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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Hi everyone! Leaving hugs.
  2. Oops, double post... I'm off the forum for a while too.
  3. Thanks, Gill, but I just had some pizza. See you later!
  4. Do we have to know the proper official names of the food items, or a general description will do?
  5. Nice to see you again, Yarden. I remember you from the other forum.
  6. PS still hasn't solved the gift bugs... My kid is not catching any galaxy stuff that I publish just for him, it says it's all gone...
  7. Hi Bee and Yarden! Yikes! I find that it's cool he can have a face again, but personally I'd neither want someone else's face or my face in someone else. Actually, I don't think I'd ever take organ transplants. The thought that someone has to die so I can live is not something I can accept.
  8. I love how Sparkle is yawning in that picture as in "I'm not even bovvered." Anyway, I corrected mine and added a few more. Thanks, Frannie.
  9. I'm checking the scavenger hunt and letting other contestants co-operate.
  10. Pedicure and manicure on the PC?
  11. No, it's a new flavour I'm trying but I'm not that fond of. "Fairly Nuts" from Ben & Jerry. Caramel and almonds. I tastes like sugar with more sugar.
  12. I'm good, having ice cream for breakfast. Not an example to follow.
  13. Oops, sorry, I forgot to log off! Good morning!
  14. Hi everyone! I don't expect anyone will be here at this time, but I can't sleep so I thought I'd drop a hug. I hope all are well. I'm going to read back a bit...
  15. Hi everyone! I hope you are all well. I overslept then I got a birthday party today (kid's friend.) Frannie, thank you so much for granting my mum's wish.
  16. I'm off too. Lots of cleaning to do... See you all later!
  17. I'm good, trying to tidy up...
  18. Wlecome back! I'm sorting some papers while I chat... Letters and other random stuff that piled up...
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