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Everything posted by jennifer11

  1. Yep 4*5999 is fine. And for the clock bundle, um, 1 or 2 999s? I don't know I'll go send them now I got the bundles, and payment was sent =) Thanks so much hun! Can I also get the Charmed Candle Bundle? Do you want the same payment as for the Charmed Clock Bundle? Let me know. Sure thing! That's fine, I'll go send it now I've sent you payment... but you sent me the Clock Bundle instead of the Candle Bundle. It's no problem, I can keep it anyways. Unless you need it for another person. I can buy the Candle one from you for another 3 x 999 - if you still have one for sale. So did I send you two clock bundles? Sorry! Send one back and I'll send the candle bundle, sorry for the mix up
  2. I hate how even the clothes your pet is wearing don't download straight away, and sometimes they don't download properly! My Honey's outfits have been missing sleeves lately from that download for some reason!!
  3. Yeah, that's fine Can I get you to send them to my husband's account though? I'll send you a f/r from there
  4. Thanks you Pedja!!! You're awesome
  5. What's the going rate? Is it 2x5999 per playfish cash? So they were 7 pfc each, so 14x5999 each? That seems like too much...maybe 1x5999 per pfc? Pedja I really don't know...
  6. I love them too! I want the whole set as well
  7. Hey Pedja, I can send you one of each of the new bundles. I won't gift them if that's what you want, but I have no idea what to ask for them!!!
  8. Yep 4*5999 is fine. And for the clock bundle, um, 1 or 2 999s? I don't know I'll go send them now I got the bundles, and payment was sent =) Thanks so much hun! Can I also get the Charmed Candle Bundle? Do you want the same payment as for the Charmed Clock Bundle? Let me know. Sure thing! That's fine, I'll go send it now
  9. Yep 4*5999 is fine. And for the clock bundle, um, 1 or 2 999s? I don't know I'll go send them now
  10. Thanks to Tromo, chay and elfinshadow LOVE the baby things @yellownancy, sent you a gingerbread man, hope it's the one you want!
  11. For these bundles, I'd probably want 3 or 4*5999 each if that's okay? Great so 4x5999 per bundle so that makes 12x5999 i'll send them now ... thank you Jenni Just realised, don't think we're friends yet! So I'll send you a f/r
  12. I had it too, it caused layering issues as well, items on the shelf were in front of Honey when she walked past them and it was soooo annoying!!
  13. My wish list is: Any cute baby stuff (eg crib etc) And that's it
  14. Sent you dwarfs 2 and 6 Tromo And dwarfs 3 and 5
  15. Hi Tiddly, sending you the wampanoag boy wig!!
  16. Ok no worries How does 4*5999 for both sound? Is that alirght? If it's not, please tell me!!!
  17. Um, don't know. How do you prefer to trade, with 999s, gmbs or 5999s? All are okay with me
  18. Hi chay! Sorry Nayomy already asked for the pirate sorceress, but I can send you the white wizard for 999s or gmbs if you like. Here are photos of the clothes in the queen bundle (from the royal wedding week):
  19. Hey Yvette, I've only got one girl pirate outfit (the sorceress) and Nayomy has asked for it. If she changes her mind I'll send it to you
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