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Everything posted by lightning_po

  1. I'M AN INVESTIGATOR. DIAMONDS HAVE BEEN RETURNED. CASE SOLVED. "whodunnit?" "dunno, but I finally got enough diamonds to give to thelostdarkness" "thats some high-tech CSI stuff right there." "yup." as for the work involved in aquiring 72 diamonds, IDGAF, its shiny rocks on a video game that I'd probably end up wasting anyways. Also, I'm sure TheLostDarkness will feel indebted and work for me for free sometimes. MYSTERY SOLVED. EVERYONE GO HOME.
  2. If you happen to run across one of those "life" things everyone keeps telling me to get, send me a couple? I can pay you in diamonds on SMP.
  3. why do you have six stacks? Also, if anyone declares war on Spindle_Shanks, I'm backing him up with resources.
  4. Karatekid aka Alien_Killer for new name I promoted to artisan because of the epic (out of theme, therefore out of place) castle build with multiple underground chambers in Egypt. He has 40h, and this is strictly because he has proven he could use more cuboid, and I see promise in his builds. Also he has Pre-Wipe Hours.
  5. got this error placing a chest : [LWC] Internal error. Notify an admin immeadiately :PLAYER_INTERACT I have no idea what this is, just passing on the message
  6. Me neither. The full version just adds a health bar, a food bar, and experience bar, weapon making, armor smithing, realistic mining and cave system compared to like RUNESCAPE (ROON SCAPE), huge fields that can be mechanized for harvesting, Basic circuitry (can make clocks, elevators, timers), potion brewing, as well as a Friendly comptetive economy where you can PAY to have someone build a castle out of obsidian and have huge wars with people we all know and love from the server. On top of that, it's only a 1 time lifetime fee. It's not That big of a deal though, LOL
  7. What about mikewater? He's NEVER asked, and has 200+ kicks as artisan. I think he might make a good adept.
  8. I agree with Both, but moreso thelost. I'm gonna promo him to adept and we'll start his trial. His trial date to end 03/7/2012
  9. Po's army is OVER. Go join zhuge, he has all my money.
  10. I'm glad you chose the right side, Mike. we could use your potions. I have a bunch of spiders eye i wanna give you to make.
  11. Mostly from boredom, and because I feel this would be a fun thing to waste money on, I'm starting Po's Army. Basically, I'm going to pay people in armor/weapons/food to work for me and my wartime efforts. I hope to spend a majority of my cash and rampage and pillage lots of people. Gimme an application like this : Name: Position Applied for: Positions available : Recruit, Sergeant, General, Potion Maker, Miner, WoodCutter, Farmer (economy only can mine/chop trees/farm for cash) To get promoted, You must show awesomeness in bow/melee skills AND occasionally sell me some materials. I also am going to need the following items in bulk, paying server price (+%5 for non-military and recruits, +10% for sergeant, +20% for major) Iron Melons Diamonds Wood Current members of Po's Army Please post here for assurance that you are on my side, and so I can make a list of how much stuff I'm going to need. Current Workers/Soldiers TheLostDarkness: Miner , +5% pay Spindle_Shanks: Soldier, +10% pay for Sargent mikewater: Potion Man + soldier, +10%
  12. I have a 20-10 Rule. If we have under 20 novices/rookies and 10+, ban, but if over 20 novices and rookies combined, ban for ANY grief if only novice.
  13. Mike is poor, it makes it less fun to go to war with him.
  14. you deserve your raichu. of course you may help me! BUT ONLY ME! Maybe you can be my spy. Maybe you can be a DOUBLE AGENT THATS RIGHT, THERE IS NO WAR *COUGH COUGH* LET THE WAR CONTINUE! Essentially this war should consist of you being able to kill me for whatever i have on me and vice versa. Should always be armed and ready for a squabble. Minor Grief on bases allowed IMO. Minor is <15 easily replaceable blocks (cobblestone, stonebrick, dirt, glass, no lapiz blocks, glowstones, or multiple, hard to replace stuff.) Farms, economy based stuff/Minetracks OFF LIMITS Do you agree to the terms of war?
  15. I'm Joining Matti's side. I want to kill mike.
  16. oh yeah I forgot, btw I've been playing near the anntena galaxies. I took this picture out of my ship window. Oh, Also blew up a planet of aliens on acid this morning. Here's a picture of that!
  17. No spindle, shut up. Let me add my 2 cents for possible nicknames. Mr. Squiggles Auntie Pickle Bottom (read in russian accent) Bohlz Frozenov
  18. Last night, King74M came in, demanded rank and that I unban his friend, lowl12. After I refused he Got mad and said "FUCK THIS SERVER!" and the like. I am hereby permanently banning him, because I'm tired of his stupid shit. Due to his past history and already being on thin ice, he is no longer welcome on our server.
  19. I see that as fair. so, Staff discretion?
  20. Name : Turpis Date : Redundant, Date is right there ^^^ Rank : Mason - Artisan Reason : EPIC build in Egypt. Its the giant temple, check it out, its just awesome. I suppose he's also pretty mature and nice and doesn't seem like he'd abuse his powers.
  21. Name : Alexandros2000 Date : 02/07/2012 Rank : Artisan to Mason Reason : General buffonery, being a bit of a rank whore, arguing with mods, thinking he was already a mod when he was mason, GRIEF (I DONT CARE THAT IT WAS AN "ACCIDENT", 100 BLOCKS OF GRIEF IS GRIEF) More Info : Artisan is for our BEST TRUSTED BUILDERS, He can neither build nor is trusted (at least by me). Also can be a real pain in the ass.
  22. Sheppard250 - Trial ends 2/28/2012
  23. It's already filtering out the stupid people who cant read. Maybe if we could have /help modified to include /j novice? Do we even want the people who can't read? If they can't read , they won't listen anyways. EDIT : AFTER HALF AN HOUR OF TEST, I'VE COME TO THE FOLLOWING CONCLUSION : MOST PEOPLE ARE FUCKING MORONS. DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE, RIGHT? Anger Aside, May test this tomorrow when I have more time to watch it/have gm full co-operation.
  24. Fine, I've had this topic up forever. If anyone bitches about the new spawn thing, It was voted on by at least 5 expert+ and passed. Any GM objecting SHOULD have posted by now. I'm Implementing effective immediately, at least to Test it out.
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