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Everything posted by christi85

  1. I'm with you sister, I love light hearted comedy movies and kid stuff. No drama or violence for me! I've not consistently watched 'regular' tv in like 10years. for awhile I watched the science channel and discovery channel, but then the 'reality tv' craze took them over too. Last time I had cable TV I watched HGTV and the travel channel all the time, LOVE IT :-) When Samantha Brown retires, I would like to step in! the reason I didn't watch other stuff was for the the same reasons you guys are talking about, I didn't know it at the time, but it was just like I've always had this really sensitive spirit. I don't like violence or drama. My friends were watching saw once and I watched it with them. It really bothered me. Not the movie per se, but the fact that a human being could even think that way to write the script and furthermore that it would have so much success. I have a weird way of thinking about things -lol- What we hear we eventually believe, yes. So we must be mindful of what and how much we listen. Just my thoughts. ...word. I mean we don't have to take it to the extreme, but you know how you can just kinda sense what grieves His spirit and what doesn't? I think it's just yielding to that unction.
  2. what is PS? Thanks lady! Photoshop :-) Seriously, I think reading your post just turned my mind right-side up today. Headed in the right direction. Yay JC 4 Joy, even when it don't make sense :-P
  3. Right back at 'cha sistah! Praise God! Bless you for reminding me of this fundamental truth. It's like you hear message (erhm Lecture) after message of people saying to do this but their not doing it -lol- so it doesn't really inspire a spirit of Joy in you ya know? It's so great to see it practiced. That's genuine. Thats Glory. Woot woot!! That reminds me!!! I made this in PS last week and forgot to post it over here. God Bless yah Girl!
  4. PTL!!! I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but it brings him Glory so I will. All my life I've been a pretty tough cookie to crack and a pretty happy person. Always hopeful, optimistic even though most the time I didn't have anything to be happy about. It was just a grace gifting from God that he put in my personality I suppose because He knew I'd have a bunch of choices in life where I would have to choose to be either bitter or better... anyways... this past year has been a major exception to the rule. I finally cracked. Everything was ripped from me without warning. (other than a dream, which at the time I didn't know how to interperate, Praise God for Mia). I don't like to go into detail about things... but uh yeah... it was awful... Right after the major blow happened I was in my room and for the first time in my life I thought, God, just kill me. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm sorry to feel that way... I know I shouldn't but I just don't. I can't take anymore disappointment, I can't take anymore heartache, I can't take anymore betrayal. I forgive and forgive and forgive, I give and give and give, I hope and hope and hope, I love and love and love, I give grace and grace and grace, I speak life and life and life... all by your strength of course, but God, your the only one who Loves me like I love others... I can't do this alone anymore. I don't have enough to give, I've been completely depleted of everything you've given me even though I was following you. I just don't know how it's possible for someone to live like this. Something's got to change. Lord I'm just not strong enough for this, I know I have to be and I want to be, I need to be but I'm not. I'm not built to live like this. You've got to rescue me or take me home because I just can't do this anymore. I went to church that evening and they were doing a special "prayer and praise" service. The pastor came up to speak as he usually does before taking the offering and he said, "I've never done this before, but I just feel like there's a spirit of heaviness in this place." Then he went on to describe what he heard in his spirit and then had us come down to the altar where he prayed for us and anointed us with oil. It really encouraged me because it let me know that he heard me. That he knew... and that was enough to give me a little spark of hope to hang on to. He's so amazing. I mean he talks all the time, but when your sad to that extent it's hard to hear him. I was greatly encouraged for Him reaching out to me like that. It was like He was bringing me into a new level of learning to trust in Him to take care of me. Like, even if I wasn't handling everything well, even then, He is still there... always.
  5. It's hard to transmit a sense of humor over the internet... but Praise God he did it perfectly through you Sista :-) -lol- a picture and voice popped in my mind of a person saying, "jjjjjjjjjjjoooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyy!" I read it, and I was like, "yeah, mmm hmm, I receive that impartation, PTL, Glorytah God.." I kept reading, watching all those little smileys hop and jump around, saw your excitement in each post & just started giggling, it put a smile on my face. Praise the Lord! I love yall! I am in full agreement for the prayers for Carrie. Linda, you might find it interesting, I just posted right before this a prayer of Joy for joyce meyer because it is Good medicine and strength to the bones etc... :-) Praise God, I pray that for Carrie as well. Hallelujah! Amen :-)
  6. I come into agreement with these prayers as well. Thank you father for hearing our prayers, watching over them, performing them and sending your heavenly angels to aid this family as you do your wondrous works :-) In Jesus name I pray and give you praise in advance for everything that your doing!
  7. He has been trying to recover from drug addiction. It could be the Lord showing you all the spirits that try to keep people in bondage to drugs and alcohol, which essentially turn a person into a vessel for enemy work. Watch "not afraid." He has a cross around his neck, breaks out of a dark basement, see's himself in a mirror, examines himself, breaks the mirror, see's and bathes in light, leaps of the edge of a cliff... it appears that he is trying to take a leap of faith. That he is in a place were he needs the Lord to help him pick up the pieces and show him a new way of living that he's never known before. I come into agreement will all you guys prayers for his permanent deliverance. That the Lord strengthen him and keep him. That he will dwell in the secret place of the most high! That he will help him stay focused on his goal to be a good father to his children and provide him with the fellowship he needs to help him remain sober. That the Lord will take away all the emotional pain from his life and reveal to him the power of forgiveness. That the Lord would grant to him the peace that surpasses all understanding, that he may know rest... physically, spiritually and emotionally. That though his family rejected him as well as the world.. that he has a heavenly father who loves him, who wants to be the father to him that he never had. That wants to fill his heart, his family and his life with his abiding love. A snippet of some of the lyrics from "not afraid" "There's a game called circle and I don't know how I'm way too up to back down But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't This f*** black cloud still follow's me around But it's time to exercise these demons These motherf*** are doing jumping jacks now! I'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just let you know that, you're not alone Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road And I just can't keep living this way So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage I'm standing up, Imma face my demons I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground I've had enough, now I'm so fed up Time to put my life back together right now"
  8. you know it's interesting you mention that. I've had dreams about celebrities many times this year. I thought it was very strange because I don't watch TV and I have no idea what's going on with celebs at all. I don't pay attention to the tabloids ever either. The only way I know about anything is if someone mentions it to me. This summer I had a dream that ashton kutcher was cheating on someone. The very next day someone told me "oh looks like ashton kutcher is cheating on demi moore." I said wow... thats crazy I had a dream about that just last night. Lindsay Lohan has been in my dreams several times. Shortly thereafter something would happen with her and someone would tell me about it. In my dreams she was curious about seeking the Lord but didn't feel like she could trust anyone in the church. Abuse seemed to be an issue for her. I feel very badly for folks like her and paris hilton and brittney spears. I can imagine it must be very difficult to turn your life around and start over again when everyone labels you for your past. Anyone who's ever been talked about behind their back knows how much that hurts and how difficult it is to overcome such things. They are labeled as this one kind of person... but maybe they aren't anymore. Maybe their hearts have changed. Maybe they don't want to be that anymore... yet everyone discourages them and makes fun of them. So it's like not only do they have to "renew their minds" but they have to guard their minds CONSTANTLY from the barrage of their past haunting them. The Lord would never bring their sins up over and over. You know? Like how hard it is to fight the feeling of condemnation, even though you know your forgiven? I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them. I pray that the Lord would place amazing, Spirit led, beautiful people around them with gigantic hearts to be spiritual mothers and fathers to them, who will not betray their confidence. People who know about what they are going through and can show them the way to his safe refuge as they heal.
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