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Aika 5

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Everything posted by Aika 5

  1. G-force ^.^ cute lil funny hamsters
  2. kasijab thanks for saying next 3 hours ^-^ I know it's under maintenance sorry for the misunderstanding but i'll gonna open PS tomorrow ^^ at our country it'll be sleepin' time good night
  3. kasijab I mean I accepted the f/r at facebook not at PS
  4. At our country...our time here, now: 8:56 PM
  5. Wow thankie so much! netty I accepted it ^.^ Too bad PS is at maintenance again T.T So PM me at PS if you're there ^-^ Sorry I'm not online a while ago, thank you for your patience I attend at our choir to practice ^-^ we practiced every 2 hours every 5PM to 7PM we're practicing Christmas songs ^o^ I'm excited
  6. Aika 5

    More Maintenance

    I hope there will be no more hacks...oh my!
  7. Yup! correct The next person loves to read books like me.
  8. It's 3:23PM in our country now good day and evening
  9. UPDATED: I have 1x Autumn Faerie Book Decor 2x Autumn Faerie Shoes do you have a spare of: Autumn Faerie Crown Autumn Faerie Dress Autumn Faerie Tree Shelf I need them anyone like to swap? please Thank You
  10. Is it ok to repeat posts? I have 1x Autumn Faerie Book Decor 2x Autumn Faerie Shoes I need Autumn Faerie Crown Autumn Faerie Dress Autumn Faerie Tree Shelf anyone like to swap? please reply thank you
  11. I have 1x Autumn Faerie Book Decor 2x Autumn Faerie Shoes I need Autumn Faerie Crown Autumn Faerie Dress Autumn Faerie Tree Shelf anyone like to swap?
  12. Aika 5

    close please

    Thanks for saying ^.^ until when will you sell your items?
  13. Aika 5

    close please

    - Can someone please send me a link : when Pet Society Started? I want my knowledge to be broader than before. - Can someone also please send me a link that contains a list from the oldest(beginning) items to the newest(till now) items in pet society...with a name and picture so I can decide if I will trade. Thank You so much!! :girl_witch:
  14. Aika 5

    close please

    may i ask what's the color of the witch hat? ^-^
  15. Cool I am waiting for them :pinkjello: Thanks for posting kasijab now I understand :pinkjello: I cannot wait to buy them...next monday yipee!
  16. Hi morethanwords can you please add me as a friend? at PS? I really want to buy your items... they're cheaper compared to others... do you really need to delete after trading?.... I need more time to save coins. Please reply Thank you.
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