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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    cya bee and sophie guess ill go do something else lol
  2. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    cya Sharon and Dawn xxx
  3. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    Thank you BG that info you sent us yesterday was very helpful. He's on the road now going down to Essex for tonight then Eurotunnel tomorrow morning. It's pretty awful here too hun, there's been snow in Scotland and Ireland and we have rain, and high winds here in the Midlands...pretty yakky I hope my man is careful on the roads today Good to hear that Paige, apart form your headache I guess hun for you thanks Dawn
  4. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    from WA to QLD , we catch a 4 hour flight to Brisbane then a 1 hour flight to Gladstone oh.. quite far then.... that's difficult. will need new friends yep
  5. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    Oh no, not another : ( Poor Paige, come here for a Hi there Dawn! Am going to keep you up to date, as today is horrible weather! aww thanks fills bit better now but still fill pain in my head and blurriness in my eyes
  6. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    Hello Dawn , good thankyou
  7. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    thanks Bee we have already started packing , going through everything is hard
  8. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    from WA to QLD , we catch a 4 hour flight to Brisbane then a 1 hour flight to Gladstone
  9. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    thankyou got it and replied
  10. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    Hello Sophie good thanks have another headache again grr moving in 10 days
  11. Paige<3

    March Chat Part 7

    Hello sorry havent been in for a while
  12. awww how cute is that pixpix it loooooks awesome
  13. yay were still friends lol
  14. thankyou xx will try and send you eggs if i dont end up sending them today i have already sent you something today
  15. WOW!!!!!!! PPP that is amazing!!!!! so cute and creative , good luck , my best wishes and i hope you win xox
  16. anyone happen to know a where some one has posted the whole story on the internet??? i really feel like reading the story but im only getting the book in like 2 weeks grrr i cant wait that long lol!
  17. ooh scrap that sorry i just realized they have been removed im currently then looking for 5 nails , 1 wooden board and 5 horseshoes thankyou!
  18. hello esperia at the moment i need 2 more weatherboards and 2 more aged bricks thankyou
  19. good luck to the applicants
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