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Posts posted by bunnyfuzzyness

  1. sometimes I get into a crazy mood and just go wild decorating and you will go into my rooms and they will be empty lol I will pull stuff out and start all over.
    Sometimes I just get stuck like right now.

    I am loving December,because Christmas is my favorite and I can kinda decorate one week at a time Smile I love to look at what others do,but try not to take their ideas.

    sent you a request and hope everyone feels free to add me ,as well SmileSmile

  2. I totally understand what you mean.I have to do some major clicking for my coins ,but end up giving tons away.I hate to see someone without much.
    I know what it is like to just be getting started.When some people start to expect gifts or ask for them it is kinda hurtful in a way.

    love to surprise and give to those that appreciate it Smile I don't have much sometimes,but love to give gifts !

  3. I am an ER/Trauma nurse and a few yrs back had an obese patient crush me and recovered from it just fine.Last yr had a freak accident from a psych patient.
    I am shocked that it has caused the damage it has.( some of the damage is old damage from the obese patient incident,this incident just set it in motion)I love and truly miss my patients and being THE patient is driving me bonkers Smile

    I have pictures of several of our pets on my facebook account,I would be happy to have any of you add me Smile

  4. two Labradors very sweet dogs,they were skin and bones when they were dumped.
    They are chubby pigs now.We wormed them etc.With my back injury,I have to walk with a cane because I don't have much feeling from my right knee down.The dogs love to wrestle and have caused me to fall several times.

    that is one of the reasons we haven't decided whether they can stay or go just yet,plus we have so many mouths to feed and just as soon as we find them a home,someone will dump more pups on our road.We used to rescue tons of animals,but this crazy injury has made it where I can barely walk or move most days.Not fair to the animals if I can't give them the attention they need Sad Keeping my head up and my hopes high that they will fix me next year congratulationscongratulations

  5. gold mystery boxes Smile

    there is a thread here on how to get the best use of the gmb
    I will let someone else who is over the threads lead you there.I would feel horrible if I were to get ya lost or something Smile

    GMB can be your friend

  6. I had tons until my friend's kiddos and my own conned me last night.
    Guess I will be doing a lot of clicking ,scrubbing and knocking my head on trees for coins.

    I told them to let me save them until Christmas items come out or they will regret it,but the rugrats loved last nights stuffed and the staircases.The main item they wanted were the calendars. They broke me!! I am sucker when it comes to kids.
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