away because i have no money. i have been unemployed for almost a year and i have a child, so i can't just move out. i just want to know if i have a future and hope in my life--- i feel that the enemy has been doing a major number in my life thru the oppressiveness of my mother- especially at this point in my life. last year it was so bad as u can see thru my threads that i felt soo hopeless and worthless--- i considered suicide. this year i am holding unto the Lord- His promises to me. Now the enemy has me doubting those promises-- the visions and dreams the Lord gave me. Wondering if they are going to come to pass.
  13. ms tani don't take this money from this person and beware of ur emotions with this person. it definitely could be a rebound relationship and a device of the enemy to keep u distracted from focusing on the Lord. just spend more time with God ok
  14. Sister Christa, thank God for my testimony!!! My Pastor already said I have a book in me that needs to come out. So I shall start working on it soon! And its time to celebrate. I did celebrate by singing and treating beloved Sisters to lunch. My sisters in Christ thank u for praising God for me.
  15. Praising the Lord with all my soul!! Praising the Lord!!! Praising the Lord!!! My blessed brethen! All of you over the past year that have become so dear to me, lifting me up in prayers, lifting me up with encouragement and love. I bless you all. I thank God for each of you. I pray the Priestly blessing from Numbers upon each of you-- The Lord bless you, The Lord keep you (u know the prayer family!!) The Lord gave me FULL CUSTODY of my son today!!! The way the Lord did it is simply marvellous and miraculous. Best of all, my ex agreed to all of my terms and the Lord wiped away all of my tears and sorrow-- He put a new song in my mouth. We serve a living God. The One who promised in Exodus 14:14 to fight our battle so that we can hold our peace. I am here to testify of the goodness of God!
  16. oh I do sis Christa, i was led to write every word I typed to u believe me. God has a plan 4 u at that church.
  17. give us an update justblueskies, how are things at home now?
  18. Christa u were led to that church to be the catalyst, the spark that the Lord needs to ignite. Trust me I know what I am talking about, keep at what u are doing with all of your heart, your zeal and life. I still get updates from my youth group that the Lord led me to 3 years ago, can u imagine that 3-4 years later the impact that the Lord led me to would still be felt and I instead would be the one being blessed by those precious young ones???? So keep at it. Keep listening to God's leading. Send me pms and i'll send u ideas of what i did with my youth group. I have a passion in my heart for that group because its at that age I came to Christ myself and my life was never the same after that.
  19. God has a plan for them, keep praying sis Christa ok
  20. i loved reading this. it reminded me again about how much our heavenly father cares about all of the little things about us.
  21. thank u my sisters. i really appreciate ur support and love. believe me in this time i appreciate the love that our Father is providing thru you.
  22. thank u big sis!!! still awaiting investigation by both postal service and the original writer of the checks. i'm handing it over to God everytime i get a headache about it and get frustrated. not easy!!!
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