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Everything posted by Nymph

  1. the pair with the wallpaper is Winter day floor. i don't know which floor was in the digging, sry. I'll hold on to it until you reply Well then nvm, I'll buy it hun. Payment sent payment received, wallpaper sent, thanks for the trade rep added! Adding rep for u too
  2. looooooooooove this theme!! hope the costume not cc
  3. Welcome baack Annick! and thank you so much for the wigs!
  4. ehem, ngobrol yuk. apaan kek. bahaha, kasian amat ya kita..
  5. Not really,, so false You're addicted to Robert Pattinson
  6. I ban CharlotteLouise because she ban Gaia
  7. If everyone know then what should Mayor do?
  8. Nymph

    Thank You Thread!!

    Thank you so much Kivie for the Wooden Flying Broom!
  9. I don't know the price for it. Maybe 2-3x3333?? 3x3333 will be nice sending u f/r and good luck for the LE item Payment sent! Thanks hun, will reload my ps. As soon I get in, I'll send the cane
  10. the pair with the wallpaper is Winter day floor. i don't know which floor was in the digging, sry. I'll hold on to it until you reply Well then nvm, I'll buy it hun. Payment sent
  11. I don't know the price for it. Maybe 2-3x3333?? 3x3333 will be nice sending u f/r and good luck for the LE item
  12. I only have 16.347 Nearly broke in this Halloween theme
  13. Thank u so much for the gift hun, adding rep for u too
  14. Ok then, will sending u 3x3333 for 1x Saloon Door 1x Paris View Window 2x Rosy Bracelet 1x Pink Maid Dress 1x Pink Witch Dress 1x Pink Witch Crown edit: payment sent
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