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Everything posted by Spooky

  1. Just logged in and here it is, 2000 in the weel means 3000 hahaha
  2. Spooky


    i didnt like germany's song at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. yes they are in the pet society official blog
  4. they re out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spooky may be tired but it was worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i always forget the name of the item lol
  6. oh ok got it is it me or playfish wants to get rid of all its ps players????????
  7. OMG: Can i ask one stupid offtopic question (it came to me after reading what tweet40 said) the limited bears were only for one day 10 000 or every day they were 10 000 to buy????? cause i thought when they had the sold out for a week it was for all the week not one day!!! confusedd
  8. i agree with you and it would be nice if they actually announce the time they are gonna start sell it
  9. come on you guys it's a page before didnt you see what we said?! ok im a bit cranky sorry its just that i must be studying now not worring aout some animated wings
  10. nope! as i already said before when i click to buy them it simply.. i think iits probably cause we have to wait till 00:00
  11. i get what you re saying tweet40 they re so mean
  12. oh but i think that since you can buy it once per day then who could ever gift it also to friend thats so unfair
  13. oh i ensure you it can be gifted hun i click buy and then it shows me the message i showed you before it 15 ccs and to ensure you even more ... oh and only 10 000 totally unfair
  14. i can see them but i cant buy them i guess we have to wait till its midnight in ps
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