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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. the given letters are the ones that will show if the sentence has them. they will always be all the vowels and P S F C as consonants. if you dont see the A for example, it means that the complete puzzle puzzle doesnt have any A. the same for the rest of the letters. i hope this makes thing more clear. if not feel free to ask any further question
  2. friendly reminder, if you need help by a trader referee you can ask any of them to help you. they you could easyly find them by the green tag on their username. or simply ask any mod/admin to help you.
  3. oh okay, no i see.. thank you for explaining me and im going to put a strawberry cake up for Tiddly when she comes to visit
  4. looks like thanks to Yvette Happy pets is gaining more players
  5. i bought the sweet cake potion and i thought that i wears off in three days, but it seems to me like for ever. my pet Falcor is still a living cake pet. does anybody know if it wears off by it self or do i have to buy the take away effect potion-?
  6. i honestly thought that your hair look really dark, but no i get your point. it looks really blond to me always so gorguose as usual
  7. Falcor

    im back

    i understand, im taking care of my grandmother also. and as i always say. you take care of yours so she can recover well soon. dont worry about us, im pretty sure we'll al be happy to here that she is doing better. take your time and remeber we are here to support you. all my best wishes for you and your family
  8. Really wow, thank you very much, hun. i really appreciate it
  9. nothing to blame anyone about hun. i really appreciate it. please tell me how much you want for it or else i'll spank you
  10. yes ursula hun, i havent got it yet, do you have an extra one to spare? tell me how much you want for it
  11. look at the bright side of everything. as Yvette said, you could put blond streaks, i particularly love the way they look in women. and if its so that you have to buy new clothes, well have fun, shopping is always fun Sarah you are an amazing women, and that's coz of your wonderful attitude and sense of humor, so dont let a color bring you down. you are much much more than the color of your hair.
  12. Lazar i knew you were going to be this happy. the wig is pretty amazing, now your pet gaga pictures will be more completed
  13. wow, great to see all the good answers, the list has been updated to here.
  14. Falcor

    im back

    Nice to have you back Charlotte. im so sorry to here that there was a bus accident in your family. i hope everything turns out right,
  15. sent you the payment hun, 19 x3333 i received everything except for one french bear plushie may i buy 2 more sets of the new GM and the win or loose box please
  16. @Ursula that is so sweet of you @Charlotte and i thought that this one would be a little more difficult
  17. Ooh I like that idea now you've mentioned it! They've got that idea for Restaurant City so I don't see why they couldn't do it for Pet Society for us! : ) yeah that would be great. lets cross our fingers so they'll listen to us
  18. Falcor

    Falcor Reloaded

    that certainly made my day. i will never thank you enough for helping me get the last weeks specials thanks Charlotte, im very happy to be here again as usual, i really missed you all
  19. im the one to think that the secrete rooms are neat, but yeah, its an awfull high prize for them. i would also like some new normal level rooms, coz whats the poin of earning paw points if you already reached 47? our pets should be able to live in a building not just a big house
  20. Falcor

    Falcor Reloaded

    Yvette, its just coz im trying to remain positive and with a good attitude like Fash said. Kokonee thanks for checking on Falcor everyday, he is always pleased to receive his friends
  21. i hope im not to late to wish you a merry Happy Birthday!!!!!
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