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Everything posted by princessdelia

  1. Yes He did! U should have seen the little boy! Playing and jumping all over the place. Ate so much food, went from vomitting non stop to a fantastic appetitie delivered by our Lord. So ladies, I am in love with our Lord! He gave me this wonderful child of promise and cares for him sooo much!
  2. My darling son was sick on Monday last week, I was sick within me cos of reports of swine flu and flu this season to young ones like him. My son is a precious gift from God to me! My sister& i prayed over him as he laid there sick. 3 hours later he rose up from his illness healed and delivered back! I didnt do or say anything special, i just went knocking @ our Father's door! Begging 4 mercy and healing! He heard us! I love You Lord
  3. People keep the praises of Jehovah coming! The kingdom of darkness cant stand to hear it
  4. Wow girl! Our God is an awesome God!!
  5. oh D!! I am soooo grateful to God! I remember how we both encouraged ourselves in the Lord and look at how faithful He is. We need to stand together as a body as we have been doing on this site, there is power in agreement as one body for Christ!! Keep praising Him my brothers and sisters, what a mighty God we serve!!!
  6. Praise You Lord!! Oh brothers and sisters, we serve a mighty God!!!
  7. Wow Cholette! Wow! I know u r on ur way to ur ministry to do the Lord's work.
  8. Praise the Lord He alone is worthy of our praises!!! HALLELUYAH!!!
  9. I agree with kelly. I've had so much pain happen to me this year. Betrayed by the man i thot was my husband he tried to put me thru hell this year but the Lord keeps building me up. If i should begin to tell u what I've been thru u'd cry and cry but I'm telling u i worship my God because He is so wonderful. He does all things well and loves us so much. My sister I've had sleepless nites, long crying bouts but yet i praise Him. He promised to never leave us and His word is sure. Everything fails except Him i tell u from my experience. Wonderful God! Hold unto Him,talk to Him.
  10. Praise u Lord! Prayed hard4 u D! God be praised! He answers the prayers of His ppl. His word is true& sure. Halleluyah!
  11. Amen. Thank you Lord that I abide under the shadow of Your wings. Thank You for protecting my son and me. Thank You Lord.
  12. My son& I need prayers of protection and favor. Our custody court case is in November. For the past 2 nites had dreams where huge snakes were chasing after or trying to attack@ me. In one dream had the victory, in the other it was all unclear. Please pray 4 us.
  13. I've hard a weird dream like this too
  14. Please think of ur son& don't consider going back unless u want ur son to become a monster. Pray& commit ur ur son to God and annoit him for divine protection. Focus on ur son now and pray 4 the dad's soul. The man is controlled by an evil spirit and u cant be around that. He will harm u both if given the chance. I am blunt cos I'm in a similar situation so i know what u r going thru
  15. Thank u everyone! I'm going to spend time meditating upon the word shared by brother mbstudent. I still believe in God's faithfulness- humans r fickle! But God never changes- The name of the Lord is my strong tower- i run to Him& I'm safe inspite of pain, betrayals, condemnation. Because my God lives i can face tomorrow
  16. Choosing to encourage myself in the Lord and fight for my life!!! The Lord is King and He reigns. I choose to believe in His Holy Word. Even though I can't see, I still believe!!!!
  17. I'm so despondent and filled with despair. I went to court about my son, and didn't get what I sought. I prayed and chose to rejoice this morning. Now, with more stuff not working out I just feel so overwhelmed. Its as if I am all alone and abandoned. One after the other stuff just keeps happening. Father, I need hope from You to keep pressing on. I need Your strength. All I hear all around me, is how stupid I am, no support, just on and on reminders of how dumb I am. I am so close to just losing it. I am tired of my life, Father I want to rejoice too. I want to have joy and a reason to celebrate! I am sick of my life being filled with pain and pain. Just when something good starts, something happens. I am sooooo sick of living like this. Please give me a new beginning Lord, a fresh start. Please have mercy on me Lord!! You say You value Your word over Your name, Your word says You are close to the broken hearted Lord Lord please be close to me, show me You are close to me. I don't know how to hang on anymore Lord.
  18. All muslims aren't evil, to be honest, in the midst of my adversity, I have found more so called Christians-believers who are just plain WICKED!!! Cold hearted, back-stabbing, mean spirited, and they purport to be followers of Christ. These are the people who are supposed to be fishers of men for Christ but love themselves so much!!
  19. God is great! I desire to love& worship Him only. I don't have the all consuming lovey feeling or irrationality. My focus is God, after falling in love with Jesus, only His will is my desire.
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